1991 AUG 22' MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THS VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1991 Present: Jerry Gardner, Mayor Judy M. Pierman, Vice Mayor V. A. Marks, M. D. , President Pro Tem Manny Grinn, Councilman .Thomas F. Kelsey, Ph.D., Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Gardner called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Pro Tem Marks gave the invocation, and Mayor Gardner led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following Minutes were approved as written: Minutes of Regular Session held August 8, 1991 GOLF PROFESSIONAL'S CONTRACT Donald Donohue addressed the Council concerning the cancellation of his golf clinic, which he has been conducting at the North Palm Beach Community Center. The clinic was cancelled due to a conflict with the Golf Professional's contract with the Village of North Palm Beach', which implies exclusive rights to golf instruction within the Village, as interpreted by the Village Attorney. During discussion, the Council unanimously concurred that their intent never was to preclude others from conducting golf instructions outside the golf course, and agreed that the Golf Professional's contract be amended for Fiscal Year 1991-92 by deleting any exclusivity rights relating to the Village at large, or alternatively, to stipulate in the contract that exclusivity of golf instruction shall apply to the North Palm Beach Country Club golf course grounds only. Mr. Donohue was given permission to notify his students that the clinic would resume at the Community Center when the new Golf Professional's contract becomes effective on October 1, 1991. RECEIPT OF MINUTES Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, August 22, 1991 The following Minutes were received as submitted: Minutes of Library Advisory Board Meeting held 7/23/91 Minutes of General Employees Pension Board Meeting held 8/1/91 Minutes of Code Enforcement Board Meeting held 8/5/91 Minutes of Country Club Administrative Board Meeting held 8/8/91 Minutes of Country Club Administrative Board special Meeting held 8/15/91 Minutes of Recreation Advisory Board Meeting held 8/13/91 NON-RESIDENT FEE APPROVED - NORTH PALM BEACH RECREATION DEPARTMENT Vice Mayor Pierman moved to accept the recommendation of the North Palm Beach Recreation Advisory Board to institute a non-resident fee for attendees at classes sponsored by the Recreation Department in the amount of $10 per calendar year per single non-resident, and $20 per year for an entire non-resident family, this fee to be paid at the time of first registration and in addition to the normal fees for all classes taken. President Pro Tem Marks seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. The new fee will be instituted prior to the new fiscal year in order to accommodate the Fall registrations in September. At the request of Councilman Kelsey, Mayor Gardner directed the Village Manager to obtain an approximation of anticipated revenues, and to track the impact of the new fee on number of registrations during the first year of implementation. BUDGET TRANSFERS FOR COUNTRY CLUB Vice Mayor Pierman moved to accept the recommendation of the Country Club Administrative Board to act on the requested budget transfers (as detailed in their Minutes of 8/15/91) as soon as possible with the caveat that the funds are available; and to place said budget transfers on the agenda of September 12, 1991. Councilman Grinn seconded the motion. After discussion, President Pro Tem Marks moved to amend the motion by removing the budget transfer request for funds in the amount of ' $18,000 for repair of the pool diving tower, and to approve all other budget transfer requests, providing that funds are available. Mayor Gardner passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Pierman and seconded Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, August 22, 1991 Mayor Pierman and Councilman Grinn voting nay. Vice Mayor Pierman returned the gavel to Mayor Gardner. Thereafter, the main motion, as amended, passed unanimously. FINANCE DIRECTOR SEMINAR the motion to amend. The amendment passed 3-2, with President Pro Tem Marks, Mayor Gardner and Councilman Kelsey voting aye, and Vice Discussion was held concerning a request by the Finance Director to amend his travel expenses to allow travel out of state to San Francisco, this year only, to attend a seminar for CPE credit, which is a requirement of the Board of Accountancy. This will be brought back to the Council at their next regular meeting. The Finance Director was directed to find out whether other seminars are available at a closer location, or whether there are any other alternatives available for certification; and to prepare a written report for the next Council meeting showing the circumstances of a July budget transfer to the Training & Education account. BILL 663 TABLED UNTIL 9 12/91 Councilman Kelsey moved to take Bill 663, a proposed ordinance amending ordinance 39-90 {CCAB) from the table. President Pro Tem Marks seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Councilman Grinn moved that Bill 663 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION C ENTITLED "FINANCES" OF SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE N0. 