1979-14 Intention of Council to take necessary steps to Protect the Cosuming Public for Water & Sewer ServicesRESOLUTION N0. 14-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM B};ACH, 1'LORIDA, EXPRESSING THE INTENTION OF T}{E VILLAGE COUNCIL TO TAKF. ALL REASONABLE AND NECESSARY STEPS TO PROTECT THE CONSUMING PUBLIC FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ANll ' NEIGH130RING COMMUNITIES AND SETTING FORT}{ CONSIDERATIONS ON ACQUIS71'ION OI' 77[E UTILITY BY ONE OR MORE GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES WHERE WATER AND SF,WF,R SERVICF. IS BEING PROVIDED. WHF,REAS, water and sewer service to residents and other consiuners in the corporate limits of the Village of North Palm Beach are provided by a privately owned utility; and W}{F,REAS, this utility, Seacoast Utilities, Inc., also provides service simultaneously to similar entities in the Town of Lakc Park, the City of Palm Reach Gardens, and the unincorporated area in Palm Reach County; and WHF.RF,AS, the cost of water and sewer service has rapidly escalated in the past few years and a petition is presently pending to further dramatically increase the cost of said water and sewer service; and W}{F,RF,AS, service complaints have been rampant throughout t}ie area for the past few years concerning water and sewer service both as to its quality, quanity and responsiveness to the needs of the consumer; and WHEREAS, acquisition of the privately owned water and sewer utility by local government may result in better service at lower cost to the consumer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGF. COUNCIh OF NORTH PALM BEAC}[, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The Village of North Palm Beach hereby expresses its intention to take all necessary and reasonable steps to in- vestigate the acquisition of Seacoast Utilities, Inc. in an effort to protect the consuming public from extraordinary rate increases and to provide the consuming public with responsible service. Section 2. The Village of North Palm Beach expresses its intention hereby to cooperatively seek to acquire the water and sewer assets of Seacoast Utilities, Inc. in conjunction with the City of Palm Beach Gardens and/or the Town of Lake Park through inter-local agreements permitted by Chapter 1G3 Florida Statutes by creation oi' an inter-governmental entity which will proceed with acquisition, or ' by seeking acquisition itself combined with guarantees and assurances that the other two governmental entities and the consumers located within would receive equal treatment with the consumers in the corporate limits of the Village of North Palm Beach. It is the in- tcntion to cooperate with other municipalities served by Seacoast Utilities, Inc. and seeks their cooperation in effectively solving the water and sewer utility problems in the area. Section 3. The Village Council of North Palm Reach requests hereby a response from the Town of Lake Park and the City of Palm Beach Gardens whether they are interested in considering the acquisition of Seacoast Utilities, Inc. assets located within their municipal boundaries for collection and distribution with treatment ' plants being acquired separately, or whether they are interested in one municipality purchasing the entire system with binding agreements between the three municipalities guaranteeing that the operation of the utility by one city would inure equally to the benefit of the three municipalities and the consumers therein. Section 4. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to furnish copies oi' this Resolution to the Mayors and Managers of the Town of Lake Park and the City of Palm Beach Gardens. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect inunediatel.y upon passage. PASSEll AND AllOPTED THIS 8T}{ DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979. ' /s/ Al Moore MAYOR A TTF,S T : /s/ Ilolores R. Walker Village Clerk