02-09-1978 VC PH-M MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH-PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1978 Present: V. A. Marks, Vice Mayor Al C. Moore, President Pro Tem William H. Brown, Councilman Donald J. Kazimir, Councilman Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: M. C. Love, Jr., Mayor Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Vice Mayor Marks called the Public Hearing to order_at ROLL CALL 7:00 p.m. All members of the Council were present except Mayor Love. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to hear the public PURPDSE OF concerning Bill Numbers 275, 287 and 288, the subdivision, PUBLIC HEARING zoning, and zoning change ordinances respectively. Legal Notice of this Public Hearing was published in the -LEGAL NOTICE Palm Beach Post on January 22, 1978 and February 1, 1978 PUBLISHED and was posted according to law. The Village Manager read Bill No. 275 entitled.: BILL 275 READ BY AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS TITLE ALONE FOR THE SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LAND AND FOR THE SURVEYING AND PLATTING THEREOF; DEFINING CER- TAIN TERMS USED HEREIN; PRESCRIBING STANDARDS OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER; ES- TABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR PRELIMINARY AND FINAL APPROVAL OF PLATS; PROVIDING FOR MODIFICATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS TO THESE REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION AND AMENDMENT; ESTABLISH- ING PENALTIES. FOR VIOLATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE by title alone. There were no comments from the public or the Council NO COMMENTS on Bill No. 275. _ FROM PUBLIC OR COUNCIL The Village Manager read Bill No. 287 entitled: BILL 287 READ BY AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, TITLE ALONE FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 45 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, THE ZONING CODE, BY CREATING A NEW ZONING CLASSIFICATION TO BE kNOWN AS CB COM MERCIAL DISTRICT AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP UP TO DATE _ by title alone. The following members of the public spoke under Bill COMMENTS FROM No. 287 but were opposed to Bill No. 288: PUBLIC Mr. Eugene Bie, Part Owner Lakeview Building 513 U. S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida Mr. Ted Brown, Part Owner Lakeview Building --- 513 U. S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida THE PALM BEACH P05T + ~ Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH } Before the undersigned authority personally appeared -_Frank__T. Hartwell-_ Advertising i•'igr. who on oath says that he is ........................ ......_........_... of The Palm Beach Posq a daily newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attaele- ed copy of advertising, being a ........_IdOtiC~ ___-____v__~ in the matter of ----..--_HeB.T'1Yl-~,,_-----"--------------------- in the_-__...____--..-_--""--- _Court, was published in said newspaper in the issnes of -_----------January-,_22 _February--1,,1.97.$,----------_.-....------------- Affiant further says that the Palm Beach Pose is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of se~nring this advertisement for pnblication in xhe said news aper. Gam'-~-- -~--`~*~ /r_ .--.. y.- ----'---'-- Sworn to and subscribed before me this lst- day of February A.D. I9 ? $ 1 ~ NOTgRT PUBLIC STATE OF FLDRIDA p1 URGE MY COMMISSION E%PIRES JUNE 3, 1979 BONDED BV 4MERICAN BANKERS INSURANCE CO Minutes of Public Hearing Held Thursday, February 9, 1978 Page 2 Robert Fowler, Part Owner Lakeview Building 513 U. S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida Mr. Louis Bills, Owner Professional Building 531 U. S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida Mr. Bill Lee, Owner La Palma Norte 537 U. S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida The Village Manager read Bill No. 288 entitled: BILL 288 READ BY TITLE AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ALONE FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 45 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH CODE BY REZONING THE FINGER OF LAND INIMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE PARADISE HARBOUR CONDOMINIUMS FROM ZONING DISTRICT R-2 TO ZONING DISTRICT R-l; BY REZONING THE AREA ON THE WEST SIDE OF U. S. ,1#1 FROM SOUTH ANCHORAGE DRIVE TO EBBTIDE DRIVE FROM ZONING DISTRICT CA TO ZONING . DISTRICT CB; BY REZONING THE EAST SIDE OF U. S. ~#1 FROM THE EARMAN RIVER NORTH TO THE EXTENSION OF S-~BBTIDE DRIVE FROM ZONING DISTRICTS CA AND R-1 TO ZONING DISTRICT CB; AND BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO REFLECT SAID CHANGES UPON THE OFFICIAL 1 ZONING MAP by title alone. No further discussion was had under-Bill No. 2.88. NO FURTHER The above-mentioned persons gave_objections to their Dl$CU$SION property being zoned "CB", which was the subject of UNDER BILL Bill No. 288, when Bill No. 287 was on the floor. 288 However, they did not express opposition to creation of a "CB" zone as long as their property was not placed in that category. __ There being no further business to come before the ADJOURNMENT on motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by Council , Councilman Kazimir, all present voting aye, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. lam./ t~G~_""° C~~~'~1/~ Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk 1