1967-300 Authorizing Mayor and Village Clerk to sign easment grant to Southern Bell Telephone Co.~ ~ ..x RESOLUTION N0, 03 0-67 i~ i~ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN ~~ EASEMENT GRANT TO SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELE- GRAPH COMPANY. ~ ~ _ ~ .. ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILId1GE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: I i~ I i~ i~ Section 1. That the Village Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign a certain Easement Grant to SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY in the attached form. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1kTH DAY OF MARCH, 1967. (SEAL) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK MAYOR I I~ ,~, '~ r.,r ~~' ~ : ~ J S330fiT- 0~'-WA'~ E,4S~4PC~1~'"it . ~ ,~~°~ ` R Z HM I`J I i --°-°1'tec~iued e~f ~81}m SOir'3'~'F.RN BBLL TELEPtK}NL A.l~ TE?a,~"GRAPH'CC~aPANk'W .°'°° -"'~ - ° /ZGO malCare in cons ddarae ton of r$tith ilea andsrx i~Amd (dot,s~hcraby,grm,~t ¢.aid ~5.oxpany, ita,eaaoaiatad sled a!{isd soap e.~>aa, chair rsspa6tboa iitanaraa, aaccasagns, cad ¢sgig611n,,y~ht right to Gana Yraet, operate and nmi of stn a fine of coaaun Lcat ion cone is3 dng of each ~ s ,ep6i,s-r,oaardeit4,X~ std other neeaasary appur4snaness as ~ros tira_,SO.iioa ¢ra Fa~Lr}fd a;-ajop, ~i¢ro~* ospr atdi or under Shat certain ir¢et of tend a~itaat ads in~°$ s'',y,~... Cco+a3t , 4tete of Sr~bP $a ea-rif: ~ R_A34?CR9zam' c(~~e~-t its. 45i,dth 1~kYfi~,~~.. ~. - ailJ apaA, aldng and under the roads, atraeta, or highrayr adjoining or through aaid pfoper4y ai Gk :'87ca righf to perait the of tncha<nt of and/or carry in conduit rirer and eah lea of ¢ny oeFaer parean br eatt- peny for tmaaunieat ions purposes ar for the transaias can ¢rtd die tr ib ut ion of clee it is power and the right Of iagrasx and mjrera to said preaiaea nt ail tines for the-parpase of inspeetdng sad Ea{nLaiA- ing aaid Tina and sifh the right to clear and keep cleared all trams, Endergrostk or nthar abatratt £ans ri{hiA ~~~~j ~~ GrL~t~ /7(~ f<tf X.1{~.~Ity,857{~6S(bX~(rp~d~i J~fi~Xq~dtS~au.Rg~and to tf iE GRd Ca{ and keep iriaotd and cut ad[ dead, reek, [caning or dangerous treaa rhdch sight reach said dint dm falling; including tF.e right to relocate said Iine on aaid preeisex to conform to ony fat srr hi~kv¢y re dotal ion, ridareing or isproveaent; the said sue being received in fu1I payment for thr rights herein gTan£ad. _-~ Ly ~~'9 =''4 `.~ S 'w ro^ . - ' 'i• t ~rl -~ MS ry l ~; M I~N_,l-.ITNE.SS NHER~f~F the undersigned Grantar._, ha s see its hand- ¢nd aaad_ IhLa~~'~xh t day of Cn t9 _.- ~- i ild tnoa s: ~ /~ S /"~ d-/-..t.,;,s` ~~,~ GL-C,dJ~--rte - -- - x Florida COUNT' R) OF a m 13C ,'~ , .. / personaCIy eppZ9cr~d brfore Ee (gran! or) gaainted, who aeknow Cedgsd that, being ii (they} aze toted and delivered the. __vo1 ihsre in contained. .'~ the rithin n~ for (s) sith rhos Z ar peraonaCIy rte- ' of the contents of the rithin ins traaent I•~ (sire}. tari[y_aa ~)ew (kmr~(the ir) ¢c4 and deed for the parposaa i~ w~fist~s ^y hand and sea( ~thia ~ lday of ~ d9f Qe~ STATE OF Florida COUNTY (PARISH) OF Pa26 EeaCh 1 Bafort am .