1968-357 Requesting State Comptroller to Extend Date to September 15 for Reporting Ad Valorem Tax Roll1 1 RESOLUTION N0, 357-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}[ PALM BEACH, ]'LORIDA, REQUESTING THE STATE COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE OF THE STATE OF }'hORIDA TO F.XTF,ND THE TIME FOR REPORTING THE AD VALOREM TAX ROLL O1' THE VILLAGE TO THE STATE COMPTROLLER`S OFFICE TO SEPTF,MBER 15, 1.968. BE I1' RF,SOLVED BY T'HE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM REAC}{~ FLORIDA: Section 1. The State Comptroller is hereby requested to ex- tend the time for reporting the Ad Valorem Sax Roll of the Village to the State Comptroller`s Office to September 15, 1968. Section 2. The reason for the request is that the F.9ualizi.ng Board oi' the Village does not meet until August, 1968 and must con- time to meet until all questions before it have been decided, which on occasion has lasted almost until September lst. The final Ad Valorem Tax Roll cannot be decided until after the Equalizing Board has completed its work. The requested extension to September 15, 1968 is to permit the Village office staff sufficient time to have the completed roll in final form for submission to the State Comptroller. YASSY,D AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF J1JNE, 1968. /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR 1 ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk