1976-01 Award Bid to Green's Electric RESOLUTION N0. 1-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCF,PTING T{{E BID OF GREEN'S ELECTRIC, INC. FOR ELECTRICAL WORK - VILLAGE 3IALL AUDITION - IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,217.00 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 08-404. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Green's Electric, Inc., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 08-404. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8 DAY OF JANUARY, 1976. 1 ATTEST: /s/ Uolores R. Walker Village Clerk /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR •' PROPOSAL TO YROF'OSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Gentlemen: The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other per- son or persons mal;ing proposal for the same articles and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. Ttie undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the yuality~ type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price; and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are avail- able within the State of Floridan to wit: DATE: .Tanna rY rj,~ ~q7(~ 1. Labor and material to provide Electrical work per Plans and Specifications Lump Sum S 3~217.1n 2. Labor and Aaterial to provide Air conditioning pex• Plans and Specifications _ T r•GL 134.x. `.i .~T _ a a- Lump Stun 5-2 Atached hereto is a certified check, or bid bond, drawn on the __ }•'i nit A' i R rik Bank ____12iViera Raach City Fl nri ria State in the amount of ~lre bidder is licensed as a contractor to perform the work or services contem- plated by this bid and holds License No. SC rr`0000059 issued by the City of north Palm Beach , or in the alternative is qualified by examination or reciprocity to be licensed as evidenced by the fol- lo~.ving' State ~¢~1 p License No. Onnnn~c~ Name of person or company holding license: Lewis FI. Green The full name and residence of persons and firms interested in the foz•egoing bid as principals are as follows: Lewis H. Green, 56Q Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach, F1. K & i4 Electric Supply Inc. ,_302 Ilorthlake Boulev_ard~_ DTPB Fl. Peninsular Electric Distributors, Inc., 1301 Old Okeechobee Rd., Fl. I,~!pORTANT NOTICE TO BIDDERS If you have made any erasures on this proposal, please note belov; what items have been erased and corrected by you, and initial, otherwise your bid may be rejected for this reason. All items on pale 5-4 must be completed. Failure to do so i. s: c.~~.i ,-. to _?iect i§is nz'L 5-3 SUB-CO\TF ACTO i:S A1~.;F, EOUIP'•IE~T TO BE FUP.YISHED i:A`.iE SIZE Square - D underfloor dv.et 20 feet 1 transformer, single phase 10 KVA drv twe Llireaold 60 feet _ 1 panel board with 50-amp~2 po~le~20/amp 100 amp _ sin~>_c pole, ~ po12 e _ telenhOn~ ~++++la+e anr~ o}nAr on tl atc ac shoim on print + s-n lir\Nf: E:EF'P:RENCES: ___r.1rSt. P•Ta ring $qnk_~-RiYj_car3 $pa r-h~ Fl nri da ~~3li fl/1 `_ ___.~irat American Ranks North Palm RaachF„Florida 930,08 ~_ CRF.DI'C REFERESCES: -~]r.4.t_.l'Qa rind Rank Ri~ri ara Raa nh~ Fl nri rla K R TA F.1 actri c ~~~y~ Tnr--. ~ 3F,92 Northl aka An it -v rd~ ak Parks Fl 33L.03 P~nins~lar .l .ri 's.r;b~tors~ T_nc_~ 1901 Old Ok hobae oad~ ~(PB Fl 33402 First American Bank, North?ake Boulevards North Palm Beach. Fl. 3408 Have you checked to see that all the forms are properly filled out to qualify yo•_1 as a Bidder? The undersigned Bidder hereby certifies that the above information is true and correct. -e~~:~r_+ ~ ~~~~- (Seal) eal) 1,1.'/ ~ ~ ,. 1 ~, AT"1,'t:ST: ~ ~ '11 ~ ~; '~ ~ A ~! 1 ~ 1 v /~10'fs`o't>nTJ[ ~[b Df f1.ORIDA AT LA?G? IAY COA%k1F5!ON EF7!af5 NOV. 11, 1978 aiJ\DEC MXU Gt N:ic:d iNSU:;i,NCE UNDERWRI (ER$ 5-6