1975-19 Seeking Better Communication with the PBC Board of CommissionersRESOLUTION N0. 19-75 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{, FLORIDA, SEEKING BETTER COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION- F.RS ANll RECOMMENDING MEF,TINGS WIT}[ SAID BOARD AND THE VILLAGE COUNCII, OF NORTH PAIM BF,ACH, AS WELL AS NEIGHBORING MUNICIPALITIES. WHEREAS, the Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida has determined that inter-governmental communication and cooperation is of substantial benefit to the Village of North Palm Beach and those with whom it has engaged i.n regular meetings and contact, and W}IEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach meets with its neighbors, the Town of Lake Park and the City of Palm Beach Gardens, in regularly scheduled tri.-community meetings whereby the welfare of the citizens and residents of all three communities are better served in such a way as to bring about desirable uniformity of laws in certain areas, cross exchange of information in other areas and generally making these three North County communities better able to serve their people, and WHEREAS, communication between the Village of North Palm Beach and the Palm Beach County Commission on matters of common interest to both parties would likewise be of great service to the citizens and residents governed by each of these bodies, and WHEREAS, meetings with the Village of North Palm Beach, the Town of hake Park, the City of Palm Beach Gardens and the Palm Beach County Conurrission would help coordinate positive programs on a County and Municipal level to the benefit of the taxpayers whom all the governments serve; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PALM BEAC}{, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Board is hereby invited and requested ' oi' North Palm Beach, Florida at parties to explore and discuss RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}I of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County to hold meetings with the Village Council a time and place mutually convenient to the natters of mutual concern to the two governmental. bodies and to the people they serve, so as to avoid dupli- cation of services presently provided by the Village government, and to encourage the best use of tax dollars to the ultimate benefit of all concerned. Section 2. The Town Commission of Lake Park and the City Council of Palm Beach Gardens are further invited and requested to join with the Village of North Palm Beach in meetings with members of the Palm Beach County Conunission in view of the substantial identity of problems and in- terests in these three communities and the convenience and value to all ' four governmental bodies involved in such a joint meeting. Section 3. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to forward copies of this Resolution to the City of Palm Beach Gardens, the Town of }.ake Park, and the members of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County. The Village Manager is directed to coordinate any comrnunica- bons or discussions among the bodies regarding a time and place for the meeting referred to in this Resolution and to report his findings to the Village Council when available. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10 DAY OF APRIL, 1975. ATTEST: /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 - 2 -