1975-64 Award Bid to Auto Meyer & Son RESOLUTION N0. 64-75 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCF,PTING T}{E BID OF OTTO MEYER & SONS, INC. FOR GRASS SOD IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,220.00, FROM ACCOUNT N0, 14-314 & ACCOUNT N0, 04-307, ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Otto Meyer & Sons, Inc., copy of which i.s attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropria to Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 14-314 & Account No. 04-307. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1975, 1 /s/ Ronald L. Heraty VICE MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk '.(;ic: undersi-gn~d as bidder goes declare that no o:.i:r pcrson other .:hen the bidder herein named has an1~ interest in this proposal or ir; fife contract to ba ta'•;en, and that Zt 1S made ls1"i.hol,lt cr?~- COnn~Ci:i On Tr-it,~. ~~ny other parson or persons meshing proposal far the same article, and .is in all respects fzci_r and caithout collusion or fraud, Z"ne undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the sr~ci_iications an J. is thoroughly familiar ~:;ith its provisions azd erith ~~,e duality, type and trade of material ca?.led for. 'i"ne undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the =ollo:•ring price; and guarantees 'chat p.=,rts and service for the artic?~s listed belo~;r are available ~~rithin the State of Florida,. to t•ritc na~-s av ~~~ ~/ /97~ I TE~~I I)ESCRIPTI O\' 1. Bahia Grass Sod delivered as per General Provisions; 24,000 square feet. 2. Ormand Bermuda Sod delivered as per General Provisions; 16,000 square feet. ;. St. Augustine Bitter Blue Sod delivered as per General Provisions; 24,000 square Feet. OMIT UNIT PRICE Sq. Ft ,, „ TOTAL ~ .~25 ~ S/ 260.00 I ~ 9,.~ ~ s/~~0.00 I ~o ~ Sf.5~5~0,0~ I 't'OTe1L, PkICE: ;~ 22U.OG I -5- F;:OPOS }; TO THE VILLIGE OF RURT}( PelLi1 REICH FLORIUI (.1 '~~;~.`:'i'F.F,D llF;LII~}:kl'~J/j~(~/ ~T/-~RE~ /,(/D~C'Kj/V~ ~/~~S Q~f VFR/3~41. QRI~f~ ' ~.__~ ~~lf3~f_~L_ T~> C+lF~7NER C;DAID/Ti~nIS RE?-~I acs Nn CN~a ~F on! ~a-c~.~ Br nor :2 ~~~r~.1.- Ar cK I~ P pn.t.~~-s FIRPf n7~-Tp/,/M~}F~FR -~ ANC SIGNED Y° c~~/'~~~-~- s TT'FLE yr~~ PR~s, E~nDtr;ss ~3~2 N. M~~ lraR y T2. ~~4~T ~ un B~ACN ~~T ~t3~5~~17 --6- -trre~i-t~thrrt- ( Strike out -~reT;~slri.-p- words not Corporate applicable ~7-TrJ IYIGf/~ ~i- SiIAIS. SAC. sr ~1~1~2 ~t ~ G~:P~~s All1!P.E5S~322- /ll, m/L_/TARy~jAIEST P.4/JY! ~EAC'1-/ FL-/-~. .~3~0~ Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NA~1E TITLE ADDRESS _.~-