1980-27 Adopting an Investment Policy RESOLUTION N0, 27-80 A RESOLUTION OF T}{F. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIN] BEAC}I, FhORIDA, ADOPTING AN INVESTMENT POLICY FOR THE VILLAGE, BF. IT RF.SOLVfiD BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM BEACH, ' FLORIDA: Section 1, The Investment Policy attached to this Resolution as Exhibit No, 1 is hereby adopted and shall apply to the investment oi' funds controlled by the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 2, This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PAS51iD AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF MAY, 1980, MAYOR ATTEST: ~ ~~ ~ ~~ VILLAGE CLERK 1 V1Idl1C1; (Il' NURT1[ IYIIM 131;nC1I rl,oxn)n 7NV1;STh11;N'1' 1'UI 1 CY P}71RllnRY _l2, :L9S0 ]: N UI :X ]:NVI:STMCN'1' POLICY i'nltnrltnPll __ Nl1r1131;k T1TI,li PAC1; N0. ] . U_I 1'~irp~rsc ]- 2 ~ U] 1'rem:i.se ] 2 . U ~ 7)'P e s ]. 'i . (II kesponsib:i.a.:ity 2 "i . 0 2 1'roc e dare s 2 3.03 Cligbi.].ity 2 3 . UIF Tic (hcotati yin 3 ~I . Ul I'o] i cy Rev:i ew 3 ~I.(12 7'yPc cif II,V~Sine,its 3 ~I.(13 (hiotat:i.on Procechires 3 Y stlrlrytltY ]TOa I~~ose: Generally, this policy describes a program for short-term and ]on};-term investments of V:i]].a~*,e )_luids not needed for current govcrtunenta] operat:i arts llstor.ica]]y, it has been the practice of t1u V].llage to :invest ":i.dle" funds based not on the highest current y_e]d, but ruttier "idle" i'unds were invested :in .loca] banla, that huppc:ned at the t:inie, to ]told the dematnil accounts. The program adopted hcre:in is based on a s:in};lc premise: I4tbl:ic money should be used i'or the people's benefit. (hua very important way, certa:in].y, ~; to m;tx.imizc the c,u•n.in~;s on publ:i.c ]ands, 'this reduci~t~; the need fur uilditinnaa tax revenue. ]'o]7ow:ing is ct sltor'C out l.i.ne oi' some o]' the important components of our :investment po):icy. 2. 1•Yl'ES O]' LEGAL ]NVI:STTII:NTS 7.0.1 ]'remise: 1'or ~ntdance and elarii':iecrtion, the on]y types oi' nvcst- uu~nts to be made w.i.]:L be ne~;n'Cictble diruct oh].:igutions o11, or nbl.it;atin;~ 'the prnc.ipu] and. :interest of which are unconcti_t:i.onal].y },ntarzurteect by the United Sfatos Govcrtmtent at i'he then prevai.]_ing market pr.icc for such security, 1'ur i'urther c].ar:i_ficat:ion, I:xhib:its 10 and 11., "Analysi-s of 1'r:imary Jnvesi'nicnt Instrtunents," taken from the Mwt:i.c:ipctl finance Oft:i.cers Ass~c..iat:ion 7'rcusur Manc~cment ]Icuulbook, w].l.l -also be used, Copies of both exhibits are hereby made part oi' tlt:is po]:icyo 2_OZ_~ tl (:s: 'J'hc three (3) b;tsi.c types are as :follows: u) Ccrt:il'catc of llepos]t - Lssucd by uny financ.i.a] :inst.tut:ion w.it]t a due date certa:in {3U days or more) e b) Fepurchase Agreements - A contract a~*reement between a I'nanc:ia] instiZtt.ion or :investment banker and the Vi_].1afie whereby the Village purchases u contract that the haul: will. buy back at a prede'Cexmned date, ll. S. Govertmtent -1.- Sec~nr.ites or agencies. 