2016-01 Ten-Year Water Supply Plan UpdateORDINANCE NO. 2016-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE ELEMENT AND THE CONSERVATION ELEMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO ADOPT AN UPDATE TO THE TEN YEAR WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES WORK PLAN AS REQUIRED BY STATE STATUTE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires that each local government prepare a Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Development Act, as amended; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3177(6)(c)3, Florida Statutes, requires the Village to update its ten year water supply facilities work plans within eighteen months after the South Florida Water Management District approved the Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan Update; and WHEREAS, the Village Council wishes to amend the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Recharge Element and the Conservation Element of the Village's Comprehensive Plan to update is Ten Year Water Supply Plan; and WHEREAS, on October 6, 2015, the Village's Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, considered the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment at a public hearing and recommended its approval; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Ordinance is in the interests of the health, safety and welfare of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified as true and correct and incorporated herein. Section 2. In accordance with the requirements of Section 163.3177(6)(c)3, Florida Statutes, the Village Council hereby amends the Village's Comprehensive Plan and adopts a Ten Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan Update, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. Section 3. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of the Ordinance. Page 1 of 2 Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty -one (3 1) days after the Department of Economic Opportunity notifies the Village that the plan amendment package is complete or, if timely challenged, this Ordinance shall be effective upon entry of a final order by the Department of Economic Opportunity or the Administration Commission determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 12TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2015. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND I (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 Village of North Palm Beach Florida 2015 — 2025 North Palm Beach Water Supply Facilities Work Plan Update July 2015 Prepared for the Village of North Palm Beach Prepared by Land Research Management, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................. ..............................1 2.0 Background Information .............................................................. ..............................1 2.1 Village Overview .......................................................................... ..............................2 2.2 Relevant Regional Issues ............................................................ ..............................4 2.2.1 SAS Withdrawal ............................................................... ..............................4 2.2.2 Use of Reclaimed Water ................................................. ..............................4 2.2.3 implementation of Conservation Measures ..................... ..............................5 3.0 Data and Analysis ....................................................................... ..............................5 3.1 Potable Water Service Areas ................................................. ..............................5 3.2 Population and Land Use ....................................................... ..............................7 3 3 Level -of- Service ( LOS) ........................................................... ..............................7 3.4 Public Water Supply (PWS)Finished Water Supply Demand Projections ............8' 3.5 Domestic Self Supply (DSS) .................................................. ..............................8 4.0 Water Source Identification ......................................................... ..............................9 5.0 Water Supply Project Identification and Selection.. ..................... .............................10 6.0 Availability of Water Supply and Public Facilities ....................... .............................10 7.0 Conservation Practices .............................................................. .............................10 8.0 Comprehensive Plan Update Requirements ............................... ............................11. 8.1 Previous Comprehensive Plan Amendments ....................... .............................12 10.0 Intergovernmental Element ...................................................... .............................13 11.0 Capital Improvements Element ................................................ .............................13 8.0 Comprehensive Plan Amendments ............................................ .............................14 8.2 Required Additional Comprehensive Plan amendments ...................14 LIST OF MAPS Number 1 Village of North Palm Beach .......................................................... ..............................3 2 Seacoast Potable Water Service Areas ......................................... ..............................6 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) LIST OF TABLES Number 1 Population Projections ................................................................... ..............................7 2 Existing Land Use Inventory .......................................................... ..............................8 3 North Palm Beach Finished Water Demand ................................. ..............................9 4 Seacoast Current and Projected Water supply .............................. ..............................9 5 Seacoast Current and Projected Water supply by Source ............ .............................10 6 North Palm Bach Reclaimed Water Contracts .............................. .............................11 North Palm Beach Potable Water Supply Facilities Work Plan 1.0 Introduction The purpose of the 2015 — 2025 North Palm Beach Water Supply Facilities Work Plan Update (2015 — 2025 Work Plan) is to identify and plan for the water supply sources and facilities needed to serve existing and future development within the Village's jurisdiction. Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes (F.S.), requires local governments to prepare and adopt Work Plans into their comprehensive plans within 18 months after the South Florida Water Management District ( SFWMD) approved the 2013 Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan Update (2013 LEC Update). SFWMD adopted the 2013 LEC Update on September 12, 2013. Per Section 163.3177(c), Florida Statutes, local governments and water suppliers are required to adopt a related Work Plan and supportive amendments to their comprehensive plans by March 12, 2015. Municipalities and public water suppliers are required to coordinate with the SFWMD in the preparation of their Work Plans in order to identify needed facilities for at least a 10 -year planning period, confirming that: (1) adequate water supply is available; and (2) infrastructure plans necessary to serve projected need have been prepared. The (2015 — 2025 Work Plan) references identified initiatives to ensure adequate water supply for the Village of North Palm Beach. According to state guidelines, the Village's (2015 — 2025 Work Plan) and Comprehensive Plan must address traditional and alternative water supplies, as appropriate, service delivery and conservation and reuse programs necessary to serve existing and new development for a minimum 10 -year period. Further, the (2015 — 2025 Work Plan) must include a planning time -frame schedule consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the LEC Update. Potable water is supplied to North Palm Beach by Seacoast Utility Authority (Seacoast). Local public water suppliers are required to coordinate with SFWMD in the preparation of Work Plans in order to identify needed facilities for at least a 10 -year planning period. Seacoast has provided specific documentation to governments within its service area confirming that: (1) adequate water supply is available; and (2) infrastructure plans necessary to serve projected need have been prepared. 2.0 Background Information Included in this section are a brief Village overview and a discussion of defined regional water issues. Village of North Palm Beach 1 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 2.1 Village Overview The Village of North Palm Beach, located in Northeastern Palm Beach County (Ref: Map 1), is a water - oriented community providing a full -range of social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including North Palm Beach Country Club and the 385 -acre John D. MacArthur Beach State Park, for its residents. Incorporated in 1956, the Village's five square miles of incorporated area includes approximately two square miles of water area. Approaching buildout, with limited remaining developable area, the Village presently supports a resident population of approximately 12,600 and a peak -day seasonal population of an additional 1,500 part-time residents. Village marinas and waterfront parks provide boating and fishing opportunities for small crafts as well as luxury and sport fishing boats. Hundreds of docks line waterways within the Village providing access to productive fishing areas in Lake Worth and the Atlantic Ocean. The Village has generally restricted commercial development to the Northlake Boulevard, U.S. Highway One, and Alternate A -1 -A corridors. Historically, the Village has prohibited industrial development. However, creation of an industrial future land use category, coupled with recent annexation activity, has created opportunities for industrial development in the area west of Alternate A -1 -A. The Village operates under a Council /Manager form of government, consisting of five elected officials and an appointed Village Manager. A group of appointed boards whose duties include advisory and plan review functions, meet regularly to insure careful consideration of matters relating to development, planning, recreation and administrative affairs. These board meetings, often well- attended by Village residents, provide a vital means of assuring public input into the Village decision - making process. The Village provides a full range of municipal services, including public safety (police, fire and emergency medical services), sanitation and public improvements as well as the recreational /cultural and general political and administrative services. 