1978-58 Award Bid to Motorola Communications RESOLUTION N0, 58-78. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF.AC}I, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING T}{E BID OF MOTOROLA COMMUNICATION & ELECTRONICS I'OR ONF, PIIYSIO LIFE-PAK 5 DEFIBRILLATOR IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,660.00, FROM ACCOUNT N0. 23-526-64.90. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,AC}[, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Motorola Communication and Electronics, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 23-526-64.90. Section 2, This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF DECF,MBF.R, 1978. /s/ Al Moore MAYOR A1'T};ST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk f] ~•Centlemen: _ ._ ..•~ ~ - .. ' The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made•withoot any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or I fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly fami]iar with its provisions and with the quality, type and. grade of material called for.- The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees. that parts and service far the articles listed below are available -vithin the State of Florida, to wit: DATE• November 17,-1978 `DIANUFACTURER: Physio-Control Corp. h10DEL NO.: Life-Pak S • DELIVERY:-60-9o days Aa0 ti9ARRANTY: One Year Parts & Labor • TOTAL PRICE: 5,660.0.0 T T\VI V..1nC ~~~ .. REPI4RKSJ'EXCEPI'tONS: See Attached~Letter) Officers of Corporation or htembers~of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS Ted Miller, V.P. & Qroup Ezeoutive. SohaumburR Illinois Jack Germain, V.P. & •Asst. Group EYecutive,~ Schaumburg T»+nois Aay Farmer, V P & General Manager iScha~pbtrc~ r~;,;~+,~s Claude Davis V.P. & General Mana er S a s Arthur Sundry v n ~_ n......._, ..---_ ---- ..-• -- -- FIRid: MOTOROLA, INC. ® Corporation O Partnership ., . STGtdED BY TITLE: Account Ezecutive ~ I l~IITNESSE~ /f - /"~/~ , v ADDRESS: P. o. Boz,1920 ~ . Decatur, Georgia 30031 -7- .. ,