1975-63 Award Bid to Southern Mill Creek ProductsRESOLUTION N0. 63-75 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF SOUTHERN MILL CREEK PRODUCTS, INC. FOR O MOSQUITO FOG GENERATOR IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,545.00 FROM ACCOUNT NO. 14-402-2. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Southern Mill Creek Products, Inc., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 14-402-2. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1975. /sf Ronald L. Heratv VICE MAYOR ATTF,ST /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk L F'~OPOSAI, i'O e.IE V1LL~~~E Or ?;OR! V PAL2~t BE~.C=i F'LOaTT•].~ ---r Gc~',__~:~_ SCI: '~°~~~ ~n~iarsS.gned as bidder does declare that no o"th~Y parson other 'c'an c'la bidder Herein named has any interest ;n ibis proposal or :l':1 '___~. COn"tract t0 .~,° taiCe_*1, and thai ].t 1S r•.~ade :47.. ihOUt a_71 COi1=!eCLlOn .,-i~h any other person or persons Waking proposal for the same article, znd is in all respects fair and orithout collusion or fraud. T1a LLndarsigned further declares that he has carefully e:camined the s~eci_ications and is Thoroughly far~i.liar vrith its provisions and ~,~'th ti:a ~_l,~ality, type and grade of material called for, Tne undersigned further declares that he proposers io furni sh T'rie articles called for within specified time set in this proposal foz i'ne follo;aing price; and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available orithin the State of Florida, to wit: DATE November 7, 1975 1, L~U Fog ~anera=nor par C-7e ll) Each 5--ectiica~ions r:r.,~ 1975 ,,,; London Aire . ~ err, XK 2. Less 'rad~-n on Leco uL1' Cold .Lerosol Fob .>enera-nor 19'i0 iaods-, S/N Siv05 ~: ~: F:L: 2,695.00 150.00 „ 2,545.00 _lE_ ' pROPOSAI. `PO Tf[L' VILLAGE 0,7 NORTEI PAL2( Y,L'.ACft FLORIDA 30 Days I;,\I 1\'CE:ill DELI\'Ef.1_ pri.`Apu~g This model is a larger engine because of the size. There is no strain on the engine. FII~~I SOUV~}'ERN MILL CREEK PI,{bbU6•TS CO. , INC. TITLE Herbert J F~riQdman, President ,DD.~55 P.O. Box 1096 Tampa, FL 33601 _,,_ ` 1EX#JC#~(fi#'A^aG)d~ ( Strike out X#JFXtXX&€1(16XJ~i( ~~ords not Corporate applicable Southern Mill ek Products Co., Inc. Herber J Friedman, President nvl,l:ESS P.O. Box 1096, Ofricers of Corporation or i!crztbers of Partnership: NAPIE Herbert J. Friedman ^tITLE ADDRESS President P.O. Box 1096, Tampa, FL 33601 Nellye I: Friedman Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1096, Tampa, FL 33601 ice res en Francisco G. Cisneros Asst. Secty/Treasurer P.O. Box 1096, Tampa, FL 33601 William W. Broome, Jr. Vice President P.O. Box 1096, Tampa, FL 33601 I FL 33601 -G-