1969-419 Declaring Results of Special Election held 9/16/69RESOLUTION N0. 419-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, IIECLARING THE RF,SULTS OF A SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 TO VOTI; ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE VILLAGE, ' OF NORTH PALM BF,AC}{, WHEREAS, on the 16th day of September, 1969 a Special Election was held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida for the purpose of submitting to the registered and qualified electors residing in said Vi]_lage the following proposition: PROPOSITION ll0 YOU FAVOR THE APPROVAL OF AN ACT OF THE 1969 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE AUTHORI7.ING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO ACQUIRE BY CONDEMNATION THE WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES OF NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES, INC., ITS Sl1CCF,SSORS AND ASSIGNS, BOTH WITI}IN AND WITHOUT THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH? and, WH};RF,AS, by due resolution the following persons were appointed ' ]nspectors and Clerks of said election: Faith Lutheran Church, Precinct No. 48: Inspectors: Esther Bricker Grete McBride Faye Lucas Lois Booth Clerk: Elizabeth Redding North Palm Beach Elementary School, Precinct No. 49: Inspectors: Ralph Cohn Lillian Drudi Louise Nash Virginia Tracy (aerk: Mary Jane Jenkins anc}, WHF,KF,AS, on September 17, 1969 said Inspectors and Clerks, after taking and subscribing their oaths in accordance with law, made their returns to the Village Council, which returns certified that the i'ollow- ing is the result of said Special Election, to-wit: Total Machine Votes: 636 Total Absentee Votes 9 Total "Yes" Votes 570 Total "No" Votes 75 and, W}{EREAS, the Village Council has duly canvassed the returns oi' said Special Election and finds that the returns of the Inspectors and Clerks of said election are true and correct tabulations of the votes cast; NOW, THF,REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGF. COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council finds and declares that the following are the results of the Special Election of September 16, 1969: Total "Yes" Votes 570 Total °No" Votes 75 YASS}:D ANll ADOPTF,ll THIS 17T}{ DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1969. ~~ A7'1'};ST: /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk r 1 /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR z