1969-392 Requesting State Legislature to pass Special Act conferring power of eminent domain over water and swer facilities serving the Village of NPBRFS OLUTION N0, 392-69 A RESOLUTION OF 7'HE VILLAGE COUNCII, OF NORT}{ PALM BEACH, FhORIDA REQUESTING THE FLORIDA STATE LEGISLATURE TO PASS A SPECIAL AC7' CONFERRING THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN OVER WATER AND SEWER ' FACILITIES SERVING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ON THF, SAID VILLAGF„ Whereas, the general law of the State of Florida empowers all municipalities to acquire private water and sewer facilities serving municipalities, and Whereas, virtually every Florida municipality has said power except the Village of North Palm Beach, and Whereas, the lack of said power has exposed said Village to intolerable water and air pollution from its sewerage plant and has created extraordinarily high water and sewer rates, and Whereas, a storm of protest has arisen from the residents and taxpayers of said Village seeking the power to publicly acquire its water and sewer facilities; Now, therefore BF. IT RESOLVED BY 1'HE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation to the 1969 Florida Legislature is earnestly and strongly requested to seek the passage of the proposed bill attached hereto which would grant the Village of North Palm Beach the usual and necessary power to condemn the water and sewer facilities serving it. Section 2, The Mayor, Village Manager, and other Village oi'ficials are directed to take all necessary steps to seek the passage of the attached bill. IN1'RODUChD, PASSED AND ADOPTF,D T}[IS 16T}{ DAY OF MAY, 1969, ' /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR Attest: /s/ Lawrence J. Robbins lleputy Village Clerk