06-12-1989 VC SP-MMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1989 Present: Judy M. Pierman, Mayor V. A. Marks, M.D., President Pro Tem Al Moore, Councilman Tom Valente, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager Phillip C. Gildan, Village Attorney Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Jerry G. Gardner, Uice Mayor Mayor Pierman called the Special Meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL All members of the Council were present except Vice Mayor Gardner who was out of state and President Pro Tem Marks who arrived at 5:39 p.m. All members of the staff-were present. The purpose of the meeting is to consider adoption of an PURPOSE OF ordinance to implement the roughs and fairways and cart paths MEETING projects at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Councilman Valente moved to place Bill No. 571 entitled: MOTION TO PLACE BILL AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, 571 ON THE AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET FOR FISCAL FLOOR YEAR 1988-89 BY APPROPRIATION TRANSFER FROM THE GREEN FEES, 1 CART RENTAL, AND DRIVING RANGE PROCEEDS FOR THE ROUGHS AND FAIRWAYS AND CART PATHS on the floor. Councilman Moore seconded the motion for discussion only. The motion was approved by acclamation. A lengthy discussion ensued, after which Councilman Valente moved MOTION TO to place Bill No. 571 on first reading to be read in total. The PLACE BILL motion was seconded by President Pro Tem f4arks and failed 2-2, 571 ON FIRST with President Pro Tem Marks and Councilman Ualente voting aye, READING FAILED and Mayor Pierman and Councilman Moore voting nay. 2-2 Village Attorney, Phillip Gildan, stated his law firm has COMMENTS FROM received a settlement offer from Mr. Grinn's representative, VILLAGE ATTORNEY Attorney Jim Green, in the action that has been brought against RE GRINN v. the Village of North Palm Beach and Mr. Charles O'Meilia relative O'MEILIA & to the constitutionality of the Village's sign ordinance. The VILLAGE OF NPB deadline of the offer is June 21, 1989. Mr. Kelly passed out to Council a copy of the settlement offer from Mr. Green, on behalf of Mr. Grinn. Mr. Gildan said we are not asking for action to approve the settlement because it involves dollars which would have to go to FIRMA since they are involved and we need to have their recommendation. He said we simply presented it to you to get the feeling from the Council whether or not to go forward on this basis to attempt to get FIRMA involved with negotiating a settlement along this basis. He stated his law firm would attempt to get with FIRMA and with Mr. Green and see if there is a basis for negotiating a settlement, in which case he would bring it back to the Council for formal approval. President Pro Tem Marks moved that we do not try to reach a MOTION DIED FOR settlement. The motion died far lack of a second. LACK OF A SECOND NASD N, GILDAN, MEAGER Sc GERSO N, P. A. ATTORh EYS AT LAW WiLI A. NASD N, (1924 ~19)8f HGR6ERT 4 G~LDAN THOMAS J. MEAGER GPRY N, GERSON JOHN WHITE, II M- RIC MPRD SA PIR HENNETH P. MARRP GREGORY L. SCOTT PHILLIP C. GIL DAN NATHAN E. NASON ALAN I. ARMOV R DONALD P. DU FRESNE June 12, 1989 Dennis Kelly, Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach Village Hall -- 501 U. S. ~1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 POST OFFICE BO% 3]04 FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK TOWER 1645 PALM BEACH LAKES BOULE~-ARD - WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (a0]j 686-330] - ?ELEFA% (40 ]~ 666 -5442 Re: Grinn v. O'Meilia and Village of North Palm Beach Dear Mr. Kelly: We have received from Mr. Grinn through his attorney, Jim Green, an offer to- settle .