1967-308 Adopting the Permanent Registration System of P.B. County as the registration system for the elections of the Village of NPB RESOLUTION N0. 30$-67 ~i C~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE PERMANENT REGISTRATION SYSTEM OF PALM BEACH COUNTY A5 THE REGISTRATION 3YSTc"~i FOR THE ELECTIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH IN PLACE OF A SEPARATE REGISTRATION FOR THE ELECTORS OF NORTH PALM BEACH. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to Chapter 9$.091, Florida Statutes, the Pillage of North Palm Beach a municipality organized under the laws of the State of Florida, desires to use the permanent registration system of Palm Beach County in its elections in place of a separate registration system for its electors. Section 2, The Village Clerk is hereby directed to notify the Board of County Commissioners that it desires to use this system and to notify the Supervisor of Elections to the same effect, Section 3. The Supervisor o£ Registration of the Village of North Palm Beach is directed to make the proper arrangements with the Supervisor of Elections of Palm Beach County, pursuant to Chapters 9$.091 and 9$.101 0£ Florida Statutes, to use the permanent registration system of Palm Beach County. Section 4. All ordinances or resolutions or parts of .ordinances or resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. FASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9 DAY OF MAY, 1967. MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) Village Clerk