1'or ilce use oP these iiuuL:, thu V].lagc receives an amrnmt of :interest from the brnt]< negotiated by the llireetor of I'.nance and thc~ ];nnl. at ibe tame oi' pnrehase (2-29 days) e c) Ua:i~ Suv ~ti /lccoun't's - Cons:i s'Lent w -th ]'edercx]. Reserve gu i de- ]roes, the V:i].lage wail] nucintuin savings accounts at its bank of depos:ito+~ 3. ll~ (1T71770N PROCliI)URI;S 1'OR INVCS1fi11:NTS 3.U] Reswnsib.i_li~: lhcder the supervision of the Vi.]lagc Manager, tLe ll.irec~tor of F_i.ncu~ee sha]:L obtain canpeti.tiva c,~totati.ons for a]]. Cor'L'.i 1' i c•ccte:; oi' llepos t and Repo' s. 3eU2_ 1'1~ocedures: The fo]lowiny; procedures wi]_t be used: u) A.1] I'inane.i;c] inst.iiuti-ons w.i].:I ;~c nut.i9`.ied by tcaephone, cucL i~.iinc that :invest~nent•s arc to be made. The 1).ircetor oi' Finance or a duly al,po:ixrl'cd stai'i' member will. solicit cpcotes for. i.nvestinents, detai.li.ng amowct unit ^iatur:ity date for investment. 1111 quotes must be received no later tluuc LI :'. (1 A. h1. D) The :i;;sC:iiution provi.d:ing the ]tighest interest yield will be awarded fhe :investment. Transi'cr instructions w:i]-] be :issued by t:he 1)_irector nl~I'inunce after award. o) Quotations o1' i'incnxcial. :instit-crti-ons wall be available i'or Inil~].ic~ .iiispeot:ion by ctll. :interested pccrt:ie, at the 1':inance lle1>artment. /+].]. part:ic~:ipatng institut:i.uns w:il_l be supplied copies of cpuctes received for tbut chrhe upon recncest~ 3~ll:i_1:] ~ib.i]i~: I'art:icipat:ion :in quotes wi]1 be based on the 1'o).]owng: a) lns't':itlcton must have 100 percent collateral for tite cunuuut oi' *ll;cnlss oi' depos:it to be establ:i.shed by the V:i]..lage Coune:i.l -1- .invcwl'nu•nis. Collatcra7. Hoist' Le .n the :form of ,gtproved securities tnrc•ondi:iona]_]y },nuu•antc•ed by the U. S, Government xcs to prineipa]_ anit interest' ut' the preva:il:ing market price of :investment. b) Rtcs:is used by nsti'tuti.on to crnrr)tutc :interest must be on 3(i0 flays. 3.04 '1':i.e Quotaticros: Ti.u cptotations w.17 he awarded usi.n}~ the a) ]lanl: oi' deposit w.].l. be liven prei'erence over non-depos:itor:ics t9nis cl.im:inat':inl trans Per oi' i'unds. b) Investment may be sp]:it if more. ih~ut one fund or various maturity ilatos arc :invo]ved. 4. ANNl1AT. RI;V7IaV ~I.U]___Po]ic'y Review: nnnua].ly, this pol icy Should be reviewed prior to Si•lrt'omber 30th each ycau~ and updated as necessary., 4 ,02 7yhe o1_].nvestment: /ls the Vi.l].ale expands :its revenue anti st.rCe :Imrr; c•h;nige. other methods ef' nvestmenfi wi.]1. be reviewed. ~I.U3 (hurL'at.iun I'rnt•c(lures: ns a lrca'L'ur tnuubcr of• banks move :into CLc ut•ca and the :inereaseil need t•or better tuxl b:i~;ler inve:;tments, the glint-a-C irn~ pro~•edurc~ nr<ry have to be nuid.i_f`.i.ect to accommodate uni~orusecm ifevea opments. - 3- "" ~ EXHIBIT 10 Analysis of Primary Investment Instruments _ r _ ... ~~ SlcaMary ~, ' ~ InaWmenU Lpaliry Salary Matudry Yarkel . Dpuidiry ..` Bank Deposits - 1. Time CRnilicale5 of , . ' Deposit (GDa) ' 'A«oroinq to - , A. Negotiable " Stela a L«al Law :' y „;, ', 1 • 12 Monlha Adne .Moderate e. NoMJegoliaDle Stale a L«al Law - +?~~ r'.: , _ - 1 • f 2 Man1RS NomNegoliable low - 2. Tune Deposits- 30 Day " Stale a Lowl Law ~ 1 Mo. Minimum NonNegotiable Moderate - 3. Pau Book Savings ,': Stale a fowl Law-.