11-03-1976 VC SP-M MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1976 Present: V. A. Marks, Vice Mayor Al C. Moore, President Pro Tem Donald J. Kazimir, Councilman Mervin H. McIntyre, Councilman Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: M. C. Love, Jr., Mayor Vice Mayor Marks called the Special Meeting to order ROLL CALL at 7:00 p.m. All members of the Council were present except Mayor Love. The purpose of this meeting is to constitute the Council PURPOSE OF as the official Bond Election Canvassing Board £or the MEETING purpose of canvassing the vote of November 2, 1976 under the provisions of Section 12-57 of the Village Code. The Council could not certify the returns of the Bond RECESS Election since the absentee ballot count had not been received from Mrs. Jackie Winchester, Supervisor of Elections. Therefore, on motion o£ Councilman Kazimir, seconded by Councilman Moore, all-present voting aye, the meeting was recessed at 7:02 p.m. until Monday, November 8, 1976 at 7:00 p.m. - ~ S CX/ / ~-°--_-~ Minutes recorded hy: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk ~`ECTIDTi bFF[CIAl HlIL1:CYT: Po'nh - ' L .„O_. g7 EhECTT~O T-I7,7 machines shalt be used at such band elec- LLACE OF NORTH PALM lion and the farm of ballots Eo De urea shall $ACH, FLQRIDA ON NOVEMBER 2~_ be in substantlalty the tollowing form: ~~R QFFICIAL BALLOT 8,~_ ON w1H11 beCD ld on the 2n8 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ~G~J FLORIDA ovelitlfer 1076, in the Village of BOND ELECTIDN - NUVEMBER 2, 1876 m Beach, Florida, for the pur- Shall the Vlllage of North Palm Beach Florida, Issue not exceedinx 51,600,OOb r eTermining whether or na-t bonds goods bearing Interest at loot exceed- ! e_Village shell be Issued in an aggre- rfncipal amount of genera obligation r nclpal amount o[ not exC~ding il,- ~ing the maximum legal rate of interest ' arlp8 lrtterest at sucq fate or at the time of the sale of Ehe lsonds, ' - "r~t exc`e291nS the maximum legal maturing not later than thirty (30) at t_ a time of the sale t11tt mamr- ors from the date pf issµance ihere- T - serlalf_y in annual installmen ~ over a o1 payable Irom ad valorem taxes nof_ ggzceed thirty (%0) years Lrom levied on al] taxable property to the date tee sonde, toz the ppurpose of Vlllage without limit as to rate or -anclnq a cost of the acquisTtlon otland amount, for the purpose of financing ` &Sioital pFuryoses 9nd the construe- the cost o1 the acquistlon of land for ' on and iIqt ~utsltion_pf a recreatton_Dulld- recreational purHOSes and [he Con- - = g and S~FEatlonai [acitlties, aU as more structlon and acquisition of a recre- - citically H ecribefl and nTOVlded !n the atlon building and recreational facill- ` solution g1"-The Vlitage CoµngR adbpfed ties, as more speciltcal7y described -p1~9ifi day of Se tember, 1976. i and Hrovided In Resolution No. 68-76 of ' eplaces of voting in the bond election ! the Village, adopted September 9, ° 11 ffi those places of voting !n the gener- ' 1976? -_ elect_i~qnn to be held on the same date. The Instructions to Voters: - - w71~~ o n at -the voting places_ dtl Indicate by poilingg down lever over prdate of as d bond election fflrom 7~ - ~'OR BONDS' ti you favor the, pteom~De 9,11876 and publtstied fn tul~l Le- Indicatcee b[ so~all~o6n down lever over= aw as part oithls Notice. AGAINS'fi BOND) 1[ You tlo not fa-, quall[ted electors YeitdinSS_-within the vor the issuance oI said Dpnds e shall be entitled, quaiftied aM per- - SECTION 3. ABSENTEE VOTING Pa ° - to vote a[ such e7ecUon. der ballots shalt be used at such election; _ AGEOFp•~ NORTH PALM [°r absentee voting. The form of ballot to, s CA FLORIISA be used m the election for absentee voters- _ Tr _ _ shall be in substantially the form Provided; ayanr_- _ _ _ 1n Section 4. above. - _ -SECTION B. PRINTING OF BALLOTS.- -- _ ~ _._,- ---1'fie Vlllage Clerk is authorized antl direct-- oiYS-R~niker - -°- ed to requEBt tfie gupervisor o[ Electtans_ a e Clerk for Palm Beach County to have Brinted an- LUTION NO. 88-78 Plain white paper a sufficient number of-_ _ 54 TIZ)N AUTHORIZING THE ~ the a~ttaresald ballots for use of absentee, A CE OF NOT EXCEEDING $1,- such bend elec ton andsalso W havelopptilnT E OBLIGATIOTTNgOgp ed pseample ballots acecend deliver them to the - OF HEAAG- such bo dielec[ on~for the voting plat stet. ON _ 25P' S.AO> ~ FAC1~R TH>~ which voting machines are to ?e used; apd - OVAL Fl~UpRNPD~ ~p~Q Further is authorized and directed to re- -1'IDN BUIYJ7INGTAND gppuest said Supervisor of pEelectton_s to havqe AL FACILITIES IN triiaccurdan~ wish flaw the otHCal La~llrots _ AGE; PROVIDING FOR ter use in Such voting machines and to _ ING A BOND ELECTION make all appropriate arrangements for tie REIFIED ELF(,-I~pRS R£- rnnductin of such bond election. _5 - 'THE VILLAGE-TO BE SECTIO~ 7. ELECTION PROCEDURE. _ Q~Oy~„vS'TN~pOVEMBER 7~~G1976 ON The bond election shall be held and con- --SV_CH GENER L OBLIGATION ducted inpp the mnna~gnner rescribPPeeed by gener= t - 6 EADATEPROVIP3N~?+N EF- Clerks atach epolin Placesshal~canvass __- _ RESOLVED gY THE VILLAGE the vote and make due returns of same - - C OF NORTH PALM BEACH, without delay to the Vlllage Clerk. Such re- - yB1' - -- - - - turns shall show the number a[ qualified ~ - AUTHORITY OF THIS electors who voted at such bond elecIlon on .TMs resolution Is adopted said proposition and the number ol.votes u e t'186, part II, Florida cast respecilvelyy for and against appproval atutep - r 10~0ywFi lorida Statutes, of such Droposition. The returns of tie Ins- bYher 7CabA l7THORIZATION ~ OF Pectors anC Clerks shall as soon as-practF _ u ec an yuesuant to tfie pravT- oable be canvassed by the Village Councl] - -s Tiereo[, General obligation bands oS rerving as the Canvassing Board o/ the Vil- _- a la6e of North Palm Beacfi, Florida loge u'hlch shalt declare and certify the eF€€fnotter Ca1Ied-"VBlage"), are author results of such ~ond election. The Certitl- _-_ H'to be Issued 1n the a greRate grind- cafe of deciarat on of the results shall be amount of not ex<eed~ng One Million recorded in the minutes of the Vlllage Ix µndred Thousand Dollars (51,600,000) Councll' - e the cast oL the acquisition p1 SECTION g. ELECTION RESULTS. II a -d Lo~Tecreatlonal ?urposes and the coal- maturity of the votes cas4 at such election c oti n and acquisition o1 a recreation in respect to saltl proposition or bonds dfuglalid recreatlnnel facltltle5 consist- shall be "FOR BON S", such proposition, bF Out not Ifmlted tp, a community cen-_ pondyys shall ~ issuedpas hereattdertprovlde n si cs sr o~C~ll6ihted bailRelds ~ edSECTIONI9 gNOTICE OF BOND ELEG ' - ghted balltields, )an+lsca9ing, irrigation TION. This resotuttpn shall be publishetl in a--rklag tacllitles and other recreallonai Lull b9 the Village Clerk as Hart o[ the no- rove cots, Ln accordance wgh _ plans ~e o[ such bond election, together with an speb~7lcatlon therefor prepDare and a proppriate caption in such [oqm as sfie -Ille pr to be on [Ile [n (.he Ottice o[ the shall determ(ne, in a newsyaper pubHShed tllage Clerk. Such general obllaaatlon in Palm Beach County and of general clr- pnd_s shall be vvayable from ad valprem culation In the Village once each week for a_xe~st~nTgvFd without limit asyY to rateVORr four consecufive weeks the Ilrst vubllca- ags,-.1~!ie_u[ suchbbondspshal] ibe issued lion to be not less than t)iirty (30) days prl- a Tont[er term than thtrt9 (30) yyears or [o the date of such bond election. - our-their date of Issuance and such bot~ds SECTION 10. SEVERAHILITY. In the al] bear interest at such rate or rates qot event that any word, phrase, cause, sen- ~exceed(n$ the maximum rate permitted py rence or paragraph hereof shall be held T- aw at the Ume o1 the sale o[ the bonds a valid by enY Court o[ competent ,jurfsdic- ~ lion, such holdmz shall not attect any other - - c al~te to be determinetl a?on sale oT w.ord, clause, phrase, sentence or pars- - elionZS Ca the bidder whose bid produces gre h hereof. -' _ e lowest net interest cost to the Vlllage_ g~CTION 11. REPEALING CLAUSE. All' s~1ke bdnds, remlutiona In contllct or inconsistent fiexe-" "(=ClOrL3_ BOND ELECTION, A bontl with hereby are re aled. Insofar as there- $oqhp of the qual¢ied elsctoxs resfding iu is contllct or tnconststencyy - - -- - ybRage is ereby called to be held on SECTION 12. EFFECTIVE DATE. This= ovember 7; 1978 to deierrnine whether or resolution shall take effect immedlate]Y_ OT ih2-ISSDahCea gOgt-rsuch general obligation upon assage~ - - d~1n an MI]11anaS~x Hundred Thnui PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY' din88 One Mull OF SEPTEMBER, 3876. n3DOllars 87,600;000) shall be approve /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. _ _ - su~]r ~uall_tied electors to itnance the h7AyOR ~ - ' L of-_~Ine aCquisl[ion p[ ]and [or ~'e~ (VillageSeai) ' -- @lonal Purposes and the conatruc on TTEST: - agilislhon of a recreation putldtng /s/ Dolours R. Walker rec~atlohal tactlittes, 1ncTudtngo, er Velage Clerk - - ' reuses°necessary, aPPUrtenant- or Tn- _ PUHLISIi: 5ent'3" 30--QCf~ober 7, Sd, 1y76 - _ ntal thereto, - -- -- 44u-~~i[[i3 electors residing in the Vil- e sTiallbe entitled and permuted to vote .such bond election. The places o[ voting -- -th~nspectors and clerks Ior the bontl Ctldn 9-flail be the same as those pvta~es ign_at~ and those persons api~olnted for e $enera7 election o be heldd n the V71- e On _fhe same date. The polls wilt be n-a-t-tbe Votinz plACes from seven (71 untl[ seven (7) o'clock P.M. ~ Legal Ad Proof of Publication