~ IdOtarY PC1L1'1C of the State and Coursty afor<t aid, apps arsd 3`hlTRtCi9 F. LecVie rd th rhae I as personally oc quaff of ed, and oho, baiA; daffy acorn, acknorledged hiaas if so be~~Q~~iP,~ of the Vial age Of North ~,Q~&Oh, Fl}4the rithin nam<a bargninor, ~corpav~it~o~~Epn~i~~ ac knor[edgea that ha ¢s sucA Ifl',ft)r bsing authorized by the Rr~ of aaid corporation so to ds,' ama¢atad aka foregoing insiruaent, and affixed LAe carporaia seal ihtr~~~pr the purposes therein - eantsined, by signing she Hasa of the corporal ion by hinsa If as - Aaal tkat tbs aafll P'1€3S~'Q;' aeknewledgad tba aaid writing to ~5e the fray act aEf abd of tAa maLd corporal can. ~~ttuaa ay nd and sa! -- _- - // ~ ~ ~ ~ _- 244! ~ ar of 1!~ CCC/// i __7~4& x i tlatatr whist, stela d Ei~tiA. ae taro. ~ •~"~ ~ ce~i>a,t ~ v, »rts babA sr M,ariow M a Grwpy G. ~ ` - - AREA P`i~•~• AUTN. CLASS. AMOUNT. APPROVED ~l~as~e of F-7706 4-C ,l1.00 Di»t En r . TT . m That if and when North Palm Beach Utilities, Inc., its successors and assigns, ever has to locate or relocate water or sewer lines-the ' Grantee herein will immediately remove their lines or take such other_ necessary action to permit the caater and sewer line to be located or. _ relocated without-.additional:: expense to the water and sewer utility, owner; and further, that Southern Be11 Telephone and Telegraph Company by accepting this easement assumes financial responsibility for any e damage to water and sewer lines created by using the easement to_ , install the Grantee's own property; and provided further that In the event the Village o£'~North Palm Beach erects a bulkhead_across_ this easement where it meets the. Intracoastal waterway, then to the ! extent that any facilities or construction or use of this easement by the_Grantee, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company effects an increase in the cost .of the-bulkheading project over what it would be ' had this easement not been granted and the Southern4 Be1I Telephone_and Telegraph Company not made use o£ said property, then such costs_shall be borne by the Grantee, Southern Bell 'Pelephone ~~ Telegraph Company; and provided £urther that in the event said bulkhead is installed by_ the Village of North Palm Beach and subsequent construction or use of said easement by Southern Bell Telephone-and Telegraph Company causes damage or costs to the Village of North Palm,-Beach s bulkhead or other installation then said costs shall be borne wholly by Southern Bell and Telegraph Company as an express responsibility in_accepting this- easement from the Village o;f North -Palm. Beach. i .-~__ _- .__ ~_~_ __T_ a ____-___-.~ _. _ . -Y '°~"3.~'S..i,~. $'Yiis ®~isemezat iffi more par-titularly d~ascribed aa: a strip ~~°'`~„ tA~'r' ~: $g~t"~ 2i3 Peaot in width lying parallel to and Alortheasterly of a lima ;;,~r.~,w et~9lue~tin~two polrits referred to herein as point "A" and "B" and :..r* ~;i'~!'~ia follows: P®4nt nA" fs a point- 3n the West Right of. Way _ _ ' ~ . ~'~4~Ir ®t 89~at~ P°~'i ~ seAraasring 100 feat Southerly Eros -its int~r$ect~oA tY3a South°Right oi' -Way line of thy: Intracoastal Watsa~aray. ',~~ . ' a ~biYtt "B"` Jas a point fa the South Right; of Way line of ttee Intracoastal y " a 'curing 9~0,fQet northwesterly from its intersection kith the ', ~ ~3~._of 9a1ay 11Yzae: of 3-tate Road ¢`~s. _ ~; a`1:6~fast Right of Way liner of State Road ~5 is described in the S>;$4.~ x- #ti F'iitt-'Hook ~2, Pages 10~ to 118 and the South Hight of Way link of i" -3ntracoastal Wateraray is described in the Palm Beach County's =Plat $oe3[ -~9 7 a Ptsge 9 0 . >~8t1S93ECT TO THE FOL7~'ING: ~. GOY£~C.'7Ew/T LOT 2 5EC-9 TwP.42.5 Rf3.6 PLAT BDL'~t' G ~ Iq 6B 9~ i. Y r e