1967-303 Appointing member to the Beautification Committee RESOLUTION N0. 303-67 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING THE MAYOR AND VICE-MAYOR FOR SAID VILLAGE. x x :~ ~ ~ x ~ :~ ~ x s ~ ~ ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions o£ Sections 8 through 11, Article . III, of Chapter 31481, Laws of Florida., Extraordinary Session 1956, the same being the Charter £or sa.id Village, the following persons be and they are hereby named to the following offices of such Village: Thomas F. Lewis - Mayor Thomas R. Be11 - Vice-Mayor Section 2. The above named officers shall before an officer duly qualified to administer oaths a.nd impartially execute the duties of their offices ability and understanding, which said oath will then a.nd spread upon the minutes of the Vi1la.ge Council. take and subscribe an oath that they will faithfully according to the best of their be filed with the Village Clerk Section 3. The above named Mayor and Vice-Mayor shall hold office until their respective successors shall be elected in accordance with the provisions o£ the Charter of the Village, a.nd shall qualify. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 3 DAY OF APRIL, 1967. ATTEST: Village Clerk MAYOR .~.,, 0 A T H "'- / ~ I ~!<-~y/A~ r- ~~ `;., _ do solemnly swear that,- I-will support, protect and defend the,Consti'L-ution and government of `the - United States and o£ 'the State. of Florida .against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and -that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and 'that I am entitled-to hold office under the Constitution;. that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of mayor of The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida on which I am about 'to enter. So help me God. i ~~ / l ~ / / //'7.~1~J2/.!/J f ~<<~(/ate Chapter 165.06, Florida Statutes,.-1965 Sworn to and subscribed_to before me this 3'~'~ day o$ Ar~niL -, 1967.- ~_.-s - - ~~4`~. _ Joe J. Eassa, MY COMMISSIONiEXPI ES fh1ARi~p ~5,L797E pONOEO 6HR000N FRED W. OI£f TGLHORB~ _.- __ Q A T H I, TlIOMAS R. B)T.,L, do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and def~cnd -the Cons~ti-lotion and goyerrunent.of 'the United. States and o£ the State of Florida against ali enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will hear `true Faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same; and that I am entitled 'L'o 'hold office under the Constitution; 'that I will 1'ai'L-hfully perform all. the duties oP 'lhe -Of-lice of Vice-Alayor or .T.l~e Village of North Palm Beach, Florida on which I am about to enter. So help me God.. THOMAS" 4~2. BEL-T; a4v~ .ey CVO • ~~ ~ ~~ , „ t C nr ri .,~ ~ Sworn to and subscr to befor,e~~m~~-e this day of - ~y~ic 1962-. Joe_J. Eassa, Ji. _ = __ _ _. . MY C01.5M8550NSE3(PIRES MAR OA A~A,~~'. - - - tONOEO iHPDUON iAEO W p~E O'EGLHD~~~.