1980-30 Award Bid to Oronzo D'Attoma' H RESOLUTION N0. 30-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILi.AGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF ORON7A D'ATIlx1P. FOR MASONRY WORK IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF TW0 HANDBALL COURTS AT OSBORNE PARK IN THE AI~BJUNT OF $1,190.00, FROM ' ACCOUNT N0. 71-581-63.71 (OSBORNE PARK - HADIDBALL COURTS). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAAGE OOUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FIARIDA: Section 1. The bid of Oronzo D'Attoma, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 71-581-63.71 (Osborne Park - Handball Courts). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTID THIS 12TH DAY OF JUNE, 1980. ATTEST: ~~ ~~~ GE /' ~~ QUOTATION FORM CONSTRUCTION OF ONE HANDBALL COURT OSBORNE PARK VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ITEM N0. 1 ITEM All form work, Placing of steel and concrete and finishing labor only no bond Per Technical Spec's QUANTITY +_132 L..F of 12x36 Footer 12x30 " ±2$00 Sq of Slab Cols-Bms 0' to 10' Cols-Bms 10' to 20' Total AMOUNT Lump Sum $ 2 laying up of masonry units. n Labor only no bond. ±1050 Units 0 to I 10 I} Lump Sum Per Technical Specs. ±1050 Units 10'to 20'/~ Q Lump Sum 3 a 3 Applying Cement Plaster ~ Labor only No Bond Per Technical Specs. +$40 Sq. Yards lump Sum s~~'a a o,o~ S I GNED:(~~j_~F,~~i1,,,,~ CONTRACTOR NOTE: Quantities shown are approximate only, contractors are responsible for quantity take off when submitting their bid. ~4) ~' -~nL TO THE VILLAGE OF NDRTH PALt4 BEACII, FLORIDA (Con'td.) ItE h'J1R'<S/EXCEPTIONS: ufi'iccrs of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS FIRM: Q Corporation O Partners ip ~Indiv SIGNED BY: TITLE: 'siTNESSES: ?~'ZEiS ~7-