2006-08-24 VC REG-M_Re Baldwin's last Council meeting as Village AttorneyMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD AUGUST 24, 2006 be adopted. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion. During discussion, the following changes were made to the agreement: ¶1 C was revised to read "To prepare or review all resolutions, ordinances, charter amendments, referenda, contracts, agreements and Council agenda items, as requested (all requests shall be directed to the FIRMS from the Village Council, individual Village council members, Village Clerk, Village Manager, or Department Heads upon approval of the Village Manager); ¶1D was revised to add "individual Village council members" after Village Council, and the comma after Department Heads was deleted; the phrase "and such other meetings or matters as requested by the Village Council" was added to the end of¶1 F; in ¶7, the word aggregate was changed to each Councilman O'Meilia moved to amend the agreement to incorporate the agreed upon changes. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion to amend and all present voted aye. Thereafter, the original motion, as amended, passed unanimously. The Village Council acknowledged this as the last meeting Mr. Baldwin would attend as Village Attorney, and expressed thanks for his many years of service. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS Mr. Bates introduced the new Library Director, Dr. Donna Riegel. Councilman Pierman announced a "Meet the Candidates" reception on Friday, August 25, 2006. Councilman O'Meilia reported that the Wellington vs. Palm Beach County annexation lawsuit is active and ongoing, and that the Boca Raton-Delray Beach vs. Palm Beach County lawsuit regarding level of service is going to trial. Mr. Bates gave an update on Country Club memberships. Discussion took place concerning a letter from the Palm Beach County League of Cities regarding the installation of POW/MIA Memorial Highway signage along U.S. Highway 1. By consensus, the Council directed that a resolution be prepared for the next meeting. VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS James Fleischmann, LRM, Inc., gave a status report on the Village's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). Mr. Fleischmann noted that the EAR will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and brought back to the Council in October for approval. Mr. Fleischmann advised that the Council has the option to adopt it by resolution or by ordinance, and recommended its adoption by resolution. A draft copy will be issued to the Council in the next two weeks. Mr. Bates reported that the Audit Committee has not yet established a ranking for the proposals for Independent Auditing Services and this item will be brought back to the 9/14/06 meeting. Mr. Bates briefly reviewed landscaping at the golf course. Discussion ensued regarding replacement of monuments for former Mayors V.A. Marks and Tom Lewis at the golf course. Building Official Charles Cangianelli reported that both monuments are to be re-installed. 4