10-20-2008 Declaration of Restrictive CovenantI~H~I~A~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ lY and Iteiy~ tn: ,. `GaryM. BrandeEibucg, Bsq. ~~~randenbtjrS&Agsociatcs, P.A. ~;~'`+" ,~Sf ~ Yt.S. I~igh~ray On~,'mfrd ~laax 4~©rth l~'e1m ~3c~ch, ~L 33408 Tt ..r ~,~ AA ~_: ~ ~R~.i ~-. i+G"` 'ail +L~ ij c,~~~y . _. ~ C~'N ~R~~tt0:~19~t~IL~S~ CIR BK ~~!7~3 PG QM'~~Sr R~OCtRD6If 1~1l~1I21 11:21;97 A~lre He~alh Cnun~.~r, Flarida Sharron J3. $orJs. Gll.>BRR b ealyr~aa.~.~iR Pgs ~~ -992; t~y~gal Thi~De~aza#ioo. Of ~.~5#riCti'VB Covenant is zrtacie this 20~~ay of October 3; 1 ~' 2008, by Live tl Plaza, L?,C, ~ Florida ]invited liability aoxpoxatio~x, with a mailing ~.: ~. a~3dxess o€ 358 ~i3'~ai,dway, aarataga Springs, NY 12866 ("Grantor"), in favor "„~_~ ot't~ pillage of Nn~€~~?attn Reach, a municipal cer~poratiort existu~g under iht: laws of ~~~` the Mate ol'Florida, witl3~t~,iling address of._ S~il_ U. S . Hzghwa~ One,^North Palm Beach , FL i = ~''~'1 ~::W;r. 1~ttentian: VilXagc: Manager "~r~tee"). a ~'~ITNia.S~E xis ~~~ i' •:,~ W~REAS, ©rautar is tl~~:per of certain Iands situated in fhe t~~aarparatod _.. ~,. .` ~frv portion of l?alnv•Beach Cn~nty, Flcf~icl~~l+hiah is zoaxa pariicuiarly described in Exhibit "!s." (the "i'rc~erty"}, attached hereto and inearporz~cett herein and is depicted in the map at#acll~d hereto as Exlvl~it "B' ; a~zd W~itCAS, the k'xoperly iS ev-terminus with municipal baundnxics of the Village cif North Palm. }each; and W~RCAS, itz connection with Grantor's request t'or voluntary annexafion, Grantvx' has voirm#ariiy agret:d to impose restrictions on the use oi' the Property as set forth ht;rein. Book229331Page~~5 Paco 1 Qf 8 KNOW ALL N~i`F ~X'pAT,St~ pltl•SI~N'~~ that for and iuz cansideratian often ~~~dallars ~~iU.O(}) and other gQOd and valuable cansideratian, receipt of w+hiek is hereby a` f `=~~` ~~~~~e~nowledged, Grantor does hereby impose the fallowing restrictions upon the Property ,,.., i... {t ~~ favor of Gran#ee, which restrictions sht~ll aonstitutc a covenant running with the land ., :' au~,~iall be bindi~~~ upon ~lI successors in interest, laths, assigns, and graatees utatil ~~ r, relea d~~rs[rant to paragraph 2 Itexeot: ~: -_ 1.. ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ l2estrictian. The property shall na# be used £or adult er~tartaintneut, as ._ ~, d`a~d by the Village of Naz•th Pal.na Beach, Florida, honing Gade Seetiott 2, Release~~`:estrictians. 'Clae restrictions impaled hereby Huey be released at the sale a- alisp'i~te disoKetign aY tl~e Grantee ttpax~ tho retarding of a. notice 4y ! ~ l~~h -• of the Village t~i`~icil of the Village a£ North Palm Beach, Plaxida, that a.n },. ,~~ agenda item adr+~rt sed,~ursuant to law xo€easing this restrickian was approved (i ~:~ by at least Tatar ~netn~~x;r;~~f the Viilagd Ca~uaoil of the Villttgc of North Palm `z ~~"~~ ~ ~• Beach, Flnrldai `'~'-_ 'N 3. l.~~,~c ,'1.~,~i., These t~estriatia~ts sltail be e~arceable only by the Village Cotancil of North Palzxt Beach, Florida. The Village has na adequate remedy at law and would be irreparably injured if these restrictions are violated. Grantor aalcnowledges that enfarceznant of these restrictions is in the public interest. lrtcafoxcernent shall be by suit far specific pez~drmance ar injunctive relief iaa the CixaWit Caux~t of Palm Beach County, Florida, and is trot inte>aded to benefit ar caftftr arty rights upon nr be enfarecable by any other party ttrhatsocver. 2 Book22933/Page986 Page 2 of S 4. ec;orde i e Puisl e These ~'estriations shad bs reeartled in the ._,. `'~~. public recaz~ls of Fa]tz~ Beach County. i,,~:.~. 3 y„! ~,,.