1975-03 Authorizing Certain Mail Receptacles in Swale AreasRESOLUTION N0. 3-75 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN MAIL RECEPTACLES TO BE LOCATED IN THE SWALE AREAS WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. ' WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Village Council that certain free-standing mail receptacles are located in Swale areas in the Village of North Palm Beach, serving as mailboxes for individual residences; and WHEREAS, the Village Council is advised that due to postal re~rlations, it is possible that requiring these mail receptacles to be moved. from the public Swale areas onto private property may result in no mail delivery to these residences; and WHEREAS, although the primary use of the Swale areas is for drainage and other municipal purposes under the control and. jurisdiction of t}re Village Council, yet these particular mail receptacles have been found not to interfere with any legitimate municipal use of the Swale ' areas at the present time; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Village Council to be of ultimate service to all of the residents of the Village of North Palm Beach; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}1 PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That those certain mail receptacles located. within the swale areas of the Village of North Palm Beach in front of the addresses shown on Exhibit A attached to this resolution may remain in t}re Swale area and be used as private mail boxes for the owners of the residences connected therewith during the pleasure of the Village Council. It is the intention of the Village Council, however, to attempt to have ' all mail deliveries made on private property without disturbing the flow of mail to any residence w5.thin the Village of North Palm Beach, and. the Village Manager is directed to take whatever steps possible toward. that end.. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23 DAY OF JANUARY, 1975. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. VICE MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 - 2 - t ~- .~ ) P ' .y.q-a p ~.. ... ._._~._...___m..rr......_.._ iM,i. L ~'~ZJl F1 ~N sU/ALC r ~' b (, ,. t.~ A a cr i d 3 7 LaK,•s ~~e 17rr..e 2 w ~.Ves+ _ Fi 4 ~ ~' ~ J \~ W. ~ a (., s s 75 2- ., ,~ l-nx~•s~~~ ~ ,,.t E. ~ it ~ F~ a', / Ca ~a ,e 1 73 b '~ ~. 5. ~'ose., 61af1 7 3 ~. ~~ ~ O. t3~'f~ER I ~% ~ ~ 17. /~kca7 7 ! /G ~~ ~ • N/9See //0 1 r / 2 ~- ~ rti e hr' o t~ ~ Sn ~{, ~ • h-1 P I v ,~ K e 'f J/n ,e ,. E, rd .stet' tr G ~~7 '~ ~>;. A.E. McC'.e6~ w 1~ .- FLORIDA~B 8Ye®OL OP gIIATSCY 8II708 1Y20 n 6ERV1N0 THE CONSTRUCTION ILIDUSTRY IN CENTRAL AND 60UTHEABT FLORmA