- No MlrYmum -- NonNegolieble Hqh M Ssdn9s a Lwn Aan. 1. Savings or Investment According to i • 12 Months Nonalapoliable low Ceni&ales, Snares. Deposits Stale a Local law 2. Pau Book Savings Stale a Local Law. No Minimum NruvNegd'Mble Hph III U.S. Treasury Securities 1. Treasury Bills Generally Available Fug Faith a - 91, 182, 270, Moat ADMe ~. /8qF Geoit - U.S. OoN. 385 Days 2. Treasury Notes Generally AraiMble FWI FailA 6 1 - 7 Years - ~ Adive - - Mooerate Credit • U.S. Govt . 3. Treasury Bonos Generally Available Full Faith a S • 30 Years ~ ADDve Mooerate ~ ~ IV U.S. Agency Securities Fully Guaranteed 1. Ea«d-knporl Bank Delxnluras d Panicipalion Cenilicales 2. Farmers HOme AOmin. Insured Notes 3. GNMA -Federal blame loan Marga9a Corporation 1. GNMA-FNMA, Bonds 5. GNMA, PatliciDalian Cenilkale3 V U.S. Agency Securaies Not Fully Guaranteed 1. Banks for C«peralives Bones 2. ieoeral Hom¢ loan Bank Bolls 3. FHLB Consblidateo NOles /. Federal lnlermediate Credit Bank Bonds 5. Federal Land Bank Bonds 6. FNMA Capital Delrenlures 7. FNMA Debenlurea 8. iNMA pxounl Nolea 9. TVA BOlWa l0. TVA Oiscounl Naves VI Sbte 8 L«al Garernmant Sa<uritisa Accoroinq to State al«al Uw Accoroinq to Slate a L«al law According to Stale a l«al Law Accoroinq to State 8 L«al Law Accoroinq to State a L«al Law Accoroinq to Stale a L«al law Accoroinq to Stale a L«al Law According to Slate 6 L«al Law Accoroinq to SIa1e a L«al Law A««oing to Stale 6 L«al Law Accordirg to Stale 6 L«al Law Accoroinq b Stale 6 L«al Law Accoroinq to Stale 8 L«al Law . Accoroinq to Stale a L«al Law Accadirg to Stale 6 Local Law Full Faith 8 - Credit • LLB. (ioN. FWI Faith a Credit - U.S. GoN. Full Fahh a Ge0it • LLS. Ooh. Fun Faiih a Credit - U.S. Govt. Full Faith a Credo • U.S. Govt. Guaranteed by Age«Y OMy Gwranteed by Age«y Only Guaranteed by Afle«y Ony Gwnnleeo Dy Agency Only Guaranteed by A9encY Only Guaranteed DY A9encY Onty Guaranteed by Aqe«y Only Guaranteed Dy Aqe«Y ONy Guaranteed by Aqe«y Onry Guaranteed M Aqe«y Onty 3•SVeua 5 - 15 Years 2 - 25 Years 5 • 20 Years 8 - 20 Years 6 Monlha or 3K Years 1 - 10 Years f Year or Leu 0 Monlha 10 1 Years 18 Months to 15 Years 5 • 25 Years 18 Monlha to - 25 Years 30.270 Days 5 - 25 Years 1 Months Acliw Active Active Active AcSve Active Active Active Active Active 1. General Obligation Bonds Generally Available Guaranteed by 5 - 10 Years Active Issuer Only .. 2. iaa Anlicipalum NOtes Generally Available 6uaranlecd Dy 1Year or Leu luwr Only 3. Revenue Anticipation Nolea Generally Available Guaranteed by 1 Year «Leu Issuer Onry a. Revenue BOrWS Generally AVaiWble Guaranteed Dy 5. /O Years Acara Lauer OMy 5. Wamanls Generally Available Guaranteed by Upon Redemption luuer OMy VII Repurchase Agreements Accoroinq to State Cbnlractuclly Conbad a L«al Law S«ure Neooliated • The FDIC insures bank deposits uD to $40,000. Most stales require all deposits above that amount to be secured by collateral placed in trust. • • 7ne FSLIC insures deposits in Savings and Loan Association up to $100,000. Most slates require all deposits above that amount to De secured by collateral placed In trust. ' Moderate ' _... Low low low Low Nigh Moderate Hqn Migh Hqh Moderate ' Mooerate Hqn Moderate High Moderate Moderate . Moderate ~i :~, if ;!.) J -~ ;,s !"i 'r UNDERSTAND INVESTMENT SECURITIES - , 45 It EXHIBIT 11 Technical Analysis of Primary Investment Instruments Irotrvmenls I Bank Time Deposits 1. Time CerliliWle of Deposits (COs) A. NegoliaDle B. Non+legoliaDle 