1969-418 Increasing Number of Members of Beautification Committee from 5 to 7 and appointing Mrs. Green, Dr. Maraist & Mrs. SoucieRESOLUTION N0, 418-69 A RF.SOLIITION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}1, 1 FLOKIDA, AMF,NDING RESOLUTION N0. 184 AND REPEALING RESOLUTION N0, 238-65, RY INCREASING THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE VILLAGE BEAUTI- FICA1'ION COMMITTEE AND APPOINTING MEMBERS TO SAID COMMITTEE. RE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM REACH, FLORIllA: Section 1. The Village Beautification Committee, as created by Section 1 of Resolution No. 184, is hereby amended by changing the number of members of said Beautification Committee from five persons to seven persons. Section 2. Resolution No. 238-65 is hereby repealed. Section 3. MRS. DWIGHT GREEN, DR. FRANCIS MARAIST and 1 h1RS, WINFIELD SOUCIE are hereby appointed as members of the Reauti- fication Committee to fill one vacancy and the two new vacancies created by this resolution. PASSF,ll AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF SEPTF,MBER, 1969. /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR AT1'I:ST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk