1960-77 Results of General ELection and Freeholders Election Held March 15, 1960• RESOLUTION N0. 77 - A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM ' BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION AND FREEHOLDERSI ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 15, 1960. -x-~ ~ ~ #~ ~~ WHEREAS, on the 15th day of March, 1960, there was held in the ' Village of North Palm Beach, :Palm Beach County, Florida, a general election for the purpose of electing councilmen to the Village Council for Groups 1, 3 and 5; and • WHEREAS, on the 15th day of March, 1960,-there was also held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Floridan a freeholders' election to vote on the proposition called for by Resolution #73; and WHEREAS, by such resolution as amended the following named persons were appointed inspectors and clerk of said election, to-wit: Ralph J. Cohn, Claire Hill and Sylvester Zerniko, Inspectors, and Leota Cloyed, Clerk; -- and WHEREAS, on March 16, 1960, said Inspectors and Clerk, after taking and subscribing their oath in accordance with the law, made their - - ' returns to the Village Council, which returns certified that the following is the result of said general election, to-wit: Total machine vote 412 _ Total Absentee Vote 4 - Total village 'Jote 416 For Village Councilman - Group 1 - Charles M. Bowman received 158 Votes Frank J. Hahn received 224 votes - Frank R. Johnston received ..2$ votes _- For Villaqe Councilman - Group 3 Thomas G. Hart, Jr. raceved 181 votes • Emery J. Newe1:L received 227 votes _ - For Villaqe Councilman - Group 5 Louis J. Aiello, Jr. 251 votes Robert J. Lippitt 147 votes Emery J. Newel_L 4 votes (write in ' Edward Lucas 2 votes (write in~ and WHEREAS, on March 16, 1960, said Inspectors and Clerk also certified that the following is the result of said freeholders' election, to-wit: Number of registered freeholders 481 Total machine vote 404 Total Absentee vote 4 -- Total Freeholder vote 408 _ `_ Number voting for proposition 351 Number voting against proposition 37 and • WHEREAS, the Village Council has duly canvassed the returns of said general election and freeholders' election and finds that the returns o£ the Inspectors and Clerk of said election are true and correct tabula- ____~ ' tions of the votes cast; now -therefore, - BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ]?LORIDA: Section 1. That the Village Council finds and declares that the following is the result of said general election, to=wit: ' Far Villaqe Councilman - Group 1 Charles M, BoNnnan received 158 votes Frank J. Hahn received 224 votes Frank R. John sEon received 28 votes • For Villaqe Councilman - Group 3 Thomas B. Hart, Jr. received 181 votes Emery J. Newell received 227 votes _. _-_ For Villaae Councilman - Group 5 Louis J. Aiello, Jr, 251 votes Robert J. I.ipptt 147 votes Emery"J: Newe1.1 4 votes Swrite in Edward Jucas 2 votes (write in Section 2. That the Village Council finds and declares that the following is the result of said freeholders' election, to-wit: Number voting for proposition 351 - ' Number voting against proposition 37 Section 3. That the following candidates are hereby declared to be elected to the respective offices as followsz _._ Villaqe Councilman - Group 1 _ Frank J. Hahn Villaae Councilman - Group 3 __ Emery J. Newell Villaae Councilman - Group 5 • Louis J. Aiello, Jr. Section 4. That the proposition as submitted to the freeholders _ has been approved in the manner and method provided by the statutes and constitution of the State of Florida. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of March „ 1960. ayor - ' (SEAL) ATTEST: ~JCfL~; Village Clerk