39-90 WHICH CREATED A COUNTRY CLUB ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 1 be placed on first reading and read by title alone. President Pro Tem Marks seconded the motion. After discussion, Vice Mayor Pierman moved to table the first reading of Bill 663 until September 12, 1991. The motion to table passed 3-2, with Vice Mayor Pierman, President Pro Tem Marks and Mayor Gardner voting aye, and Councilman Grinn and Councilman Kelsey voting nay. TOWING CONTRACT - BIDS REJECTED Vice Mayor Pierman moved to reject all bids and refer the issue back to staff for the purpose of redrafting new specifications and 3 1 C Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, August 22, 1991 rebidding on a rotation system. Mayor Gardner passed the gavel to President Pro Tem Marks and seconded the motion. During discussion, the Council stipulated that the bid specifications be sent to them prior to being given out to bidders. The motion passed 5-0, and President Pro Tem Marks returned the gavel to Mayor Gardner. The meeting recessed at 9:35 p.m., and reconvened at 9:45 p.m. RESOLUTION 31-91 ADOPTED - TREE TRIMMING BID President Pro Tem Marks moved that Resolution 31-91 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OE ZIMMERMAN TREE SERVICE, LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA, FOR SECTIONS ONE AND FIVE OF THE BID SPECIFICATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,400.00; AND ACCEPTING THE BID OF SNAPP TREE SERVICE, INC., BOYNTON BEACH, FL, FOR SECTIONS TWO, THREE AND FOUR OF THE BID SPECIFICATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,400.00; FUNDS TO BS EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT L8045-33430 (TREE TRIMMING) be adopted. Mayor Gardner passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Pierman and seconded the motion. Councilman Grinn moved to amend the motion by accepting the entire bid package of Snapp Tree Service in the amount of $8,800.00. Vice Mayor Pierman passed the gavel to President Pro Tem Marks and seconded the motion. The motion to amend failed 2-3, with Councilman Grinn and Vice Mayor Pierman voting aye, and Councilman Kelsey, President Pro Tem Marks and Mayor Gardner voting nay. President Pro Tem Marks returned the gavel to Vice Mayor Pierman. The original motion passed 4-1, with President Pro Tem Marks, Mayor Gardner, Councilman Kelsey and Vice Mayor Pierman voting aye, and Councilman Grinn voting nay. RESOLUTION 32-91 ADOPTED - LRM CONTRACT President Pro Tem Marks moved to approve Resolution 32-91 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING CONTRACT WITH LAND RESEARCH MANAGEMENT, INC., ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" FOR THE PURPOSE OF AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 4 ' Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, August 22, 1991 be adopted. Councilman Kelsey seconded the motion. During discussion, the Council accepted the recommendation of the Village Attorney to make the following changes in the contract: Section IV.D.: Delete wording in Paragraph D. and substitute with "If LRM, Inc. terminates the contract and such termination results in the Village being required to expend monies in excess of $21,000 to complete the scope of services called for in this contract, then LRM, Inc. shall be responsible to reimburse and indemnify the Village for such excess monies." Section V.A.: Add sentence to Paragraph A. stating "Man-hours shall only be performed by the following principals of LRM, Inc.: James Fleischmann, Richard Stalker, and Kevin McGinley. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 32-91 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION TO ABANDON SECTION OF GARDEN LANE TABLED UNTIL 9./12/91 ' Vice Mayor Pierman moved to table the abandonment of Garden Lane until the Regular Session of September 12, 1991. Councilman Grinn seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BUDGET TRANSFER APPROVED - ANCHORAGE PARK GARAGE President Pro Tem Marks moved to approve Public Safety request to reallocate funds and transfer funds from various A5812-34010 (Travel) to A5812-66210 (Construction & Major Renovation for repairs to the Anchorage Park garage in the amount of $1,345.00. Councilman Grinn seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BUDGET TRANSFER APPROVED - SANITATION-AUTO PARTS President Pro Tem Marks moved to approve Public Services request to transfer funds from Account A5540-49911 (Council Contingency) to Account A7020-35418 (Sanitation-Auto Parts) in the amount of $7,743.23. Councilman Grinn seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. APPEAL BY PATTY'S PLACE TO INSTALL SIGN - DENIED Mayor Gardner passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Pierman and moved that the application by Patricia Wheat for a permit to install a sign containing the words "Only Sexy Things, Inc." be approved. ' President Pro Tem Marks seconded the motion. After lengthy discussion and statements from the public, President Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, August 22, 1991 Pro Tem Marks withdrew his second. Councilman Grinn moved to reject the appeal for the sign, and President Pro Tem Marks seconded the motion. In order to continue discussion, by unanimous consent, the Council extended the 11:00 p.m. meeting curfew for three minutes. After further discussion, the motion to reject the appeal for the sign reading "Only Sexy Things, Inc." passed 5-0. Public Services was directed to research the application of Patty's Place for an occupational license, and the Village Attorney was asked to research the Code of Ordinances as it pertains to pornography. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. a hleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk 6