1961-115 Declaring the Results of Special Election Held 7/18/61 RESOLUTION NU. 115 A RESOLUTTUN OF THE V1LI,AGE COUNCIL ur' TriE V1LT,AG~; UP' NOttTH rALM tsEACH, rAl.M ts~ACH c:UUNTY, FLOHIUA, DECLAR1Nlr THE ttESULTS OF THE Sr~;C ~ A l • N;T.FCTION tiL~LD UN JULY 18, 1961s ~ ~.~. WHEREAS, on the 18th day of July, 1961, there was held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, a special election for the purpose of voting upon the referendum provided for in House Bill #903 of the 1961 Florida begis- lature; and WHEREAS, by dne resolution, the following named persona were appointed inspectors and clerk of said election, to-wit: Ralph J. Cohn, Cathryn L, Mitchell, Sylvester Zersiiko, Inspectors, and Frances E. Tulino, Clerk; and WHEREAS, on Jnly 18, 1961, said Inspectors and Clerk, after taking and sub- scribing their oath in accordance with the law, made their returns to the Pillage Council, which returns certified that the following is the result of the machine vote of said special election, to-wits 1 Total Machine Vote 722 Total Absentee Vote 39 Total Pillage Vote 751 FOR ArPROVAL 587 Votes AGAINST APPROVAL . 1lt3 Votes and WHEREAS, the Village Council has duly canvassed the returns of said general election and finis that the returns of the Inspectors and Clerk of said election are true and correct tabulations of the votes case; now, therefore, BE IT AND IT 1S HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF' THE VILLAGE U~'NOHlfi PALM B1~'ACH, A'I,ORLDAs Section 1. That the Village Council finds and declares that the following is the result of said general election, to-wits MACHifitE VOTE ' FOR APPRWAL $67 VOT~;S AGAINST APPROVAL ltc3 VOT~:S SPOII,ID BA71,OT5 2 VOTES Resolution ~ 11$ • Yage 2. ABSENTEE nALLOTS FOk APPROVAL 31 voT~ AGAINST APPROVAL 5 VOTES SPOILED or VOID BALL01'~ 11 VOTES TOTALg FOR APPROVAL 598 VOTES AGAINST APPkOVAI, 7.li8 VOTES PASSE ANL ADOPTED this 19th day of Julys 1961 Mayor i (SEAL) ATTEST: Village Cler