2. Time Deposits -30 Days 3. SavingsDeposls- Immedidle withdrawal II Saringa 8 Loan Asan. I. Savings or lnveslmenl Certificates. Snares, or Deposits III U. S. Treasury 5aurilin I. TreawryBnls Markets Form' Isew Lils Interest Round lot Payment a Minimum Primary Secontlary Schedule Denomination On Demand None Agency Name s-12 Monhs Quarterly for 31 OO.OW and up f Agency Treawrer Malurih Dale On Demand Norte " 1-12 Months Quarterly for Up to 5100,000 Malurih Dale On Demand None 1 Mo. Minimum At Wilndrawal No Minimum• On Demand • Nune No Minimum At WilMrawal No Minimums On Demand None WeekiY: 91 ~~ Active 1B2 Day Bills Monthly: 271 a 365 Oay Oilla No Minimum AI Withdrawal No Minimums B 91, t82. 270, Discoumed 510.000 360 Days al Purchase 2. Treasrry Notes Periodic Adive R or 6 1.7 Years Semiannual 51,0003 310.000 3. TreasuryBonds Periodic Active R a B 5~l0 Yean Semiannual E1,0003 310,000 IV U.E. Agan<y Securities FuIIY Guaranlaed I. ExDOn -Impod Bank Irregular R or B 3-15 Veers Semiannual E5.000 Deoenlure4 d Panicipalion Gertiliedt[5 2. F.M.A. Insured Notes Irregular Nol Very R or B 5-15 Years Annual 325M, SIOOM Active 3500M, St,000A1 3. GNMA-Federal Home Loan Irregular Not Very R 2Q5 Years Semiannual 325.000 Mortgage Corp. Active !. GNMA -FNMA, Bonds Irregular NoI Very R 6-20 Years Semiannual E25,000 Active 5. GNMA, Participation Irregular R &20 Years Semiannual §5,0008 Certdicales 310.000 V U.S. Agancy Securities- Nol fully Guarantee0 1. Banks Ia Coepera6ves Monthly Active B 6 Months pr At Maturity §5,0pp Bonds 3& Years (6 Mo.1: Semiannual 2. F.H.L.B. Bonds Monthly Active B 1-20 Years Semiannual 55.000 8 310.000 3. F.M.l.B. Nolen Monthly Active B Up lot Year Discounted E700,000 al Purchase !. Fed. Int. Cred. Bank Monthly Active D 9 Mos.-! Years AI Malurih (9 Mo.l 35.000 Bones Semi-annual 5. fed. land Bank-Bands Monthly Active R or B I &-15 Years Semiannual S1.00o 6. FNMA Capital DeoenNres Irregular D.dive R or R 5-26 Years Semiannual 310.000 Z FNMA~eDenlures Monthly B Iq-25 Years 6emiannual SIM, fSM, 3 310M B. FNMA-0iscounl NOtes Daily Adive B 27JO Days Discounted 515.000 at Purcnau 9. T.VA.$oMS Yearly Adive R or B 525 Years Semiannual SI,000 f 0. T.V.A.-0i5counl Notes Monlmy Adive B !Months Discanled 35,000 al Purckase I f. Bonds R or B !0 Years Semi-annual 315.000 VI Stale 8 Local Govemmenl Securities 1. General ODligallon Bands Irregular Active B or C Sd0 Years Semiannual 35.000 (Cammpnly) 2. Tax Anticipation NOtes Irregular None B 3MOe-1 Year A1Maturih 55.000 (Generally) (Generally) (Generally 3. Revenue Anticipation Notes Irregular None B Up l0 1 Year - AI Maturity 55,000 (Generally) (Generally) (Generally) !. Revenue Bonds Irregular Adive B or C 6~0 Veers Semiannual 35.000 (Commonly) (Generally) 5. Warrants Irregular None Vendor or Until Cask Upon Redemption Any Payroll Demand is Available VII Repurckase Agreements On Demand' None Name of Agency 1-] Days At Agreed Varies, Alany •Agency Treawrer Usually on Dale Stales Rsvlurcc §100,000 ' If permitted by bank. Not alt banks accept Ihis account. a B, Bearer R- Registered C- Convertible a Up to $100,000 secured by FDIC, beyond This bank or savings and loan muss hold collateral securilie5 in escrow. 46 A TREASURY MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK