07-23-1981 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAS COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1981 L 1 Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Tam Valente, Vice Mayor W. H. Brawn, President Pro Al D7oore, Councilman Herbert L. Gi1dan, Village Raymond J. Howland, Villag Dolores R. Walker, Village Tem Attorney e Manager Clerk Absent: Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman D7ayor Marks called the Regular Session to order at 7:30 p.m. A11 members of the Council were present except Councilwoman. Nolan who was on vacation. A11 members of the staff were present. ROLL CALL Vice Mayor Valente gave the invocation and President Pro Tem INVOCATION & Brawn led the Council and the public in the Pledge o£ Allegiance PLEDGE OF to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE The Minutes of Regular Session held Thursday, July 9, 1981 stand as prepared. The Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board held June 8, 1981 stand as prepared. The Ptinutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Adjustment held June 30, 1981 stand as corrected. The Minutes of Special Meeting of the North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board held Jvly 16, 1981 stand as prepared. President Pro Tem Brown moved that the recommendation of the Country Club Advisory Board that arrangements be made for the installation of a canopy, by September I, 1981, in an amotmt not to exceed $3,300, along the east side of the outside wall of the diniuzg room, in accordance with Village construction requirements, be denied. The untion was seconded by Council- manMoore and all present voted aye. APPROVAL OF MLNO'!ES ACC~'TANCE OF r~l~s CC AD. BD. RECOM- MEE~DIDATION DENIED Councilman Moore moved that the recoRmendation of the Country CC AD. BD. RECOM- Cluab Advisory Board that necessary action be taken to have T~mA'T'TON DENIED the hazardous bar stools in the cocktail room repaired or replaced at an estimated cost of $900 be denied. The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Brawn and all present voted aye. On umtian of Coumci]man Moore, seconded by President Pro Tem Brawn, all present Voting aye, Bi11 No. 383 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILT.AGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, IT BEING THE LICENSES AND MLSCELTI~NEOUS BUSII~SS REGULATIONS OF THE VIISAGE, BY RE~idORDING THE EXISTING GENERAL PROVISIONS; BY CREATING OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE REGULATIONS AND FEES FbR BUSINESSES LOCATID OUTSIDE TES VIISAGE LINILTS; AND BY AMENDING THE LICENSE TAX SCHIDULES FOR ALL OCCUPATIONS IN THE VTTT.AC,F' was placed an second reading and read by title alone. BILL 383 PLACID ON SECOND READING Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, July 23, 1981 Page 2 On motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by Vice T.iayor Valente, all present voting aye, Bill No. 383 was adopted as Ordinance No. 7-81. President Pro Tem Brown moved that we authorize the purchase of condensers for air conditioning at the North Palm Beach ' Country C1vb Bar from Fedders Refrigeration in the ammmt of $1,689, plus freight, to be expended from Accotmt No. 34.1- 572-46.70 (R & M Pltunbing, Heating and Air Conditioning). The u~tion was seconded by Vice P9ayor Valente and all present wted aye. Vice Mayor Valente moved that we authorize the Village Manager to sign a contract with Brabham, Kuhns and Debay, Engineers, for plans and specifications for renovation of the clubhouse at the North Palm Beach Country C1vb in. the amount of $4,800 to be expended from Account Nos. 631-572-62.12 (Fire Spri-iklers), 631-572-62.-13 (Air Conditioning System) and 631-572-62.14 (Attic Fire Wa11). The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Brown and all present voted aye. Vice Mayor Valente moved that we postpone the PBA Contract- until Council's next regular session of August 13, 1981, when the signed contract is brought back to the Council. The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Brawn and all present voted aye. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by Vice Mayor Valente, all present votin; aye, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 1 Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, QKC Village Clerk r BILL 383 ADOPTID AS ORD. 7-81 AUTHORIZATION TO PURCfTASE CONDEN- SERS AT NPBCC VILLAGE MGR. AUTHOR- IZED Ta SIGN CON- TRACT WITH BRAB- HAM, KUfiNS & DEBAY FOR RENOVATION OF NPBCC CLUBHOUSE PBA CONTRAC.C POSTPONED ADJOURNMENT C~.NT