01-09-1986 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1986 Present: Tom Valente, Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tem V. A. Marks, M. D., Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Craig Mundt, Councilman Mayor Valente called the Regular Session to order at 7:30 p.m: ROLL CALL All members of the Council were present except Councilman Mundt who was out of town. All members of the staff were present. Councilman Marks gave the invocation and President Pro Tem Nolan INVOCATION & led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the PLEDGE OF Flag. ALLEGIANCE The Minutes of Regular Session held Thursday, December 12, 1985 APPROVAL OF were approved as written. MINUTES Mayor Valente, on behalf of the Village, presented a plaque to PRESENTATION OF Harry Stearns, Reserve Officer for our Public Safety Department, PLAQUE TO HARRY for his continuous dedicated service since December 15, 1964. STEARNS The following minutes stand as prepared: ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES Minutes of Regular Meeting of Planning Commission held December 3, 1985 Minutes of Recreation Advisory Board Meeting held December 10, 1985 Minutes of Regular Meeting of North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board held December 17, 1985 Vice Mayor Moore moved that we reject the bid of Forever Green REJECTION OF Lawn Care, Inc. for lawn maintenance at the tennis area of the BID - LAWN MAINT. North Palm Beach Country Club. The motion was seconded by AT TENNIS AREA OF Councilman Marks and passed unanimously. NPBCC President Pro Tem Nolan moved that we designate Ms. Jackie DESIGNATION OF Winchester, Supervisor of Elections, as the Village's J. WINCHESTER AS representative for the Logic and Accuracy testing of the OUR REP FOR L & A tabulating equipment for Friday, March 7, 1986 at the Data TESTS Processing Department of the Palm Beach County Governmental Center, for the Village Election of March 11, 1986 and the Runoff Election, should there be one. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Moore and passed unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, the ADJOURNMENT meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Minutes recorded by: ' ~~~~ G' /~~av-r- l., ~ C Dolores R. Walker, CMC, Village Clerk