1973-01 Authorizing Mayor & Village Clerk to Enter Agreement with PBG & Lake Park for Animal Control-- ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}[, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR RND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS AND THE TOWN OF LAKE PARK CONCERNING ANIMAL CONTROL AND THE HIRING OF A JOINT ANIMAL CONTROL WARDEN. BE IS RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM B}iAC}I, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Mayor and the Village Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized. and directed to enter into that certain Contract with the City of Palm Beach Gardens and the Town of Lake Park concerning the hiring of an animal control warden and the purchase of certain animal control equipment, to be equally divided between the three munici- palities, a copy of which contract is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. ' Section 2. The Village Clerk is authorized. and. directed to attach the Village Seal thereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11 DAY OF JANUARY, 1973. /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTF. ST /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 ff~ li i~ .~ , ACRFFNIk',NT TIiI5 Af;RTRt~tBNT entered into this i 1R ---day of Jarniary_____.__ 1873, by and between The Village of North Palm Beech, hereafter called "The Village", the Town of Lalsa Park, heroaitex called "the Town*, and the City of Palm Brach Gardens, hereafter called "the City." P1il$R)aAS, the three municipal Aovernmenta, the Village, the Town and the City, desire to cooperate with saoh other in hotter enforcing animal control ordinances in thF•ir respective cammunities; and 1VFIERE.AB, the parties have determined that An animal warden and an appropriate veldclo sad other Pquipment to be shared by and among the Village, the Town and the City will best accomplish this goal; ivOW, Ttlt:Rr1~AE, for end in cvusideration of the covenants and agreements hereinai4er act forth the parties agree as follows: 1 . The Village shall employ a p4rson to perform the dutien of animal warden in all three communities. Said employed shall be employed under the conditions of employment of the Village, at a salary to bc~ agreed upon by the managers of the Village: , the Town and the City. 2. Tl~e Village shall purchase an animal contirol vehicle under its purchasing poll<aria, the sire, type end equipment of dame to be deci.cied by the managers of the Vill.:go, the Town and the City. Insurcuxco, maintenance and care of the vehicle shall be in accordance with the normal policies of the Village. 3. The duties and responaibilitica of the Animal 19arden shall bP to enforce animal control ordinances of the three municipalities, party hereto and to devote time to ear_h of the said municipalities as equally as is reaaonahly possible. The specific hours and method of work shall be decided by the msnagc;rs of the Village, the Town and the City, who shall also designate on~ of their number to directly supervise 4he Animal Wards-n. fliapntching service for .the Animal Warcle:n shall bs provided by the Village, and holding pens for animals, in cu~:tody rhall be i>rovidc:d by the City. ! 9. fihc Animal 14arden shall refer cases of cruelty to the Animal :1 f~~ ~ ~ ti i~ ~~ ~i Rescue Longue and eahall use staid league na an ultixnato depository for animals '~ in custody, 5. All cx+ata of employment of the Animal Warden and coats connected with tho purchase of a vehicle shall bs divided oqunlly among the three parties hereto, at a coat to each party not to exceed X4,000.00 during the &acal year 1972-1973. No cgata shall be charged fox supervision, dispatching service or use of bolding pens. 0. Tn the ovont of a disagreement among the three managers regsrdin{i adndnistrative decisions to be made in accordance: with the provisions of thief contract, the agreement of any tvro of the three managers shall bind the three parties: provided, ho•me~•er, that in any event 4he services of the Animal Warden shall be divided es cquelly as reasonably possible between the three parties hereto • ?. Tt 33 contemplated that the essence of this Agreement shall be continued beyond the terms of this Agreement, and the equipment purchaRed hereunder should have uaefulneas beyond one year. In the event that the parties hereto or any of them refuse to azntlnue this ogre+e:ment in future yearn, then the remaining equipment shall be sold for the highest and beat bid and the prcwceds derived therefrom divided oqually among the pertiea; provided, however, that in the event ono of the parties desires. to purehneo the equipment at a price equal to the highest and best bid for the equipment, then the right of first refusal shall be given to any, municipality that deaix•es to purchase the property at the highest bid price, and in the event there shall be mere than one of the pnrtlcs desiring to purchase the property, it shall be determined by lot. 0. 9lonthiy reports concerning the activities of the Animal Warden shall be submfttecl to each governing body as soon site-r the end of the ment}a as possible, in such form as to Pxplnin the Animal Warden's activities in each of the three municipaliticn. -2- This Agreement executed in triplicate this 18 day o£ January 1.873. TH>r VILLAQF. CAF NnRTH PALM BEACH ATT S'T: / Village Clerk BY~.~ _ -~~-..-. TOWN Ol? I.AKI's PA1IK ATTRST: _. ~ ~~ ~ ' Town Clc.rls '= ~~ °--.__._,_.~~_-_-.~_ ~y_ ._.<_ CITY OF PALM T3EACII GA12I1T:NS AT'1'r~ST: City Clefik ~ ~~ ! ~ i ~, --r-, I i ~ j~~ 1 t i I E i i -3 i j