1967-307 Repealing Resolution No. 300-67 and Authorizing Signing of an Easement Grant to Southern Bell Telephone RESOLUTION N0. 307_67 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTION N0. 300-67 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERS TO SIGN AN EASEMENT GRANT TO SOUTHERN ALL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE: COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM REACH, FLORIDA: Section 1, Resolution No. 300-67 of the Village Council of North Palm Beach, • Florida, be and the same is hereby repealed. _ Section 2. The Mayor and the Village Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to sign a certain easement grant to Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF MEIY, 1967. ATTEST: Village Clerk r MAYOR -'~ ~~ ~ ~: g t RTC11T-OP-YlAY EASfiSiE\T r. .`.~.; ~ tl ~s~t~ ~~ t . i:. l -v 9^, ^^ _~ R eeaf:<d of the SOl1THERN BELL TPLEPtIONE AND TELEGRAPH COSIPASY C::? °- - -- i•~' +~' -------°------no ,.. /100 Da lists in consideration o rhith ihr undersi ned doss :ere: -x° f C Y dr=<: sate C.+zp_ _, its ,auo<iated and a11i<d eoapani<s, thair rasp eetfvr li<rnse<s, rueeessors ¢nd out;ca, t%s rt;Sx so eons:rue:, op<rata and s¢iwiain a line of easaunie anon consisting of tac F. ~~~_ - <sbI<s, eonduiss, v-~°,•~--i-,=,~ and of h<r nsc<tsarY appurxenan<aa as Eros [iaa eo tine era raq.:rrG -- aotr., nerd ~s~ over and/or ender that certain traei of fond ri[untrd in -Y81= =°c^~^ - OriC3 - .="a a:e of to-tit; a P '1_~ fePt iP ',!'t't% ,-r - .c` `==? ~? ^ t?? Ci ° ~ ` ~ '•} . . e; 3 CR8 aCrOSS t e Wort eaS COrLeP C. ~C'78.. _e :~ G - -~~x~{[ai c-^-i _ ~ ° "ec.~1 h k outh Ran East accordiR tc `_~~ ~_ -__ __-_ - _ .. ._ r - - Or "°^ ^C tCt iR ~13t BO OIi Pa¢e ~ Pubiic-FecoTCS Gf y"1 - 4 - - c:-a aeon, l~%g=i aZaag and azu{er thr ro ad a, s2reatr, or highrnyr adjoining or thtougk said property sish :ne _ - r{;kt [o parnix s!u att aeha<nt of and/or carry {n conduit rirra and esblu of ony other yersan or acs- __ - puy for co sa aniea[ionr purposar or for sha lranraiss ion and dia[ributien of aZactric pcv e: cj fry .f rig It o' in yrus and egress to uid pr uisra a! a!I iiaes for shr purpose of in rp ectirg a:d gain: ci rs--- - - izg sci?. Iir.r and ritF. she right to ele ar and ksrp eZeared a1I traes, und<rg rorth or other c:z:rce ions - - ~ rxtkin 3..Tc2.~~YaCL~xs• crai A ?() farx YilC;2XLhX93?tK:oXiikN.XKDU(OIJ(~JCy.Efj%~R%end xo trio ~ ~ ec t__- _-. a-d retp xriu<d and cut sit dead, rrak, leaning or dengarous errs rhieA sight trash s¢id ifsr {e -- fallin;; {aeladiwg tAa right xa rr Escort said tine ea avid prra{sr< eo cenfora so any fatsre kighsay r ~ re Sam Sia n, ridm ing er Sap re re saw t; ihr acid sus baing racaived iw full payaras for the tights hrre{z' t -- I KI SESS d_r of ffHEA iha undrrs igned Gr ¢ntor_ 19 „ ha~ ret as zh¢nd~ ¢nd see1~ /~ [F.ia ~d ~ -_ ii -./ee/~frrv. X - G.<. ,ax. - -- Cum?:' ?leri Persa rta2ly aPP t I i .~i --__ .- i i x.... i' - o. m eacn, ori.da - m eaeh,Elorida - i thr rithin nerd r r} with ahoy Z ca parsontc}Ly ea-.- ey o - eantrnta of thr rithin iwazra a<az ~.$.}bp~(t~C ~.. ~P;at~(rse eu:ed and d<lirued the awl untarily as ~JCJ' •:(thrir} sea snd Aard far tFs parycses tSe rein ernxeined. _ - - ~ -~ _- - - .. 