2.2 Relevant Regional Issues South Florida regional water supply issues are identified and discussed in Chapter 5 Evaluation of Water Source Options of the 2013 LEC Update. Among the issues identified, the following are the most pertinent to Village future water supply needs: freshwater withdrawal from the limited Surficial Aquifer System (SAS) resource; use of reclaimed water as an alternative source; and conservation practices as a means to reduce per capita consumption Village of North Palm Beach 2 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 MAP 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Village of North Palm Beach 3 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 2.2.1 SAS Withdrawal Fresh groundwater is the primary source of supply for potable water consumption, landscape irrigation, and industrial and commercial uses in the LEC Planning Area. In the urban areas of the LEC Planning Area, including the Village, public water suppliers (PWS) rely heavily on the SAS. The SAS produces good quality fresh water from relatively shallow wells. Local rainfall, canals, and water from the Water Conservation Areas and Everglades National Park recharge these aquifers. When sufficient water is available, surface water from Lake Okeechobee can also be routed to regional canals to maintain water levels and recharge the aquifer. However, during droughts, lower regional groundwater levels may cause inland movement of salt water. In this case, water shortage restrictions may be declared by the Governing Board of the SFWMD to conserve freshwater supplies. Most of the 2030 regional water supply demand will continue to be met by fresh groundwater from the SAS. However, coordinated long -term plans are being implemented that consider alternative water supplies in order to match demand with availability. Discussions of current programs and plans are presented in Sections 4.0 (Water Source Identification), 5.0 Water Supply Project Identification and Section and 7.0 (Conservation Practices) of this report 2.2.2 Use of Reclaimed Water The use of reclaimed water in the LEC Planning Area helps to reduce potential resource impacts by decreasing the reliance on traditional fresh sources, such as groundwater and surface water. Reclaimed water receives at least secondary treatment and basic disinfection and is reused after treatment at a domestic wastewater treatment facility. Reclaimed water is used for landscape irrigation (e.g., medians, residential lots, and golf courses), groundwater recharge, cooling water, and environmental enhancement. The Water Resource Implementation Rule (Chapter 62 -40, F.A.C.) requires the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and water management districts to advocate and direct the use of reclaimed water as part of their water management programs. The District requires all applicants for water use permits proposing to irrigate with more than 0.1 MGD of water and those applicants within a mandatory reuse zone to use reclaimed water if it is feasible. Reclaimed water for irrigation will continue to be an important and expanding part of future reuse in the LEC Planning Area. Additional reuse methods may be available to meet future water demands including use by water suppliers to recharge and replenish the network of canals found in Palm Beach County and reduce water deliveries from the regional water management system during the dry season. Village of North Palm Beach 4 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 A discussion of the status of reclaimed water use is presented in Section7.0 (Conservation Practices) of this report 2.2.3 Implementation of Conservation Measures Water conservation is considered a water source option because it can reduce, defer, or eliminate the need for expansion of the water supply infrastructure. The District has approved the Comprehensive Water Conservation Program which consists of three initiatives: regulatory; voluntary and incentive - based; and education and marketing. The objective of the program is to achieve a measurable reduction in water use. The success of Comprehensive Water Conservation Program is subject to funding levels and voluntary participation by public water suppliers and other participating groups. A discussion of current conservation practices is presented in Section7.0 (Conservation Practices) of this report 3.0 Data and Analysis Included in this section is a discussion of Village potable water supply services and needs. 3.1 Potable Water Service Area and Facilities North Palm Beach does not own or operate its own potable water supply system. Rather, potable water facilities and services are provided by Seacoast Utility Authority (Seacoast). In addition to the Village, Seacoast provides potable water service to Palm Beach Gardens, Juno Beach, and Lake Park, as well as portions of unincorporated Palm Beach County. The corporate limits of the Village, within the Seacoast service area, are illustrated on Map 2. All five entities receiving services are members of the Seacoast Governing Board. All responsibilities for the withdrawal, treatment and distribution of potable water to the residents and businesses in the Village are assumed by Seacoast, including the direct billing of customers. Related to the approval of development orders, Seacoast requires developers to upgrade the capacity of existing systems, and /or build new system components to meet their needs. Upon completion, Seacoast assumes ownership, operation and maintenance responsibilities of all related systems. Seacoast recently completed a 30.5 MGD membrane treatment facility allowing its two lime- softening treatment facilities (Richard Road and Hood Road) to be decommissioned. Village of North Palm Beach 5 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 MAP 2 — SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY SERVICE AREA MAP 2 — SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY SERVICE; AREA I I Legend � 7A4SinnM. — BYasls NA &I wo idmn sllln„um NorBi Palm Beach Inclusive Ta�zs: 73, 74, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86; 87, and 124 Village of North Palm Beach 6 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 ouf� WHIM ft. PA phFUDRU 3.2 Population and Land Use Population projections for the Seacoast service area and the Village were supplied by the Palm Beach County Planning Division. Projections are presented in Table 1. TABLE 1 Population Projections Year Resident Po ulation Projections* North Palm Beach Share of Service Area ( %) Seacoast Service Area North Palm Beach 2015 90,853 12,219 13.4 2020 96,674 12,592 13,0 2025 100,816 12,786 12.7 2030 103,271 13,070 12.7 2035 105,802 13,353 12.6 * - Palm Beach County Planninq Division data: March 2013. North Palm Beach population projections were most recently updated by the Village during its evaluation of proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2015- 02 (Waterclub II). Projections indicated that buildout of the Village would occur by 2020 and result in a population of 13,084 permanent residents, or 103% of the number (12,592 residents) projected by the Palm Beach County Planning Division for that same year. Due to the slight difference, and in order to maintain consistency with the Village's service provider, projections prepared by the Palm Beach County Planning Division, as presented in Table 1, are used for the purposes of projecting future Village water supply needs. An inventory of existing Village land use is presented in Table 2. The minimal amount of vacant land indicates that the assumption of a near -term projected buildout of the Village is appropriate. 3.3 Level -of- Service (LOS) The Village's adopted potable water level -of- service (LOS) standards, per the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan are as follows: Average Day Generation: Residential — 99 gallons per capita per day; and Non - Residential —1,874 gallons /acre /day. Maximum Day Generation: Residential — 147 gallons per capita per day; and Non - Residential — 2,782 gallons /acre /day. Village of North Palm Beach 7 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 Table 2 — Existing Land Use Inventory Existing Land Use Acres Single-Family Residential 679.55 Multiple-Family Residential 258.16 Commercial 165.62 Institutional 77.14 Utility/Transportation 10.25 Recreation and Open space 190.09 Conservation 225.94 Water 1,225.10 Vacant 32.66 Total Acres 2,864.51 Source: 2006 Evaluation and Appraisal Report; Land Research Management, Inc.; 6/15. For planning purposes, Seacoast currently uses an average day finished water generation rate of 189 gallons per capita per day (gpcd), consistent with the current system -wide usage (i.e. CUP 50- 00365 -W; effective to 2032)). Seacoast does not employ a non - residential generation rate; rather, all consumption (i.e. for planning purposes) is expressed on a per capita basis. Therefore, for the purposes of this analysis, the Seacoast generation rate (189 gpcd) is used to project Village water demands. 3.4 Public Water Supply (PWS) Finished Water Supply Demand Projections Projections of finished water demand for North Palm Beach are presented in Table 3. Current (2015) finished potable water demand is estimated at 2.31 MGD (i.e. resident population of 12,219 residents x 189 gallons per capita per day), representing 13.4% of the total within the Seacoast service area. It is projected that the Village's finished potable water demand, using population projections (Ref: Table 1) will attain a level of 2.52 MGD by 2025, or 12.6% of the total demand within the Seacoast service area. 3.5 Domestic Self Supply (DSS) DSS is defined as water used by households whose primary source of water is water treatment facilities and /or private wells with pumpages of less than 100,000 gallons per day. Eleven residential units and a 5,300 sq. ft. office building located north of Richard Road, and west of Alternate A -1 -A, in an area annexed by the Village in 2010 currently use a DSS water source. Village of North Palm Beach 8 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 TABLE 3 North Palm Beach Projected Finished Water Demand Year R Residents* F Finished Water Demand (MGD) 2015 1 12,219 2 2.31 2020 1 12,592 2 2.38 2025 1 12,786 2 2.42 2030 1 13,070 2 2.47 2035 1 13,353 2 2.52 -From Table 1. ** - Residents x 189 qpcd. 4.0 Water Source Identification According to the 2013 LEC Update, Seacoast currently (2015) withdraws an average of 21.88 MGD of raw water from the Surficial Aquifer System (SAS). Current Seacoast plans will result in the use of both the SAS and Floridan Aquifer System in the future. Projections of raw water withdrawal and finished water demand for Seacoast from the 2013 LEC Update are presented in Table 4. The current Seacoast Public Water Supply