1965-239 Calling and Ordering a Special Election RESOLUTION N0, ~ - 1965 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CALLING AND ORDERING A ' SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD JUNE 30, 1965 TO DOTE ON THE PROPOSED CHARTER CHANGES TO THE CHARTER OFt THE VILLAGE OF NDRTH PALM BEACH. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, Section 1, A special election be, and the same is hereby, called and ordered to be held in and for the Village of North Palm Beach from 7:00 o+clock a.m. to 7:00 o~clock p.m. on the 30th day of June, 1965 For the purpose of submitting to the registered and qualified electors residing • in said village the following proposition: PROPOSITION Shall the Charter of the Village o£ North Palm Beach be amended in the following particularsY 1. Article II, Section 1, by amending the territorial limits fo said. municipality. 2. Article III, by amending Section 7 to provide for majority election of councilmen and a runoff election; by amendiag Section 12 to provide £or the filling of a vacancy on Council by election; by adding Section 21 requiring annual audit by a Certified Public Accountant. 3. Article V, Section 3 (11) by amending the power o£ eminent domain to include ' water and sewage utilities and £uel gas utilities. 4. Article VI, by adding Section S thereto giving the right of fresh pursuit to the Village Police Department for violation of municipal Ordinances. 5. Article VII, by amending Section 3 to change the date upon which the tax assessment roll shall be presented to the Village Council by the Tax Assessor; by setting forth the dates of the meetings of the Tax Equalizing Board and procedure governing this; and by setting forth requirements for presentation, make-up and publication of the Village Budget. Section 2. Said special election will be held at the same polling place whereat elections are generally held in said Village and the polling place will beat the Senior Citizens Building in said Village. Section 3. The:.irispectors and clerk of said special election to be held on June 30, 1965 • are hereby appointed as follows: RALPH J. COHN, MRS. BETTIY BEDDING, MRS. MELBA PHILLIPS and MRS. BETTY MILTENBERGER, inspectors, and MRS. ELEANOR ENGEL, clerk. Said officers are hereby directed to hold said election in accordance with the law and in such manner as to prevent all fraud, ' deceit, and abuse therein or thereto and to make the returns o£ said election in the manner prescribed by law. Section 4. All qualified and registered electors of said village, whose names appear upon the registration book at the office of the Village Clerk may vote at said special election. The Village Clerk, as Registration Officer, shall close the registration book ten days prior to the special election for the purpose of making an alphabetical list of those said qualified and regis- tered electors whose names appear on said registration book. • RESOLUTION N0. ~ - 1965 PAGE -2- Section 5. Electors shall be allowed to vote "yes" or "no" upon the questions set forth ' in the proposition described above as to each question proposed. Voting machines shall be used at said special election. Section 6. The Village Clerk is directed to publish notice of the special election in the Palm Beach Post-Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village, not less than thirty days u u u n