3 _ -t Pi ay hand awd rraZ this 9th daY of ~~y f9 ~, - - ` (granter} 4ostnte3, ska aeknorZedgad that, bring i C0::1T1' (P.t47SH) OF Pala Bosch Srfor < pt2 -af tha St atr and Cemty afcrrs si d, ~-- - s:raared rich thaw 7 u prr<onat~iq ac qu iY rd crf~^'sh`o,~' Pa '~Iy aro rn, ecknorledgrd his f to ba of tAs V/hd ~' ~ as eha rithin neasa karg of na r, a orP r t [hsr ~ knojj jam, 6 ha ea ass$ baing autharisrd 6y tM ss or c s n so tc L.,. e zec ated .k< for<going inrtruaent, a~ad t~q//( {dam, hr corparatr real raj~•, fcr the psrposea thrrr in uasained, Sr afgnf ehr Wass of tkd.,'28Tpb~tian by hiuefJ' a ~Ar/Sdti- tsF :Lst tk< said ~-yqg~-- as knartrdpd thr ofd rrlting to bs tF,< fr<a us ced lead of tkr aaid~t fftTSt(,° ---- ,.}. ~~!t/'r seas a. •ea1 rti ay,p ~, a - - - ~ 6~an ksdt 17, l438 ,? "~ - t.a+r b r«..t.a aa. g Clrirkr c.. - A.'<<-A r•i~ •-~• AUTH. CLA55. --- - AMCUNT. APPROVED _gage cf F-7706 !r-C ~1.C0 r L<st .- TITC_ - 3 That Southern Bell Tel®phone and Telegraph Company, by accepting this easements assumes financial responsibility for anq damage to water and sewer lines created bq using the easement to install the Grantese's own property; and provided further that in the event the Village of Pdorth Palm Beach erects a bulkhead across this easement where it meets the Intro- coastal Fdaterways then to the extent that-any- facilities or construction or use of this ease- _, mont by the Grantees Southern Ball Telephone and - ~; _ Telegraph Company, effects an increase in the cost a of the bulkheading project over what it would be _ - had this easement not been granted and Southern-- ,`- Ball Telephone and Telegraph Company not made use of said propertys then such costs shall be _'} borne by the Grantees Southern. Bell Telephone f and Telegraph Company; and provided further that in the event said bulkheading is installed by the Village of North Palm Beach and subsequent construc- tion or use of said easement by Southern Be11 Telephone and Telegraph Company caused damage or costs to the Village of North Palm Beaches' bulk- - head or other installations then said costs shall be borne wholly by Southern Bell Telephone and.-- Tcingraph Company as an express responsibility in accepting this easement from the Village of __ North Palm Beach. L~' ~,. I~ ``' ~•H ,y . I . ~ e r -~- V ; ... ~ Y _ r t, `! }9+Y q . . .~.~k1 _~ "-.:a. I is easacant is mere particularly cescric..d as; a s-.rr 6 ;. ;a-.d. 2C feet is width lying parallel to and Northeasterly cf a ~s ~ " cc~.a.^arg twc points referred to herein as point "h" and "B°! ~.~ ~f cescribad as follows: Point °'A" is a point in the ::ast ?1g'rt of ;isy '~^e cf State Road ~y measuring 100 feet Sout!:erly frc: its SntAraacticm - ~it~ t.*.e South Right of way line of tha Intracoastal isats:rrap. ~" ~F ; ?ciat "B" is a point in the South Right of Way line of the Taraccastal ' ':`~ 'y' ~ ata:aay :assuring 100 feet northwesterly frog Sts intersecticn with-tlr. : • - --:..~ " . :ast night of Way line of State Road ~5. ~ -te .. ; .*_a ;:est =s].ght of Way line of State Road 1~5 is described in t::s S.ats Y ~ =cad Plat Bcod #^2, Pages 705 to 118 and the South P.iaht of nay lime c~ , ~z~ tha "traccsstal ta'aterway is described in the Palm Beach Ccunty's iiaL ~; ~_ .. ' r ' " ' 6L 3.7ECi TO TII s FOLLd4illdii: , _ _ ~ x Y., 44 S ~F ~~ 3 '4 ~~1 '~~1v ~{Ip~ SA7 A v _!~ ' ~~ V 0 S~ 5 V Z V 4 F Y 0. ~, t4 i .. . J f r d ... ,~,~, ~o Y .~+- /O' 6SInT-~ NP® unt,. ~ ~ ~ f s. 60 ~. ~y~ ,: Y' <~ C! ~{ K' +^.M ... y4,yyf..~..71...JF.~Z.. .t ..- .-...,.. .. •v.-'-. 'P f•~_'1••- _ •••a.YYi ~ur'_•Y:e K'4~:^_u- y-~ _rp +~......y"in.~„n _ I _ ]~ _ Y s i' }" i "~ ` f ~. ~~ { `: • y F f ' •~ @E ` y 1@~ /~ ~ F { ~: ?~ p ~ ~_ . 1 j ` f .~ ~ Y • ~° E:..: ~'";. p` ~- 4`a~ F '. ~' _ _ ~F C'~}S -.. k .~ s . 7 K 1. 1