1978-17 Approving the PBC Central Planning Area 201 Water Pollution Control Facilities PlanRESOLUTION N0. 17-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,ACH, }'L,ORIDA APPROVING TIIE PALM BEACH COUNTY CENTRAL PLANNING AREA 201 WAT}:R POLLUTION CONTKOL FACILITIES PLAN. ' W}{F,REAS, the Palm Beach County Area Planning Board Report of February 1972 and the Palm Beach County Water Quality Management Plan (1.973) established the need for improvements to the Water Pollution Control. Facilities existing within the County and the need for improving the coordination and management of the facilities; and W}{CRF.AS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency participates in the cost of constructing facilities and requires as a prerequisite to eligibility of the programs the preparation and approval of a 201 Water Pollution Control Facilities Plan to assure that the public interest is protected environmentally, financially and adminis- tratively; and W}{};gEAS, in furtherance of the Federal Program and to obtain ' maximum benefits for the citizens of Palm Beach County within the Central Planning Area the City of West Palm Beach as lead agency and Palm Beach County as the contributor of the local share of funds have engaged in the preparation of a 201 Water Pollution Control Facilities Plan; and WHEREAS, the 201 Facilities Plan was presented at a Public }{caring conducted in the City Hall of the City of West Palm Beach at 7:OU p.m. on April G, 1978 and the comments, suggestions and recom- mendations received from the citizens of the Palm Beach County Central Planning Area have been given due consideration in the final plan; and WIIERF.AS, the Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida has examined the Palm Beach County Central Planning Area 201 Water Pollution ' Control. Facilities Plan and agrees that the proposed Plan is acceptable and in the public interest; NOW, T1{ERF,FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGF, COUNCIL 0]' NORT}1 PALM BEACH, FLORIIIA: Section 1. That the said Plan is hereby approved by the Village Council of North Palm Beach. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately ' upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED TI{IS 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 1978. ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 1 /s/ Al Moore MAYOR