1976-67 Appointing Officers to the Village CouncilRESOLUTION N0, 67-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF.AC}I, FLORIDA, APPOINTING CERTAIN OFFICERS FOR SUCH VILLAGE, ' RE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{~ FLORIllA: Section 1. The following persons be and they are hereby named to the following offices of the Village of North Palm Beach: M. C. Love, Jr. -Mayor V. A. Marks - Vice Mayor Al C. Moore - President Pro Tem Section 2. The above named officers shall take and subscribe an oath before an officer duly qualified to administer oaths that they will faithfully and impartially execute the duties of their offices according to the best of their ability and understanding, which said oath will then be filed with the Village Clerk and spread upon the minutes of the Village Cotrncil. Section 3. 1'he above named Mayor and Vice Mayor shall hold ofi'ice until their respective successors shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Village and shall qualify. 7'}te remaining officer shall hold his office until his successor shall be appointed and shall qualify and during the pleasure of the Village Council. Section 4. None of the above named officers shall receive any pay or emolument of any kind except as provided by resolution of the Vi.ll.age Council. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASS};D AND ADOPTED THIS 9 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1976. /s/ M. C, Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk t CEE:T'IFICA'1'£ Gl' 3<<:7itDIirG OFf'ICER The undr_rsigned E:~r.EaY CERTIFIES that: 1. She is the duly appointed, qualified, and acting Village Clerk of the V ~ag4 of North Palm Beach, Florida, (herein called the Village 1, `and l:eo~er of the records t!:ereof, including the minutes o: its ozoceedings; 2. 7'he annexed copy cf extracts f=om t`.e mi:,utes o the regular meeting of the Village Counci3 , held on the 9th day of September 1976 is a true, corre^t, and compared copy of the whole of the original minut^s of said mr.eti:-:g on file and o` reccrd'insofar as the same relate to the resolution referred to in said extracts and to the other matters referred to therein; . 3. Said meeting was duly convened in cor._foanit.y with all applicable re%n;irements; a proper quorum was present through- out sic'. meeting and ti•.e :-esolution hereinafter mentioned was duly proposod, considered, and adopted in conformity .;ith aoali- cabl~ reouirements: and all other requirements and proceedings incident to *_he proper adoption of said resolution have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed; 4. She is duly autl:ori2ed to execute this Certificate; and 5. Thu copy of the resolution anne>:ed hereto ,er?titled: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $1,600,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH,FLORIDA TO FINANCE THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES AND THE CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION OF A RECREATION BUILDING AN RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IN THE-VILLAGE; PROVIDING FOR AND CALLING A BOND ELECTION OF THE QUALIFIED. ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE VILLAGE TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1976 ON THE QUESTION OF THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; AND PROVIDING AN '. EFFECTIVE DATE. i.s ~. tr•.~e, correct, and ecmoared copy of the original resolution rE'~C]'i Cd tC in S?. !. C: C:a raCtEi and aS rlnal ly adopted at Sa r.d meet- ing and, `_~ thn e:aent require-l ~y law, as thereafter duly si;ned or au_eroved by the proper officer or officers of the' Villaae of „ North Palm Beach, Florida which resolution is on file and.o:: record. 41I ai'.i;oS m_v ha.nd and the seal of the Village of North Palm Beach ti~is _16th da}' o~ September 19 76 .. ~/--Cm--slr-b /~~(-~e-.- . Dolozes R. Flalker, Village Clerk ~n'.t i ;; ~~ ,~' I ~~ ..1 _ - Y EXTRACTS FROM THE MINUTES OF"A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD Ofd THE 9th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1976. The Village Council 1 o£ North Palm Beach Florida met in regular meeting at the Village Hall in the City of North Palm Beach ~ Florida at 7:30 ~~ o'clock P .M. on the 9th day of September , 1976 the place, hour, and date duly established for the hold- ing of such meeting. The Mayor `~ ~~ ~J called the meeting to order and on roll call the £ol].owi.ng answered present: Mervin H.~McIntyre , Don Ka~~mir , V. A. Marks • - -. , M. C. Love, Jr. ,• ~ , A. C. P^^.ra and the Following were absent: None The Mayor ' declared a quorum preset. A Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $1,600,000•GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE VILLAGE .OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA TO FINANCE THE COST OE' THE ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES AND THE CONSTRUCTION P.ND ACQUISITION OF A RECREATION BUILDING AND ~23CREATIONAL FACTLITIES IN THE VILLAGE; PROVID- ING FOR AND CALLING A BOND ELECTION OF THE ' QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE VILLAGE TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1976 ON THE QUESTION OF THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH GENERAS, OBLIGATION BONDS;, was intropuD e~tC~Vy D~r G AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Marks Said Resolution was then-read in fall and discussed and considered. .. {1 I ~, ..~ ~c`i': t~tr. Marks then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. Mr. McIntyre seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "Aye": Mervin H. McIntyre; V. A. Marks; M. C. I,ove,`Jr.; A. C. Moore; and Don Kazimir and the following voted "Nay": None The Mavor thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.