09-21-2017 VC SP-MMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor Robert A. Gebbia, Vice Mayor David B. Norris, Councilmember Mark Mullinix President Pro Tem Susan Bickel, Councilmember Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager Len Rubin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The invocation was given by President Pro Tem Mullinix and Vice Mayor Gebbia led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Session held August 24, 2017, the Special Session held August 31, 2017 and the Special Emergency Session held September 6, 2017 were approved as written. PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF AD VALOREM TAX MILLAGE RATE ORDINANCE AND BUDGET ORDINANCE A motion was made by President Pro Tem Mullinix and seconded by Vice Mayor Gebbia to adopt on first reading Ordinance 2017-14 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING THE FINAL LEVY OF AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2017 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2018; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion was made by Councilmember Bickel and seconded by Councilmember Norris to adopt on first reading Ordinance 2017-15 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2017 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 AND AUTHORIZING ALLOCATIONS, APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUDGET AND AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW; APPROVING A COMPREHENSIVE PAY PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO MAKE TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS TO BUDGETED POSITIONS; APPROVING A MASTER FEE SCHEDULE; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS WHEN NECESSARY; PROVIDING FOR THE RECEIPT OF GRANTS OR GIFTS; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR BUDGET AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE LAPSE OF OUTSTANDING ENCUMBRANCES AND THE RE -APPROPRIATION OF UNEXPENDED APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PRIOR FISCAL YEAR; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Minutes of Village Council Special Session held September 21, 2017 Page 2 of 4 PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF AD VALOREM TAX MILLAGE RATE ORDINANCE AND BUDGET ORDINANCE continued Mr. Lukasik gave a presentation on the General Fund Budget and Country Club Budget. Mayor Aubrey opened the public hearing on the ad valorem tax millage rate and budget. Tom Magill, 119 Atlantic Road; questioned the use of $425,770 in retained earnings to balance the Country Club Budget. There being no further comments from the public, Mayor Aubrey closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Councilmember Norris, seconded by President Pro Tem Mullinix, and unanimously approved, to adopt a millage rate of 7.3300 mils. Mayor Aubrey announced that the rolled back rate is 6.9039 mils, the percentage increase over the rolled back rate is 6.17%, and the millage rate to be levied is 7.3300 mils. The motion to adopt Ordinance 2017-14 on first reading passed unanimously. The motion to adopt Ordinance 2017-15 on first reading passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED Item 1. was removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda. Thereafter, President Pro Tem Mullinix moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilmember Norris seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. The following items were approved: Receive for file Minutes of the Library Advisory Board meeting held 7/25/17 Receive for file Minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held 8/21/17 Recommendation: "to accept the Golf Advisory Board proposal to borrow up to $1.5 million from the General Fund for the major repairs to the golf course, with the funds to be provided on a timely basis as required." Receive for file Minutes of the Golf Advisory Board meeting held 8/21/17 Recommendation: "to extend IGM golf course maintenance contract for two years." Receive for file Minutes of the Library Advisory Board meeting held 8/22/17 Receive for file Minutes of the Infrastructure Surtax Oversight Committee meeting held 8/22/17 Recommendation: "the following projects be funded with surtax funds: Earman River Irrigation Pump Station ($250,000); Asphalt Resurfacing — Streets ($500,000); Village Wide Sidewalks & Crosswalks ($100,000); Lighthouse Bridge Repairs ($250,000); and Stormwater Drainage System Continuing Maintenance ($250,000) for a total of approximately $1,350,000.00." RESOLUTION 2017-67 — FOURTH AMENDMENT TO GRANT SERVICES AGREEMENT A motion was made by Councilmember Norris and seconded by President Pro Tem Mullinix to adopt Resolution 2017-67 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR GRANT SERVICES WITH RMPK FUNDING, INC. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE THE FOURTH AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Minutes of Village Council Special Session held September 21, 2017 Page 3 of 4 RESOLUTION 2017-67 — FOURTH AMENDMENT TO GRANT SERVICES AGREEMENT continued Discussion took place concerning grant funding opportunities. It was suggested that staff review capital improvement plan projects with RMPK and provide direction on pursuing grants for designated capital projects. