1964-198 Director of Civil Defense Frank Spencen u RESOLUTION N0. 128 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNC'.IL, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING FRANK SPENCE - ' DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COIfNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, Section 1. Pursuant to Section 252.09, Florida Statutes, FRANK SPENCE be, and he is hereby, appointed Director of Givil Defense for the Village of North Falm Beach. Section 2. As Director of Civil Defense, FRANK SPENCE is hereby charged with the responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of the Village of North Palm Beach Civil Defense unit, subject to the direction and control of the Village Civil Defense Council and he is further vested with all. authority and power necessary to the accomplishment of these objectives. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9 day of June, 1964. l (SEAL) ATTEST: Mayor i