consumptive use permit (CUP 50- 00365-W) was renewed by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) in 2012 for a 20 -year period at an average -day Surficial Aquifer allocation of 22.3 MGD and Floridan Aquifer allocation of 8.9 MGD. Projections of raw water withdrawal, by expected supply component are presented in Table 5. Based upon the projections in Table 5, future withdrawal from the Surficial Aquifer should not exceed the 22.30 MGD allocation commencing in 2020 due to being supplemented by withdrawal from the Floridan Aquifer source. TABLE 4 Seacoast Current and Projected Water Supply Year Raw Water Withdrawal MGD Finished Water Demand MGD 2015 21.88 17.50 2020 23.33 18.62 2025 24.77 19.69 2030 26.30 20.69 " - Demand under average conditions. Source: Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan, 2013Update. Village of North Palm Beach 9 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 " - Demand under average conditions. Source: Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan, 2013Update. Village of North Palm Beach 9 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 TABLE 5 Seacoast Current and Projected Water Supply by Source Year Bisca ne /Surficial Aquifer (MGD) Floridan Aquifer(MGD) Total (MGD) 2015 21.88 0 21.88 2020 22.30 1.30 23.33 2025 22.30 2647 24.77 2030 22.30 3.53 26.30 Source: Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan, 2005 -2006 Update. Raw water is presently drawn from four Surficial Aquifer wellfields (Hood Road, North Palm Beach, Burma Road and Palm Beach Gardens) and three Floridan Aquifer wells (Hood Road), pursuant to the current CUP. Each of the wellfields has permitted average and maximum daily withdrawal rates established by CUP conditions. Each wellfield has protection zones mapped by the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM). According to the current CUP, all wellfields are protected by the Palm Beach County Wellfield Protection Ordinance. Zones of protection are developed and zone requirements enforced by DERM. 5.0 Water Supply Project Identification and Selection The 2013 LEC Update includes one project, a Nonofiltration Concentrate Blending Facility, to be completed in 2015 at a cost of $4.5 Million. According to Seacoast, the project has been completed. 6.0 Availability of Water Supply and Public Facilities The Seacoast CUP, issued by the District in September 2012 will provide adequate water supply to meet demands within its service area through the year 2032. In addition to District allocations in the CUP, Seacoast has executed a Utility Bulk Sale Agreement (June 2006) with Palm Beach County to receive up to 5 MGD of bulk potable per year. Also, system interconnections with the Town of Jupiter (Donald Ross Road at its intersections with Alternate A-1 -A and Jog Road, and U.S. 1 and Ocean Drive) and the City of Riviera Beach (Military Trail and Leo Lane) which can be utilized to supplement supply during emergencies. 7.0 Conservation Practices An inventory of water conservatio n supplier is presented in Table D -5 summary of practices currently imple 6. practices implemented by public water of the 2013 LEC Update Appendices. A mented by Seacoast is presented in Table Village of North Palm Beach 10 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 Table 6 — Seacoast Water Conservation Implementation Practices Conservation Practice Seacoast Practice Irrigation Hours Yes Florida Friendly Landscape Ordinance Yes Ultra Flow Fixtures Ordinance Yes Rain Sensor Ordinance Yes Water Conservation Rate Structure Yes Leak Detection and Repair Program Yes Public Education Program Yes Source: Table D -5: 2013 LEC Update Appendices In addition to the above conservation practices, Seacoast has been providing wastewater effluent for irrigation purposes since 1978. At present, Seacoast's entire average daily wastewater flow is committed to active on -line reclaimed water consumers. An inventory of contracts for reclaimed water in North Palm Beach is presented in Table 7. TABLE 7 North Palm Beach Reclaimed Water Contracts Name Classification* Allocation MGD Old Port Cove A — Guaranteed 0.200 Gemini Condominium A — Guaranteed 0.034 Royale Harbor Condominium A — Guaranteed 0.040 Waterway Terrace Condominium A — Guaranteed 0.031 Seamark Condominium A — Guaranteed 0.020 Governor's Pointe A — Guaranteed 0.050 North Palm Beach Country Club A - Guaranteed 0.300 Total 0.675 * - According to Seacoast, Class B contracts have always received their allocations Source: Seacoast Utility Authority; 12/31/07; North Palm Beach; 7/11/08. 8.0 Comprehensive Plan Update Requirements 8.1 Previous Water Supply Plan Amendments During the preparation of the 2006 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR), a review of statutory (Florida Statutes) and Code (Florida Administrative Code) amendments affecting the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan was completed. The EAR directed several amendments to address potable water supply which were incorporated within the Village 2020 Comprehensive Plan. The following is an element -by- element summary of the previous amendments. Village of North Palm Beach 11 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 Future Land Use Element (Chapter 3.0): Add Policy 2.6 to read as follows: Policy 2.6: Following SFWMD updates of the lower east coast regional water supply plan the Village shall update the Water