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2017-67 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2017-68 — PROPERTY CASUALTY INSURANCE A motion was made by President Pro Tem Mullinix and seconded by Councilmember Bickel to adopt Resolution 2017-68 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A PROPOSAL FROM PUBLIC RISK MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA TO PROVIDE PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE FOR THE VILLAGE AND AUTHORIZING VILLAGE ADMINISTRATION TO TAKE ALL ACTIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT SUCH COVERAGE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Lukasik discussed proposals received from Public Risk Management (PRM) and The Gehring Group and recommended accepting PRM's proposal to provide property and casualty insurance. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2017-68 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2017-69 — STATE AID TO LIBRARIES GRANT A motion was made by Vice Mayor Gebbia and seconded President Pro Tem Mullinix by to adopt Resolution 2017-69 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR STATE AID TO LIBRARIES GRANT FUNDING; PROVIDING THE REQUIRED ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A GRANT AGREEMENT; APPROVING AN ANNUAL PLAN OF SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2017-69 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2017-70 — LANDSCAPING & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACT A motion was made by President Pro Tem Mullinix and seconded by Vice Mayor Gebbia to adopt Resolution 2017-70 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY PRECISION LANDSCAPE COMPANY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. FOR LANDSCAPING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT RELATING TO SUCH SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Lukasik reported on the proposals for landscaping and grounds maintenance. Discussion ensued regarding past performance and the need for better oversight and direction. The motion to adopt Resolution 2017-70 passed 4-1, with President Pro Tem Mullinix, Vice Mayor Gebbia, Councilmember Bickel, and Mayor Aubrey voting aye, and Councilmember Norris opposed. Minutes of Village Council Special Session held September 21, 2017 Page 4 of 4 RESOLUTION 2017-71— LIGHTHOUSE BRIDGE ENGINEERING SERVICES A motion was made by President Pro Tem Mullinix and seconded by Councilmember Bickel to adopt Resolution 2017-71 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A PROPOSAL FROM ENGENUITY GROUP, INC. FOR ENGINEERING, BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH REPAIRS TO THE LIGHTHOUSE DRIVE BRIDGE; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO AMEND THE BUDGET TO TRANSFER $25,190.00 FROM INFRASTRUCTURE SURTAX FUNDS TO THE STREETS AND GROUNDS — CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION ACCOUNT TO FUND THESE SERVICES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Lukasik reported on the services to be provided by subcontractor Alan Gerwig & Associates, Inc. and Engenuity Group, Inc., in order to address items identified in the annual inspection report. Discussion tools place regarding the disclaimer language on page 3 of the contract. Consensus of Council was to strike this language. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2017-71 passed -unanimously. RESOLUTION 2017-72 — IAFF AGREEMENT A motion was made by Councilmember Norris and seconded by President Pro Tem Mullinix to adopt Resolution 2017-72 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS/PARAMEDICS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, LOCAL 2928, INC. TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2018; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Lulcasilc reviewed the provisions of the Addendum, and advised that approval would allow the Village time to complete an analysis of potential changes to the Police and Fire Pension Plan. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2017-72 passed unanimously. VILLAGE COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS Mayor Aubrey noted that in the State of Florida, driving while texting is a secondary offense, and requested Council consensus to send a letter to state representatives and senators supporting legislation malting texting while driving a primary offense. Council concurred with this request. Vice Mayor Gebbia noted the Metropolitan Planning Organization Workshop in Council Chambers on September 23, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the U.S. Highway 1 Multimodal Corridor Study, followed by a weeklong charrette, September 25-27, at the Marina Event Center in Riviera Beach. VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS Mr. Lulcasilc reported on the status of post -hurricane clean-up at Lakeside Park. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Melissa Teal, MMC, Village Cleric