1978-14 Authorizing the Manager to Apply to PBC City Recreational Funding Program for Building Modules at Anchorage Park RESOLUTION N0. 14-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,AC}{, I'I,ORIllA, Al]T}{ORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO APPLY TO 1NE PALM BF,ACIi COUNTY CITY RECREATIONAL FUNDING PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 1977/78, FOR MATCHING FUNllS TO BE USED FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF ' BU]LDING MODULES AT ANCHORAGE PARK IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. BF. I1' RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, I'LORI DA Section 1. The purchase and installation of building modules at Anchorage Park at a cost of $80,000.00 is hereby approved by the Village Council of North Palm Beach. Section 2. The Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to submit an application to the Palm Beach County City Recreational Funding Program, Fiscal Year 1977/78, for matching Rinds in the amount of $40,000.00, and to segregate in an escrow account the sum of $40,000.00 matching funds by the Village of North Palm i Beach to be used for said project. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF APRIL, 1978. /s/ Al Moore MAYOR ATTEST; llolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 < <r~ ~ ... ~ •~ }.., .. PT.RitS t~'jrJ I:ECP.1:fiiSO`i A,`:T'l°.'S:•L..i`.i s COUitiT~'/C:CTY ~ I'U?+AIi:G PZOG21td PT2~IJECT APPLJ:CATYO~i . l_ a. T•:ame and Addreess of T•lunicioality: Village of North Palm Beach ~ •. _ __ Village Hall, 501 U.S. fl, North Palm Beach, Fl: 33408 VillageF paul J. Nicoletti~ b. ~f3ck3G$ i,anagzr:_ . c. Praject'I,iaison Person: Charles R. O'Meilia d . Telephony a 626-0212 • 2. p.roject~ Description and T,ocation: Ftodular factory built •general purpose recreation building: Three modules. Anchorage Park, North Palm Beach . 3. Size 4f Area in Acres: 10.7 acres n,_ Tsrief Justification Narrative: project will provide both neigh- ' borhood and community services to an area population'of approximately 9,000 and will replace an inadequate existing facility. This project implements the Village Master Plan recommendation and the Anchorage Park Master Plan. Project building will be programmed on a non-fee basis, by needs and will be maintained by the North Palm Beach Public Services North Palm Beach Re~reAtion Department staff to satisfy local recreation Department. 5. Permits Tteguircd: 6_ '/ FS . J. Village Building. Permits <'- Cost L"'sti.mate and Conti.nl~ncy: $80,000 -See Attached X40,000. Amount: to be Provided by i•lunici;~ality:__~^ Amount lte~uested from Palm L'°ach County: $40,000. At:tric}a;~ents .l. C'olZCept Plar? . 2, (,r,4•y oL ldirruF.es or. Resloution Authori.zir.g T'ro.ject: ¢!nc? fu:xlirg ra::k.ch 3, ptl?ar P.elev.:nY i1;,:terial.s p PAh:d 4.`:ACfi COUI3TY COU:+`lY/CIiY :'U"iUI@iG PROGRT,:? I. I'uncls i~v;.~ilable (approved in concept) $~OO,fi00-theoretically the money will be di;:ided with $100,000 allocated to each of the five Commission districts. Funding to be d~tived from ad valorE:m taxes. Parpose of Funding Recreational projects and developm>_nt F:Iigibilit~ ' tunicipalities in Palm Beach County. II. Program Criteria ].. 50`} funding match required from municipalities. 2. P.ecreation facilities must~be open to general public- no non-resident fees. , 3. t•iajority vote of City.C~uncil approving project and matching funds. ~,. t•Saster Flans must conform to Palm IIeach County's Recreation and Open Space Plan. III. Project Application 1. Application Format self explanatory. Use application blan'.t provided. . 2. Attachments Pequired: a. Concept plan for project - no detailed specifications oz pe.rrni.ts necessary prior to funding. b. Copy of I•tinutes or Resolution stating City `Council's approval of project and availability of matching fur.3s_ c. Other Relevant t•Iaterials. 3. Deadline for submission Atay 2. lt'. Pro..^.e~ s.i.r:c Project Appllication ------------J---- --- -- ~1. Applications should be submitted by t•Say ?_, 1973 to: Jo}:r: I•'. Uance, Director PnJ:}a a[:d F.ec=eraion Department 2708 Si:<t:h Av<^.nue, South L;ike t:orth, L'lorida 33461 Phone. I:o. 9E :- :420 4 '' ~~ ~ . 2. lpp7.i~:: bons will be reviewed and prioritized by karks t:nd Y.ecreation Staff based on: G:~ographical distribution, co:rJnunity interest, diversity, a::corclance.wi.th kal_m E:eac'rs County's Recreation and Op<~n Space klar. (P.ecreation Surnszsry Enclosed) . • V 3 kroject Implementation 1. Municipalities responsible for engineering studies, contract bidding, permits, construction supervision, and operation. 2. Interlocal agreement: Reimbursements subject to pay ;sent through inter-local .agreement. Agrees,.ant will specify accounting procedures as follows. - "• • City will submit to County: - a. Statement of Project completion. b. Invoice listing each invoice City has .paid to vendor, invoice number, and date of city's~c'reck. c. Copies of vendors invoices, refererscing•lire item on.• City's invoice. d. Certification of the above by City's Finance Director. For Further Information Contacte` Susan {~7. Yinger, Grants Coordinator Palm Fseach County Parks and Recreation Department 2700 Sixth Avenue South• LaY.e ~•Torth, Florida 33461 Phone tdo. 964-4420 xxt. 206 ~' Application will be submitted to Hoard of County Corrsissionars for final selection of projects 'co receive funding.