1968-372 Contract with Nozzle Nolen for vermin control in the Village RESOLUTION N0. 372-68 A RESOLUTION OF T}{E VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUT}{ORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH N07,ZLE NOLEN, INC, FOR VERMIN CONTROL IN THF. VILLAGF. OF NORTH PALM REAL}{, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,ACH, FLORIllA: Section 1. The Mayor and Village Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized to enter into an agreement with NOZZLE NOLF.N, INC. for control of vermin and other pests in The Village of North Palm Reach, according to the contract attached hereto, marked Exhibit 1, and by reference made a part hereof, and the terms of which are hereby incorporated in this Resolution. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Village Seal to said contract. PASSED AND ADOPTEll T}{IS 26TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1968. /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR A1'TF,S T /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ~...~, rxxIBIT 1 it '1'll]S nCRCCMI:N'C made this 26th clay of November, 19(,8, by and botwoen NU""/,lLh NULi:N, INC „ a Florida corporation, hereafter roforrod in as "Nozz]o Nnlen," and THE VILLAGI: Ol' NURTII 1'Ai,M Bi:ACII, a nnuricipa] corpnrai-ion organized and existing under iho laws of the State ol~l'lorida, hereafter referred to as "the Village." lJ]'I'NI:SSI:TI I The p:mtios to this ngrcement, in consideration of thc• I' payments, agroomcnis and provisi-ons herein contained, horeby '~ agree as follrnvs: ~~ 1-. Nozzlo Noon wi]J render complete rodent enntro] r, to the V]llagc fur llro sum oi' '['WU IIIINIUt}:I) ($"lUU.u(I) llUld,NtS I por month beginning November 26, 1968, to November 1, 1969. ~' 2. For the sorvi_ces to he perfoa•med, the Vi l } aT*,c~ agrees i, to pay Noz.z.lc Nolen the sum of $20U.0U per month during thc• tca•m i of this AgreonienC. i 3. Nozzle Nolen agrees to place 3UU bait stations throughout tho entire corporate limits of the Village to determine ' whore any rodent infosfntion currently exists. Upon dc•icrmining I ~ the area of rodent- infestation, Nozzle Nolen agrees to so locate ~ its bait stations so as to most effectively control and exterminate it a]] rodonts throughout The Vi]]age. licit stations will be located ~ on nrblic pro ort on vacant lots and on al] I` F 1 P Y. private property i where Nozzle Nolen i.s rocprostcd to place the same upon direct i~ ~``~ rcquc•st of thc• property otvner. Ij ~I. Nnzza c• Nnlon agrees to answor all oall.s i'rom Vi] logo ~~ ros:idouts rogrn•ding rodents, io oxp]nin the rodent" control procedure ili employed and to inspeot the hrnnes and make reconm~endations as to rodent proofing a].L homes. Rodent' proofing activities outside the 1~ homes on private property shall. be done ai no expense io the Village 1 resident, Interior rodent prooi'ing protection shall be at such (, cost as agreed upon between the home owner and Nozzle Nolen. 5. Nozzle Nolen agrees to use a rodenticide in their i bait stations to he of the anti-coagulant family, which Nozzle Nolen warrants is safe for use in a populrrted aroa. Nozzlo No].en tarrants that such rodenticides are not harmful to human beings or to domestic animals and further warrants that there is no chance of secondary poisoning to domestic animals who might come in contact with dead rodents who have died as a result of eating the rodenticide•, G. Nozzle Nolen further warrants that it has and will maintain dnr.ing the irt•rns of t9t]s A},meement liability insurance :;n the stmt of $300,000.00 per person and $500,000.DO per injury fbr any persons who may he injured as a result of the use of the bait stations as set forth above. A copy of the insurance policy or a rider executed by the insurance company shall he made available to the Village as a part of this Agreement, 7. Nozzle Nolen further agrees to check all bait stations monthly :nnl fn mike perindir reports t:~ the Vi.llagr Cotnu•}] concerni-ng the effectiveness of their rodent control program. 8. Nozzle Nolen agrees to hold harmless the Village from any liability or responsibility arising out of injury, disease, sickness or death to any person or domestic animal arising from the placing of bait stations for rodent control. within the limits of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, IN WITNESS WI[ERCOP, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first written above. N07,Z,LF. N ;'f;N, INC, ~i ~ } _ rsy.-' 7ifD-'r~% 14 `' Gu. ~}/ I'Itomas McCrtuley / '1'lIC VILL GE~OI' NORTI[ PI~Lt] ~I:ACIi ./Thomas F. ewis, Mayor .. By ~C/ I--C-a-f-~~ ~G'/ ~.cll~.er Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk 2 _