1973-35 Award Bid to Onantorio of Florida, Inc. RESDLUTION N0. 35-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ACCEPTING A BID. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}[, FLORIDA: Section 1, The bid of ONONTARIO OF FLORIDA, INC. for Item 1, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance, Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25 DAY OF OCTOBER, 1973. /s/ H, Mallory Privett, Jr, MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 ~~ ;~ w ~~,t ~ _, ~; ;~ ~ r ,t ~' ' ' ~:~,. - PROPOSAL Zb THE VILLAGE OF NORTfI PALM B$ ~ ~ FrpEIpA ~' ' ` : ~; l E 1J iT,EMEN The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person other tha th b n e idder herein named ha.s in th any interest in this proposal or e contract to be taken, a.nd with any r~thcr er that it is made ~aitlibizt any connection` p . son or persons and is i n all r making proposal for the same art:ic.le, . . espects ,..air and without collusion o_r. fraud. `.I`he undersigned fur~thex declares specification nd i that he has care ally examined the s a s thoroughly the quality, type and grade of a fermi-liar with ita provisions and with t m erial called for., 19~e under. signed further declares called for withi gnat he proposes to furnish the articles n specified time pr~_ce; and guarantees l:hai set in this pro osal for the following : parts below are available within the St anal service for~the articles listed ai: f F e o :iorida,i;.o wit; DA`1T ~~QPr ~ /~7 3 ` ] TCN! D];SCRIPT]:ON }~ 1. Casa I,Jaak 37.5 ft. pipe ?a 2. case II, ,I~3aIc 50 ft. ± pipe J j. Case II] , ,lack ~ 120 'I't. + pipe '" \~ •' F' IIANTITY I1NIT F Each 3 Each 1. Each UNIT PRICE TOTAL AP1OI'NT '_ ~a ac s.~.zaG. Tro fib, ~l>(3. ~~ GRAND TOTAh: $ .~. i_o. ai r:1 _ ~a: ~+~ ..w, .• -. ~~. '~~" -'~" f5b a'44 1 ~ 5.. :.1J '~t c. Y.', 9q i• ~f. ,..,~,z.. y ~, f. ~ ~ 1 I' ~ ^PRC}POSAr~TO _TIIP VILLAGI _OL^NORZII-PhLM BEA ~ P7,ORIDA ~I CIJr~r2ANTL'I;1} DFiLT. VRR'i ~- j -_-------- ,. ~y - t ~ _ f/~~ ~/ / _ . . `'' •• ~. -~- ~~ ti:' r ~I: ~1. ~~ , ,~,.. ._ , -b.-~-~-Trri n Cl,eporato ' Oti ~ .~i ~'r Y ~ YJi1 ~ S .a.n ~ j ? 1 R'~ I Strike out ~.~"" ~. ~,~ j'7ords not - -- -- f Of'.`aCC'_C.`; Cl7` C'nT~n7-gi."I.i?tt (71' LiClllhf9*-.f: ~~'i' t~El t~lll i_`!';;hl j~_ raann: -- ~~.' ~~~~~r ~' , ~ ~ ~ .~ "_ ...~~~ -.~:~~ -- __ '~~ ~rr^r,r ~:~ratr•, s s ~ ~ . ^; -~-