04-16-1997 VC SP1-MMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING • OF THE - - - VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1997 Present: Gail H. Vastola, Mayor Charles O'Meilia, Vice Mayor Larry Kelley, President Pro Tem Tom Valente, Councilman David Norris, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Vastola called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present except Village Attorney George Baldwin. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING • The purpose of the Special Session was to discuss the Village Council's Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 1997-98. Village Manager Dennis Kelly submitted his list of goals, which he will be including in the forthcoming budget. It was agreed by all members of Council that long-range goals need to be included, and not limited to 12 or 18 months. President Pro Tem Kelley discussed his immediate goals, which included payment of capital projects, annexation of Hidden Key, Portage Landing and Lost Tree. Mr. Kelley stated that along-range goal may be the annexation of Singer Island. President Pro Tem Kelley feels that a necessary objective to achieve our annexation goals is the development of a sound financial pitch and marketing effort for all three communities. President Pro Tem Kelley stressed the important of immediate development of an annexation plan for Hidden Key and Portage Landing. Vice Mayor O'Meilia reviewed his list of goals as being the following: resolve annexation problems to the north with Palm Beach Gardens; implement Master Plan for recreation; Public Safety Department modernization; to expedite improvements of the Country Club facilities; ensure the quality of life in the Village,; and to enhance delivery ofi Village services to residents. Vice Mayor O'Meilia also provided specific objectives for achieving these stated goals, as attached. Y-- ~ Minutes of Special Meeting Held Wednesday, April 16, 1997 Councilman Norris indicated that many of his goals had already been addressed by President Pro Tem Kelley and Vice Mayor O'Meilia, but added additional goals, as follows: review of the Public Safety Department to ensure a sufficient force; speed limits enforced for residential streets; use of caution signs, including "children playing" signs; beautification of U. S. 1 and Northlake Blvd., area north of U_ S. One, and other entrances to the Village, as well as streets and properties within the residential areas; improvement of the Country Club facilities, particularly the restaurant; and inclusion of pool and tennis under the Recreation Department. Councilman Valente added goals to the ones previously mentioned, as follows: Current PBA contract is No. 1 goal for the coming year; staff meetings between Department Heads once a week or at minimum, twice a month to create better morale and better communication; earlier communication to the Village Council on agenda material; upgrading of computer systems to accommodate transition to Year 2000, as well as a complete system analysis; and better communication regarding the Northlake Boulevard Task Force. Mayor Vastola stated her agreement with all goals previously set forth, but added that after the summer of 1998 when the new Public Safety facility is completed, the administrative staff should be provided with more housing in the Village Hall, with particular attention to ADA requirements. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ~~ ~- K thleen F. Kelly, CMC, Villag I r 2 CzOAL~S & OBJECTIVES APRIL 1997 (C.R.U'Meilia) GOAL 1 IMPLEMENT MASTER PLAN FOR RECREATION OBJECTIVES . Community Center play fields -Complete construction . Osborne Park -Remodel concession stand Anchorage Park Recreation Building -Complete Construction Lakeside Park -Complete landscape improvements . Adult programs -Expand and improve GOAL 2 PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT MODERNIZATION OBJECTIVES Public Safety Building -Effectuate construction . Plan North County communities cooperative dispatching system Facilitate emergency response north Village area . Expedite annual personnel labor negotiations Review organizational structure GOAL 3 EXPEDITE IMPROVEMENTS OF COUNTRY CLUB FACILITIES OBJECTIVES . Continue tennis facilities renovation Expedite club house remodeling and repair Expand golf activity programs Facilitate dining room area usage by Village residents GOAL 4 ENSURE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE VILLAGE OBJECTIVES . Formulate traffic speed control program for all Village residential streets Validate and update the Comprehensive Plan for all Village areas Assure the current quality of Library services . Plan the long range re-development of Northlake Boulevard (N.L. Task Force) . Strict enforcement of property regulation codes . Resolve municipal limits and annexation plans with Palm Beach Gardens GOAL 5 ENHANCE DELIVERY OF VILLAGE SERVICES TO RESIDENTS OBJECTIVES . Improve employee morale through personnel equity Establish Village owned property appearance standards . Review cost effectiveness of Village organizational management plan . Study administrative service system in all departments Promote effective communication between Village departments