1980-11 Authorizing Execution of Agreement to Adopt FIRMARESOLUTION N0. 11-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BFACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE INTIItiACAL AGREEPIQVT ADOPTING THE FLORIDA INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (FIRMA) AS THE INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR THE VILLAGE, AND APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ' AND AN ALTERNATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BFACH, FIARIDA: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute that certain Agreement between other member mmicipalities and the Village of North Palm Beach to adopt the Florida Intergoverrunental Risk Management Association (FIRMA) as its insurance program, excluding the employee benefits package, a copy of which is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. Section 2. The Village Manager, Paul J. Nicoletti, be and is hereby appointed as the Village's representative on the Board of Directors of FIRMA, and the Assistant Village Manager, Raymond J. Howland, be and is hereby appointed as an alternate to said Board of Directors. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSID AND ADOPTID THIS 14TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1980. /s/ W. H. BROWN YOR ATTEST /s/ DOI.ORES R. WALl~R ILiAGE u~ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Florida Statutes, Chapter 163, permit local governmental units to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on the basis of mutual advantage; and 1VHEREAS, the several municipalities as set forth herein desire to cooperate to effect an Interlocal Agreement providing Intergovernmental Risk Management Programs. NOW, THEREFORE, .the following municipal corporations: Town of Greenacres City, Town of Jupiter, Town of Lake Clarke Shores, Town of Lake Park, Town of Lantana and Village of North Palm Beach; hereby execute this .Interlocal Agreement~to form the Florida Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (hereinafter referred to as FIRMA), The parties to this Agreement agree to jointly exercise the powers required of them pursuant to this Agreement, as follows: (a) The purpose of this Agreement is to effectuate a comprehensive risk. management program, including insurance and other procedures to manage various risks of the member municipalities to this Agreement. (b) The risk management program becomes effective February 1, 1980,. and it is the intent of the municipalities hereto that the program be continuous. In any event,, the participating municipalities agree to remain in the program for a minimium of one year by the signing of this .Agreement. 6Vithdrawal from the program by a participating member may be made only on February 1 of any succeeding year, and no signatory to this Agreement may terminate its participation in this program without first providing sixty (60) days written notice to the other members, and to the servicing agency of the program, of its intention to terminate participation. At the present, the servicing agency for the program is Gallagher Bassett Insurance Agency. Upon termination, as .set forth above, the municipality terminating membership in the program will not be relieved of its obligation to complete payments for the full annual period ending with January 31st of the year of termination, and no member terminating participation in this program will be eligible for any return of premium that may be due for that annual period. lc) FIRMA will be governed by a Board of Directors. Each participating municipality will select one representative and one alternate to the Board. The representative to the Board of Directors shall be, wherever possible, the municipal manager or the highest ranking full-time employee' of the municipality. Each municipality shall have one vote. The Board of Directors will be responsible to establish By-Laws consistent with the risk management program, which By-Laws and any policies and procedures emanating thereunder shall not be in conflict with municipal ordinances or Charters of the member municipalities,. no.r be in conflict with Florida Statutes. By-Laws shall determine how additional municipalities may participate in the FIRMA risk management program, how participating municipalities may be removed from the FIRMA risk management program, what, if any, additional professional services shall be employed by the Board, including accountants, actuaries, attorneys, etc. The servicing agency for the FIRMA risk management program shall be responsible to recorrrnend policies and procedures to the Board of Directors concerning type, source, amount of insurance coverage, self-insurance coverage and techniques to minimize or manage risks of the municipalities. The recommendations on these matters made by the service agency shall be binding upon the members of the FIRMA risk management program unless overruled by a vote of five of the six members. No reconmendations of policies, however, can require the payment of fees or additional cost to 2 a member municipality without the consent of said municipality. (d) Initial payment to FIRMA will be determined by insurance premiums currently paid for the coverages encompassed by the program. Fifty percent of this payment will be due on February 1st, with a additional 25 percent due on May 1st and 25 percent due on October 1st. Effective with calendar year 1981, the full payment will be due on February 1st. All payments are due and payable as set- forth above, and any failure to remit payment on the due date shall result in an additional cost equal to 18 percent per annum determined on a daily basis for each day after the due date that payment is not made as required herein. (e) Upon the. recommendation of the service agency approved by the Board of Directors, contracts and purchases of insurance and investments of premiums shall be made by the Board of Directors by majority vote. In the event that the members of the Board of Directors are unable to reach a decision because of a tie vote, then the service agency shall be entitled to cast a vote to break any deadlock among the members of the Board. (f) The Board of Directors shall determine all matters governing its meetings and procedures, shall organize itself, elect a chairman, vice chairman and secretary, and determine places, times and dates of meetings (all of which shall be in the Sunshine of public view), ttnd determine all other such matters by majority vote. (g) The FIRMA risk management program shall operate on a fiscal year of February 1st through January 31st of each year. The service agency shall file an annual accounting with each participating municipality within sixty days after January 31st of each year setting forth all assets and liabilities of FIRIti7A and detailing all its income. and expenses for the previous fiscal year. Concurrent with its accounting, service 3 L agency shall recommend to the Board of Directors whether or not any surplus funds should be returned to the participating members, on what dates and in what amounts. 1'he recommendations of the service agency shall he binding upon the member municipalities unless overruled by five of the six participating municipalities. The members of FIRMA shall have the right to have an audit of the service agency accounting at its discretion. (h) In tite event of any violation of the terms of this Agreement or of the By-Laws, rules, regulations, policies or procedures adopted by the FIRMA risk management program, the Board of Directors may seek to enforce this Agreement or collect any sums due it, and all costs of collection and all costs of enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, By-Laws, policies, procedures, rules and regulations shall be paid by the violating party, including attorney's fees and court costs. (i) It is the specific intent and agreement among the parties that any immunities and privileges granted to them as municipal corporations will inure to the benefit of FIRMA (e.g., Florida Statute, Chapter 768.28). IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, the undersigned municipalities, by their authorized Mayor or Vice Mayor, have signed this Agreement and had their corporate seals affixed to this Agreement in six original copies. ,,~~~•~D'ated this__7th__day of___April ________, 1980. ~ TOWN OF GREENACRES CITY `(Seal ) ,;~' C'"G~"''` c .. By : C ,, Signature] sitionj TOWN OF JUPITER (Seal) " . (Signature)) ~Positigt 4 ' ~y TOWN OF LAKE CLARKE SHORES Signature ZPositionj TOWN OF LAKE PARK (Sea]) By . _ _,~ Mn`~ Sign ture ~ ` zPosit~io )~~ TOWN OF LANTANA (Seal) gnature~ ~Pos`fionj VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH (Seal) By'- ---- -- ---------- -- TSignature ~~os~tionj 3368A/de 5