-the lawsuit Mr. Grinn-has filed. against Mr. O'Meilia and the Village. I have attached the settlement offer for your review and presentation- to the Village Council. Basically, the settlement consists- of two items: (1) modification of the Village's Sign Code to eliminate any possible question with respect to political signs, and- (2) payment of Mr. Grinn's attorney°s fees and costs.- Please note that the settlement offer will remain open until June 21, 1989, which will require prompt review. by the Village Council. If you have any questions about the settlement offer or . about any aspects of .the litigation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, 1~AGE1~ & GERSCiN, P. A. p C PCG/Jms v / / --- 3860P - /~// Enclosure GREEN, EISENBEI2G AND COHEN ATTOR[VEYS AT LAW 301 Clematis Street, Suite 200 - _ -_ West Palm Bcach, FL 33401 Telephone 659-2009 - - BARR1' ~1. COHEN LAMES [~. GR1:EN Js~__ .. June 7, 1989 ~~ ~~ 1 V~ Kenneth Marra, Esq. ~,~_,! , L~ __ Nason, Gildan et a h '--- - _ 1645 Palm Beac h Lakes Blvd. Suite 1200 -- West Palm Beac h, FL 33401 - RE: Grinn v_~ 0'f-Seilia_~Villaae o~NQrth_g~~m_Beacb. Dear Even: As we discussed, we can settle this case for a modif ication of the Village`s sign code in such a way that would eliminate- discrimination against political signs and in favor of commercial signs as indi cated in my Memorandum in Opposition t o-Dismiss, plus attorney' s fees as specified belota: DATE ITEfQ TIME 03/20/89 Research 1.0 03/21/89 Research; TC client; drafted Complaint 3.6 03/22/89 Research; proofed complaint 1.7 03/23/89 Research 1.4 03/29/89 TC client; research .8 03/31/89 Research 1.5 04/04/89 TC client .3 04/06/89 Research .7 04/07/89 Research 1.4 04/10/89 TC client;- research .8 04/11/89 Research; redraf-led Complaint 2.4 04/12/89 Research; proofed Complaint 1.1 04/13/89 Prep. Civil Action Designation form; ' TC client .6 ,...,- 04/14/89 04/20/89 05/05/89 05/24/89 05/26/89 05/29/89 05/30/89 05/31/89 06/06/89 06/07/89 CpSt.S Research 1.0 TC bi. Hanson •2 Research; drafted tdot. for Prelim. Injunction 1.7 Rev°d. Mot. to Dismiss; research; TC K. Marra 2.3 TC K. Marra .3 Research 1.1 Research; TC K. fiarra; drafted Memo 5.1 Proofed Memo; TC K. Aiarra; compiled timesheets 2.l Letter to K. Marra; research .8 Settlement discussions (est.) 2_0 ___ TOTAL HOURS 33.9 HOURLY RATE _x200.00 TOTAL $6,780.001 50$ CONTINGENCY ENHANCEMENT 3,390.00 COSTS + 175.25 $ 10,345.25 Copying $ 50.25 Filing fee- 120.00 In consideration of settlement, we will be willing to reduce enhancement from 100 percent to 50 percent. This offer will remain open until June 21, 1989. 1~ See Lattimore_v._Q~an_Const., 86~ F.2d 437 (11th Cir. 1989) [approving 100 enhancement]. ,~ Minutes of Special Meeting Held Monday, June 12, 1989 Page two Councilman Moore moved that we add for discussion tonight the letter from our Village Attorney, Phillip C. Gildan, to Mr. Dennis Kelly, Village Manager, dated June ]2, 1989 (copy of which is attached to the minutes of this meeting). The motion was seconded by Councilman Valente and all present voted aye. After discussion, Councilman Moore moved that we permit the attorneys of the Village to proceed to make a settlement of the lawsuit of Grinn v. O'Meilia and the Village of North Palm Beach. The motion was seconded by Councilman Valente and passed 3-1, with Mayor Pierman, Councilman Moore and Councilman Valente voting aye, and President Pro Tem Marks voting nay. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:42 p.m. ~; -.~- - ~ ~l~ Dolores R. Walke CN1C, Village Clerk 1 Ll MR. GILDAN'S LETTER OF 6/12/89 ADDED FOR DIS- CUSSION VILLAGE ATTORNEYS TO PROCEED TO MAKE SETTLEMENT OFFER - GRINN v. O'MEILIA & VILLAGE OF NPB ADJOURNMENT