Supply Facilities Plan to determine whether or not adequate water supply is available to meet projected needs of the ensuing 10 -year period. Infrastructure Element (Chapter 6.0): Incorporate the Village's Water Supply Facilities Plan, by reference, within Section 6.1. Also, add or revise the following: Add Goal 6.2.6: Coordinate with Seacoast and Palm Beach County in the preparation of their Ten -Year Water Supply Work Plans, consistent with the directives of the Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan. Revise Policy 1.1: Public facility level -of- service standards as displayed on Table 6 -1 are hereby adopted, and shall be used as the basis for estimating the availability of capacity and demand generated by a proposed development. However, potable water level -of- service (LOS) standards used for Water Supply Facilities planning purposes shall be consistent with those used by Seacoast Utility Authority. Further, coordinate with Seacoast Utility Authority in developing appropriate residential and non - residential LOS categories should they become necessary to better project future water supply needs. Add Policy 5.6: At the time of each required Evaluation and Appraisal Report, the Village shall incorporate necessary Ten -Year Water Supply Work Plan directives enacted by its water supplier and the regional water supply plan. Conservation Element (Chapter 8.0): Add the following objective and policies: Add OBJECTIVE 8: Participate in the formulation and implementation of water supply conservation programs developed by Seacoast Utility Authority. Policy 8.1: Coordinate with Seacoast Utility Authority to implement potable water conservation programs established as part of its Ten -Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan and Consumptive Use Permit. Policy 8.2: Cooperate with Seacoast Utility Authority in the development and implementation of water reuse programs, to the extent that they may apply to North Palm Beach. Village of North Palm Beach 12 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 Intergovernmental Element (Chapter 10.0): Add the following policies: Add Policy 1.15: Require that all applicants for development approval procure written confirmation of availability of potable water service prior to the issuance of a building permit. Add Policy 4.5: At the time of each required Evaluation and Appraisal Report confirm the availability of potable water service, consistent with the regional water supply plan and Ten -Year Water Supply Facility Plans of Seacoast Utility Authority and Palm Beach County. Capital Improvements Element (Chapter 11.0): Revise the following policy: Revise Policy 7.1.1: A development order or permit shall be issued subject to the condition that, at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, the necessary facilities and services are in place and available to serve the new development or redevelopment. Further, prior to the approval of a building permit or its functional equivalent, the Village shall consult with the applicable supplier to determine whether adequate water supplies will be available to serve a new development no later than the anticipated date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 8.1 Proposed Water Supply Plan Amendments Section 163.3177, Florida Statutes requires that the Village's 2015 — 2025 North Palm Beach Water Supply Facilities Work Plan Update includes a policy to update the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. The policy update is included in Attachment A. Village of North Palm Beach 13 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015 ATTACHMENT A - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS 1. Revise Policy 5.6 of the Infrastructure Element (Sanitary Sewer Solid Waste Stormwater Management Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge) Element to read as follows (deletions are indicated by etrikethro„nh and additions are indicated by underline. Changes made between the transmittal and adoption hearings are indicated by and double underline). Policy 5.6: At the time of each reo11irei -! Ev -aluation and AppFaisal Denort the Village shall inoornorate neGessaFy Ten Yearn \fitter S Unnhi VVGFk Dl +n direntives eneoted by its water c upplieF and the regional water supply plan The Village of North Palm Beach hereby adopts the 2015 — 2025 Ten Year Water Supply Plan Update (Work Plan) dated July 2015 for a planning period of ten years. The Work Plan addresses issues that pertain to water supply facilities and requirements needed to serve current and future development within the Village's water service area. The Village shall review and update the Work Plan at least each five years after the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District approves an updated lower east coast regional water supply plan. Any changes affecting the Village's Work Plan shall be included in an update to Capital Improvements Element of the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan to ensure consistency with the Work Plan. 2. Revise Policy 8.1 of the Conservation Element to read as follows (deletions are indicated by etriLeth rn, ,o h) Policy 8.Q: Coordinate with Seacoast Utility Authority to implement potable water conservation programs established as part of its Ten-YeaT Consumptive Use Permit. Village of North Palm Beach 14 Ordinance 2016 -01 North Palm Beach Water Supply Plan July 2015