05-31-1989 VC SP-MMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1989 Present: Judy M. Pierman, Mayor Jerry G. Gardner, Vice Mayor ' V.A. Marks, M.D., President Pro Tem A7 Moore, Councilman Tom Valente, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager Mary S. Baldwin, Deputy Village Clerk Mayor Pierman called the Special Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. All members of the Council were present. The Village Manager and Deputy Village Clerk were present. The purpose of the Special Meeting is to discuss the goals and objectives of the Village Council. Mayor Pierman asked the Village Manager to recommend a format for the meeting. Mr. Kelly stated that he preferred an informal session to develop a short list of Council's priorities. This session would be followed by a meeting the following week to prioritize twenty to twenty-five goals as a short list. President Pro Tem Marks presented his list of goals. They are as follows: ' 1. Erosion in Lakeside Park, bathroom facilities in the Park, and bringing the facilities in the Park up to date. 2. Space in Village Hall needs to be expanded; Senior Citizens' Building improvement; consider purchase of property adjacent to Village Hall in the attempt to keep facilities in this immediate area. 3. Repair of fence in alley from Yacht Club Drive to Atlantic Road. 4. Beautification of swales in Village to enhance property values; tree planting assistance from Village. Councilman Moore's list of goals are as follows: 1. Fix up and paint outside of Village Hall. 2. Fix up and paint tJatt Building. 3. Replace "wood/concrete" wall on east side of east alley from Yacht Club Drive south to the end with a concrete (open space) wall. ' 4. Input pool/tennis audit and maintenance to Finance Department--remove from Country Club budget. 5. Input revenue account to Village budget for time and dollars Village Manager, Department Heads, and employees expend at the Country Club. 6. Input expenditures to Country Club for No. 5 above by department. 7. Drop expenditure for flowers on U.S. Highway One from budget. ROLL CALL PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING FORMAT OF MEETING PRESIDENT PRO TEM MARK'S GOALS COUNCILMAN MOORE`S LIST OF GOALS Minutes of Special Meeting Held Wednesday, May 31, 1989 Page Two 8. Set a meeting room fee of $2.00 per head per hour. Designate Council Chambers and Conference room for Council's use only. Councilman Valente listed his goals as follows: COUNCILMAN 1. Village Space Study. VALENTE'S GOALS ' 2. Improve Fire capability and Public Safety's concept. Councilman Valente posed the question of whether deed restrictions prohibit placing restrooms in Lakeside Park. Vice Mayor Gardner listed his goals as follows: VICE MAYOR GARNDER'S GOALS 1. Establish Public Safety station north of Parker Bridge. Be aware that MacArthur Park must be policed and that we may face an inordinate amount of crime. A substation could even be placed in a store front or use the state's temporary housing which is presently in the Park. 2. Improvement of medians north of Parker Bridge to PGA Boulevard. Install underground sprinkler system and plant trees. 3. Landscape tennis area, pool, and driving range area, especially south side of pool. Budget to improve this area and require improved maintenance. Mayor Pierman listed her goals as follows: MAYOR PIERMAN'S GOALS ' 1. Country Club -course completion under budget and before deadline. Have rules and procedures in place before golf course reopens. 2. Cleanliness and maintenance throughout the Village. Pay special attention to maintenance of park equipment. 3. A friendly Village with attitudes of pride in representing the Village among employees in every level of the Village. 4. Wall in alley of Yacht Club section. 5. Develop a handbook for NPB Council that would explain how we conduct certain issues in our capacity...the traditional ethic patterns that have become the unwritten policy. 6. Have Village Code book updated. 7. Have pool and tennis in same operational mode as rest of Recreational facilities, especially cost-wise. 8. Study as to whether snack bar and Bar facilities are ' sufficient for the needs of the Village. Use of space other than for full time dining. 9. Widening, beautification, funding and maintenance of Prosperity Farms Road. President Pro Tem Marks stated that Council would need cost NEED FOR figures on the space study and figures on the cost of fencing the COST FIGURES alley, the type of fence, and ways to go about it. Vice Mayor Gardner suggested having a list made up of low cost items that could be taken care of right away. Minutes of Special Meeting Held Wednesday, May 31, 1989 Page Three It was the consensus of Council that the next meeting to prioritize goals will be held on Monday, June 5, 1989, at 7:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING There being no further business to come before the Council, the ADJOURNMENT ' meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. 1 ~J Mary S Baldwin, Deputy Village Clerk