Comprehensive Pay & Classification Plan -Compensation 08-09Village Of North Palm Beach Provides for monthly employer and employee health/dental insurance contributions. TO: Honorable Mayor and Council Recommended Personnel Changes: FROM: Jimmy Knight, Village Manager The Pay Plan reflects proposed changes in Village employment positions as follow: Title Changes; DATE: September 25, 2008 (involving no change in compensation) position Additions / Deletions; and Other Pay Plan Adjustments (salary ranges, etc.). SUBJECT: Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan FY 2008/2009 Title Changes Only: Update six (6) Pool Instructor p/t positions to Pool Lifeguard p/t (pay grade 10); This Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan (?Pay Plan?) reflects Update two (2) Grounds Maintenance Worker f/t positions to all proposed/authorized Village employment position classifications and Street Maintenance Worker (pay grade 15); and their related salary ranges for all Village employees for the Fiscal Year Update one (1) Superintendent, Facility and Vehicle Division starting October 1, 2008. This Pay Plan also reflects employment f/t position to Superintendent of Public Works (pay grade benefits provided to employees unless separately negotiated in 29). collective bargaining agreements. Additions: Village management reviews this Pay Plan annually and makes Add two (+2) Driving Range/Ranger p/t positions (pay grade recommendations on the classifications and pay ranges for all positions 8); to maintain appropriate staffing resources in relation to competitive market conditions and the needs of our annual Village budget/operating Add two (+2) Library Page p/t positions (pay grade 10); and structure. The attached Pay Plan proposal has been incorporated into Add one (+1) Technical Support Analyst p/t position (pay the Manager?s proposed budget for the coming fiscal year beginning grade 22). October 1, 2008. Additions / Deletions: Pay Plan Recommendations Add one (+1) independent contractor for evening tennis court maintenance in tennis facility / Delete one (-1) Recreation This year?s Pay Plan includes: Assistant p/t positions in Tennis (pay grade 10); Add one (+1) Grounds Maintenance Worker p/t position (pay A total average 6% pay increase in compensation grade 15) / Delete five (-5) Parks Maintenance Technician 1.Includes a 3.0% October COLA (cost of living adjustment) and f/t positions (pay grade 17); 2.Provides for average 3.75% performance-based merit increases Add one (+1) Administrative Assistant f/t position (pay grade (0% -to- 5%). 20) / Delete one (-1) Administrative Coordinator f/t position (pay grade 22); Page 111 of 125