1979-06 Award Bid to Marine Engine Equipment Co. RESOLUTION N0, 6-79 A R};SOLI]TION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NOR1'F{ PALM BF.ACI1, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THF, BID OF MARINE ENGINE EQUIPMENT CO, FOR LABOR ANll MATERIAL TO INSTALL ONE (1) EMERGENCY GENERATOR IN THE VILLAGE }[ALL IN T}{E AMO}]NT OF $5,720.00 FROM ACCOUNT NO, 71-581-G3.40. BE IT RFSOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM BF,ACH, I'hORI DA Section 1. The bid of Marine Engine Equipment Co., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, i_s hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Reach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder oi' this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 71-581-G3.40. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. e PASSED ANll ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1979. /s/_ _ _A_1_ Moore MAYOR ATTF,ST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ~I ~~ ., - ~ ,• ~ PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE. OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Gentlemen: The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the .following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: PROPOSAL SHEET ITEM DESCRIPTION I. Emergency generating: set per specifications including installation. MAKE : Oniyr . MODEL: /S:o vac -.~c~ DELIVERY: /8d D9y,T /9.oe. WARRANTY: / yc~9.c SPECS. ATTACHED: `~ /Fl -6- DATE :_ /.2-/9_)8• Lump Sum $ . S~2o, 00 lf~VI VJI\L iV 7lli. rLCGI~ilL V~ ?EldA~CKS/EXCEPTIONS: . !,/6 Cgl-~eT' .~yigoc,y if ,8/A BoNa 02 /9 NF /j?~'- .TaAAL Y/~.c // /Yli~i,.iTcu~ ce ft~e ~ c C9tc.!' ~~eiwF j Tr' fGCJT yE'92 OF -TA2~«~ ~Q ~4e>r-stcy~ 9T ~/e E.t TR.1 C/1V~tGr Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAh1E TITLE ADDRESS ~//.CL /iyn . G • ~~e2 .f 0 ~ar/Ac~..T - / 86 Vpc(.T¢iC ~~P. ~G/fl/!F" L/pxj'A'/ p YyviA /c c2 .f O / ~ ~/CF ~2e7 i0 c~,.T• ~ X12.7 Np, ~ .Tl .~4.e'r~ ~d~9! ~ ~ /' /fit L [~t~ / L, ~ / ~N~d / 'T y/ICftTdL ~sT% /~+r.~ ~cia'. FIRM:~9'e/~E E'n/~/•!E- E'Q.:!/~~sc-..-T Co: Corporation O Partnership ~ Individual SIGNED 6Y: ~~'/_ TITLE: //icE- /J.Pe7/~c-e~`_ I WITNESSES: ADDRESS: -7- ' .. ., MARINE ENGINE EQUIPMENT CO. 1713 NORTH DIXIE WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA /ndustrial & Marine TELEPHONE 833-7591 Generator Sets Diesel Engines Electric Systems QUOTATION Submitted To: Quotation No. ~,2-~62 Village Of North Palm Beach NorthllPal~ttt Beach,Fl. 33406 Date: Danwmhar i g>, i cL~g YourInquiry:_nw0• 20,1986 Gentlemen: Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleased to submit the following proposal to cover the specifications you have outlined. If details are insufficient, please call on us for further amplification. QUOTATIONS COVER ONLY THOSE MATERIALS AND SERVICES SPECIFICALLY LISTED BELOW. 1 ONAN model 15.OJC-3CR,gas engine driven generator set rated 15KW, single phase,120/240 volts,60 cycle 1600RPM,sir cooled, complete with all standard equipmen~,plua the following A. Hot air duct adapter flange. B. LPG carburetor. C. Gas solenoid valve, D. DRy gas fuel strainer. E.Residential grade exhaust silencer. F. Starting battery. G. Battery rack. HCertified test report by independent laboratory. I. Test acceptance run by factory trained service technician, J. Four maintenance service calls performed quarterly during the first year service. 1 ONAN model OTQED100-3/1202 ,so lid state automatic transfer switch, rated 100 amp s.,ainggle phase,120/240 volts mechanically held both sides,with auailiary contacts and manual operators both aides,in a NEMA 1 enclosure,with standard controls,plus : A. Battery charging module. B. Time delay-start/stop. C. Time delay-transfer/retransfer. D. Exerciser clock. E. Charge ammeter. F. Normal emergency lamps. Installation includes mounting electric plant,and connecting to gas aupply,provided by othera.Includes supplying and installing air discharge duct. NET PRICE --5,720000 MaterialF.O.BNOrth Palm BeaCh,Fl• Estimated Time of Shipment: 160 daps ARO Terms:NET nrioe pgyable i 0 days aP .c,o ~omni P+{ nn Quotation subject to acceptance within .~_ days. Prices may be changed without notice after ~- days. Submitted by: ~~~' David R. Kelso vp This quotation is subject to the terms and conditions as set Jorth herein and on the reverse side and made a part hereof.