1978-27 Endorsing the Saint Mary's Hospital Certificate of NeedRESOLUTION N0. 27-78 A KFSOL}iTION OF THE VILLAGF, COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM RF,ACH, I'LORIDA, ENDORSING THE PROPOSED ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL CERTIFICATE OF N}:Ell FOR TH}; REPLACF,MENT AND RF,FURBIS}QNF.NT OF EXISTING FACILITIES A7' ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL. W}{F.RF.AS, the Council recognizes the importance and need for the replacement and refurbishment efforts of St. Mary's Hospital; and WHEREAS, said Hospital serves the citizens of North Palm 13each and surrounding communities and that said replacements and refurbishments will benefit all the citizens of the community; and WHF,RF,AS, projection data indicate a significant need for this replacement and refurbishment to continue to serve the conmumity to satisfy its medical needs; NOW, T}[F,RF.FORE, RE IT RESOLVED RY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL 0}' NORTI[ PALM REACH, FLORIDA: ' Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida hereby endorses and supports St. Mary's Ilospi.tal Certificate of Need, which said Hospital is located in West Palm Reach, Florida. Section 2. A copy of this Resolution shall be mailed by the Village Clerk to Mr. Thomas F. Hennessey, Administrator, St. Mary's }{ospital. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASS}a AND ADOPTED T}IIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 1978. ' /s/ Al Moore MA A7"i'F,ST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk