1976-14 Declaring Results of the ElectionRESOLUTION N0, 14-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAI1~1 BEACH, FLOKIDA, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 1G, 1976. ' WHEREAS, on the 16th day of March, 1976, a General Election was held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida for the purpose of electing Councilmen to the Village Council for Groups 1, 3 and 5, and WHEREAS, by due resolution the following named persons were appointed inspectors and clerks of said election: Faith Lutheran Church, Precincts 48 and 53: Inspectors: Esther Bricker Grete McBride Faye Lucas Jay Steed Clerk: Elizabeth Redding Council Chambers, Village Hall Precinct 49: Inspectors: Barbara Hill Lillian Drudi Jean Noell ' Marshall Woodworth Clerk: Jane Jenkins Elks* Lodge No, 2069, Precincts 34 50 and 52: Inspectors: Ruth Brush Pearl Doran Millicent Walter Martha Schultz Barbara Nichols Mary Veckman Gertrude Zentgraf Clerk: Louise Nash and, WHEREAS, on March 16, 1976 said inspectors and clerks, after taking and subscribing their oaths in accordance with law, made their returns to the Village Council, which returns certified that the follow- ing are the results of said General Election, to-wit: Total Machine Votes 2528 Total Absentee Votes 31 For Village Councilman Group 1: (2-year term) Keith Hugus received 377 votes Al Moore received 1572 votes Frances Wilson received 527 votes For Village Councilman, Group 3: (2-year term) Ron }[erman received 765 votes M, C. Love, Jr, received 1755 votes For Village Councilman, Group 5: Betty French received 894 votes Ron Heraty received 1629 votes Charter Amendment, Qrdinance No. 1-76 1434 Yes votes 525 No votes and, WHEREAS, the Village Council has duly canvassed the returns of said General Election and finds that the returns of the inspectors and clerks of said election are true and correct tabulations of the votes cast; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council finds and declares that the following are the results of the General Election of March 16, 1976: ' For Village Councilman, Group 1: Keith Hugus received 377 votes Al Moore received 1572 votes Frances Wilson received 527 votes For Village Councilman, Group 3: Ron Herman received 765 votes M, C. Love, Jr, received 1755 votes For_Village Councilman, Groun 5: Betty French received 894 votes Ron Heraty received 1629 votes Charter Amendment, Ordinance No, 1-76 1434 Yes votes 525 No votes Section 2. That the following candidates are hereby declared to be elected to the respective offices as follows: Village Councilman, Group 1: AL MOORE Village Councilman, Group 3: M, C, LOVE, JR, Village Councilman, Group 5: RON HERATY - 2 - CHARTER AMENDMENT, ORDINANCE N0. 1-76 APPROVED Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 17 DAY OF MARCH, 1976. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 1 - 3 -