02-21-1989 VC SP WS-Mii 1 a=7~ . ~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL WORKSHOP OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1989 Present: Craig Mundt, Mayor Judy M. Pierman, Vice Mayor Tom Valente, President Pro Tem Jerry G. Gardner, Councilman V. A. Marks, M.D., Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Mundt called the Special Workshop Session to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of the Council were present except Vice Mayor Pierman who arrived at 7:05 p.m. All members of the staff were present except the Village Clerk who arrived at 7:05 p.m. The purpose of the Special Workshop is to discuss the bids for the renovation of the North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course. Chris Commins of McCumber Golf and the staff reviewed the bids and gave their recommendations. The staff prepared a summary sheet, copy of which is attached to the minutes of this meeting, upon which there were three options from which the Council could choose -- Options A, B and C. After the bids were reviewed, Council heard statements from the public. The Council unanimously agreed upon "Option C". Therefore, at the regular session of Thursday, February 23, 1989, Council will consider awarding bid for the renovation of the golf course to Ken ova Construction Corporation in the amount of $968,907.00. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ~o ore~R. WaT~~~Vi T age er ROLL CALL PURPOSE OF SPECIAL WORKSHOP REVIEW OF BIDS STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC BID AWARD TO BE CONSIDERED AT 2/23/89 REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT ~. 1989 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE RENOVATION OPTION A B C ITEM DESCRIPTION ~~ ~~ AMOUNT 1 CLEARING Fairway Strip A 55000 55000 - . Reduce SO ac ~ 20000 H. Selective Clearing 12500 .12500 19375 .,. BIJH TOTAL 67500 67500 39373 , 2 DEMOLIT [ON 18000 18000 22000 3 EARTHWORK-LAKE EXCAVATION 78000 78000 120000 4 ROUGH SHAPING 44000 44000 27000 5 eUH SURFACE DRAINAGE 4;;, A Drain TSle ~('. 1 4" Drain Pipe 6500 It 27625 27625 1 Reduced 5700 It 25650 2 4" Discharge Lina 2000 It 4000 4000 5000 3 6" Discharge Lina 3000 3000 O 3 Oe la to H Sunkars ;, = ~~ 1 4" DSachnrge LSne 6000 6000 a .: i". 1 De la to 2 4" drain line 8300 8500 0 - 2 Delete C Catch Sasf ns 40 ea 800 800 C Reduce to LS ea 547 .. D Dry Wells 20 ea 4200 4200 D Reduce to 15 ea 8100 gUg ~I~pTAf, 54125 54125 39297 . 6 IRRIGATION Hnse Bid TORO 309210 NONE _ Alternate Hid RAINBIRD NO BLD 330524 Pump Station 816 Lnke 45000 NONE 54250, Less Head Deduct Alternate -20790 -33775 Option H Contfngencv Irrigatio n 100000 N/A In Disrupted Arens SUB TOTAL 333420 100000 350999 ' 7 GREEN9 CONSTRUCTION A 9a nd 6500 ton 117000 117000 A Reduced 5500 ton 107250 ~ - B Peat 1250 cY 26250 26250 ~ _ B Paat 225 eY 15300 - C 2" Snnd L¢Yer 18900 18900 _ C Deteta 0 D Grnval Layer 2100 ton 36225 36225 -- D Reduce 2000 ton 86000 St1A TOTAL 198373 198375 16A55n 8 FtNE SHAPING 165000 165000 53500 F , 9 CART PATHS 11000 1! , Concrete 82500 82500 ' Reduced 3000 It - - - AePhnlt Alternate NO BID NO HID Reduced 3000 It 21000 ~~ T 810 ~ 18000 18000 - a~60Q i 10 Bridge A , it PLANTING AND GRASSING ' A Plant Fairways 100 nc 30000 50000 , A Reduce 50 ac 30000 e Plant Teas 6800 6800 7480 C Lime 4000 4008 0 C De la to 0 D Pertilizer 11000 1100() 0 , D De le to 0 E Fumigate Greens 125000 sf 7500 7500 E Reduce 118000 et 7788 , F Plant Greana 125000 at 7500 7500 F .Reduce 118000 at 7788 ' G' Plant Harrier Collar at Green 4800 4800 5280 , - H Sodding Tifton 419 12000 12000 14500 ~ [ Zoysla 11250 11250 0 , I De late 0 SUS TOTAL 114850 114830 72836 - 12 BUNKER SAND 1500 ton 24000 24000 Reduce 1000 ton 24250 SUH TOTAL 1197770 964350 -986Q07 96O ~C7~ - ITF.M9 NOT INCLUDED IN SID SURVEYOR 5000 5000 5000 - FP6L SERVICE TO 816 PUMP 3500 N/A 3500 85 PUMP RENOVATE 10000 10000 85 S 816 PUMPS RENOVATE N/A 20000 N/A ' LAN09CAPE 60000 60000 60000 ' TOTAL 81,276,270 51,049,350 5dr83S,e387'~ q ~j ~/O~Q `~