1973-09 Opposing Proposed House Bill 227RESOLUTION N0. 9-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, OPPOSING PROPOSED HB 227, THE "GOOD FAITH" BILL FOR SEWAGE TREATMF,NT FACILITIES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, after studying proposed. HB 227 and receiving written communications concerning this from Thomas F. Lewis, State Representative of District 83, wishes to advise the members of the Palm Beach County Delegation to the 1973 Florida Legislature that it opposes the contents of }Ig 227, particularly because of the imprecise definition of the words "good faith" at~d the possibility that these may be defined in such a way as to permit continued pollution of local waters by area sewer plants. Section 2. The Village Council wishes to go on record to the Florida Legislature as being opposed to this bill and any bills which would lower the requirements of facilities for sanitary sewage disposal from the present standards set forth by law. Section 3. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to furnish copies of this Resolution to all members of the 1973 Florida Legislature from Palm Beach County and to the chairmen of those committees to which HB 227 will be referred. PASSIiD AND ADOPTED THIS 8 DAY OF MARCH, 1973. /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. ' MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. [~-alker Village Clerk