1963-177 Ratifying and Approving of Budget for 1963-64 RESOLUTION NO. 177 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1963-1964; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO BE RAISED BY AD VALOREM TAXES; AND FIXING THE AD VALOREM TAX LEVY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1963. ~~ -~~ ' BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THD VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. A public hearing having been held on October 22, 1963, on the budget far the Village of North Palm Beach for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1963, and ending on Gctober 31, 1964, as shown on the following report by the Village Treasurer and Village- Manager, such budget and report are hereby xatified and approved. a. Summary of Proposed Expenditures - 1963- 1964 Village Manager's Recommendation Government ' General Government Village Mana er's Office $ 135,631 24 g ,785 Village Attorney and Judge 11,075 Village Clerk 1,700 Finance Department 13,624 Police Department 34,105 Fire Department 9,255 Village Engineer 3,800 Building Department 17,541 • Parks Department - p - Recreation Department 32,855 Public Works Department 91.565 $ 375,936 D S b e t ervice Recreation Facility Bonds 88.608 Grand Total, Expenditures for Government and Debt Service $ 464,544 ' ~F#3FjE~HEjHF~3E-lF 7 ~J FiE$OI,UT ION N0. 1'7'7 b. Detail of Anticipated Revenue - 1963-1964 Sources of Revenue Real Estate Taxes Net ad valorem taxes after reserves for discount and uncollectibility: General Government Debt Service Total License and Permit Fees Building Permits Occupational Licenses Boat Area Fees Examination Fees Dog Licenses Total Fines. Forfeitures. Penalties Franchise Revenue Florida Power & Light Southern Bell Tel & Tel Atlantic Fuel $181,036 88.608 28,000 33,000 3,000 400 600 1,000 $ 25,200 1,000 2.500 Revenue 1963-1964 (Anticipated) $269,644 65,000 1,000 28,700 Revenue from Other Sources ' Road & Bridge Fund Cigarette Tax Rent, Village Hall RecsBation Fees Miscellaneous Income Service charges, Fees Total 2,600 40,000 930 -3,500 53,170 100,200 Grand Total - Revenues for General Government and Debt Service aF -x- ~€ -x- ~ # c. Villaae of North Palm Beach Tax Roll - 1963 Complete Roll as Equalized Homestead $ 5, 862,500 Disability & Widows 1,000 Exempt Property 2. 013.860 Total Credits Net Taxable Roll as Equalized -2- 464,544 $ 40,818,868 7,895,360 $ 32,923,508 ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 177 d. Calculation for Tax Levv - 1963 To be raised by ad valorem taxes: ' General Government $181,036 Debt Service 88,608 $ 269,644 Add for Reserves: 4% Discount 5~ Uncoll_ectibility $ 11,852 14 , 815 26,667 $ 269,311 Proceeds of 6.Q665 mills £or general government on above net tax ~n11 $199,730 Proceeds o.f 2..9335 mills for debt service on above net tax roll 96,581 Proceeds of total of 9 mills on above net tax roll $ 296,311 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Section 2. The Council, having considered said budget and having considered the tax assessment roll for 1963, as heretofore equalized, hereby fixes and determines the sum of $181,036 as the amount to be raised by ad valorem ' taxes for the calendar year 1963 for Genasal Government, and the sum of $88,608 as the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes for the calendar year 1963 for Debt Service, and such sums era hereby appropriated far such purposes, and a millage of 6.0665 on each dollar of assessed valuation of taxable property on said 1963 equalized roll is hereby levied for such General Government appropria- tion, and a millage of 2.9335 on each dollar of assessed valuation of taxable property on said 1963 equalized tax roll is hereby levied for such Debt Service. appropriation, or a total millage, for all purposes, of 9 mills. Section 3. A certified copy of this Resolution shalT.be delivered by the Village Clerk to the Village Tax Assessor, together with the tax assessment roll and a certified copy of the Resolution approving the latter, and the tax assessor shall then proceed to assess and extend the taxes on the tax assessment ' roll according to and in the proportion to the valuations enter-ed therein; when this has been done, the Tax Assessor shall deliver the roll to the Village Clerk who shall certify and deliver the same, ar a copy thereof, to the Village Tax Collector and the latter shall, beginning November 1, 1963, proceed in the manner provided by-law to collect and receive said taxes. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~~day of October, 1963. (SEAL} ATTEST ~i .Zag~~ - ^~ Ma or