~- •}\ ~ TU HAVE ANU ~'O AO.X.,)p until Grantee forever. The terms, randitians, '`o-r ~ i-'„ f~ :• °~,;''-restrictiaas anti purpose impaled vvitb this covenant shall be binding upon Grxe;tar, ~, ~= ~'. shall canlanue as a servitude runxting ire perpefiuity with the Proper{:y. ~rC~~tnr hereby cavenan~ts with said Grantee that Granter is lttwfiilly seized a~'said ~~,, M r;' ": propel j~ fee simple; tlant the Prapcriy is £ree and cleax 4f a1i ez~auznbrances that are '<_ ~'~ ia~consist`~~-.with ttte #ertns of this caventuat and all mortgages have bean joined yr subordinated, tit Grantor has goad right atxd lawful authority to execute this r~ ~,'1•. 4.' _, ~.. covenant and tif~Y"it~hereiay fully warrants and da#'ende the title to the covenant hereby i~.~~~'= conveyed against tliie 3au~'~l alainns of all persons wharnsaever. ' `,~r >.~ . L- r,--.. ~ ~4~+XTI~IESS ~!%~' p~'`, Cirantar leas hereunto authorized the exeafrtialr of ,• - s,~.~ 3Y ~. this document and impasitiai~~f the restrictians~set parch herein. °-- •~`" Ll(YE OAK 1~LA~A, LLC a Isfurida limited li~ibitity enxgoratian ~Yitness gnetura Prin# Dame B~: -'Y}' qe~ C'arrt~ar~uc~r v~tc:_ ~ a~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.,., Si nntur~ r 1 C~"i ~' ~ 1'7 ~'rlnt Plamc B~c~k22933/Page987 Page 3 ~f 8 AC r~TANCE BY GRANTEE: ~~ 4 ;: `~~ AI'PRGVED A~ ~~ FQRM ANU l.LGAL Si,i.~i~IENCY ~= - .-, ~~-' ~ - ~Vitilagc~ A.ttor~ucy w~ _,,~~ j H J ~ 1' /{ µl F ~ ~r;i ~TA'I'E OIr •~y 'YII,LAGE O~ NORTkI ~'ALM BEACkx ~,. ~ _ ~ Data: ~~ •~~ ~~~1~ ~~i ~~.~ ~~ 4,~ S~r,rf - The faxegaing lleclaxatian~bf-~fxia#i~e CavenAnt was aeknowisd ed before me this ~~~ day uf` ~ C~.~::c~.u::~__~, 2U08, by !7) its Q! ~ ~ae~uc~i the ~re~,: c~ ~n ~ of Line Oak Plaza, LLG, who ~s persanaiiy knawn to zns ox has pxoduccd .- - - - -- _-- as idantt~aatioa. OFFI(".IAL NOTA1tLAI. SEAL Book22933IPage9~$ G~Q.Yi.i'i.t.~-Q~CJ ~ . ~Qi'1 taxp ~ iic ..~.... Prix~tNan~e ~ t' i„~ ~ ~ • 1~~ s~ammisslaa Na. My Convnission Ex~u~es ,.~ JENfVI~Ei~ ~. 8pi.`i~ON I~Otary pr~biic, State of I~ew York Quaiii:E~d i~ Saratoga county Niy Cornrnissian Expires April 30, 2Q t 11 Page 4 of 8 ~TAx~ ar r~~a~mA ~ ~, Ca~.1NTY O.~' >~ i"~ r ,. r' ~i a regQing I~ccla~r~tion of Rcst~cti~e Covpnan~t ~uvas acknawled ed bcfare me !'~ ,~ day a£ _~G'ti~J~~...lL,,. 2{tC}g3 by the ~. ~.= _. .,,. ;- :~ ... /~,,_ of trie vallagc of Narfh .Palm Hcacbl, liiarida, wha is pers~~ 'l~i~wn to a ax has praducaci `_______ _.._1~",~.,...` as idanCif~cati~;it. NOTARIAL SEA,Z., ~a~+ssn~.~. ,e~~?e~' .1Ui41~. 2U~9 TI't1r Haaiy>:~c+Hi9BiwlAert .i.. i i ~ ,i { i ,, ,d S v f l~ ~~ t :>_.... i~~Yl~ °.J f J ~~~. • N ~._ .-- Bovk~2933fPage989 ~~.,~ ATotary Public: Print Nance JJ ,~ . Cpnimissic~nNo.~Q ,~ ~~~ My Commisslan Expires~['~~,.~,2~~ Page 5 of S J©INDER OF EXISTITV(Y LENDER `'mite undersigned holder nT' those Mortgages encumbering t11e Property and rec;a.rt]ed iri ~: ^. `~;~'"thy ublie Records of Patin :Beach County, Florida in Official Record Book 19&7ti, Page ~~~(as .modified in Offcial Record Book 21029, Page $16, Official Record Book ~2,~3, Page 1597, and Official Record Book 22507, Wage 588), and Official Record ~~~ -: B~PI~'22507, Page 640, hereby jaitts in this Declaration af.Restrictive Covenant this day snT' x-„~,,,,•,r, 2408 to evidence its consent to the pravisinns lyerenf and agreement ~ ~ ~' to bc~Oid hereby. ~~ ~`'~! `:. ~.. Signed, sc l~ec~' aid delivered d . ~ In the prese~~e'~if ..~„ ~~,~>,J Manufacturers acid 'T`raders Tt~ust Corttpany, individually ar~d an its capacity as agent for othe Lenders y T2nbert Hauver as Director STATIJ OT MARYLAND (•:~'~' ) ~~ ;;~ ss COUNTY OF' BALTIMORE ~~;~}~,, `" __~ . r `1'he far. amain Joinder of k~-k~isli~~g Lender was acknowledged before one this .;~Q~'day of ~~~~~, 2008, by Robert 1-lauver as Director of Ma~safacturers alid Traders Trust Can~patiy, i~~dividi~ally a m ~ts~ja~achy as agent far other L,cnders; lie is personally known to me orhas produced 4 'a~a.x'-Lic~s~.-• a$ identifination. ~~ N ~ y Public Printed Warne 4fnotary My commission expires: I~; _~~~ ~0_~ 1 Seal: •.~~:, ~: }- r ' , ,' ~ ''" (['lent Files1N4131f1041Qp02451B.llOC V] }~ Book22933If~age99D Page 5 of 8 A P,~A„Ii.CEL OF LAMA IN THE S~?UTi~W£,ST QUARTER OF SECTIQN I'7, .,..-.. ,,._.. ~_. - ~` ~-QWIrTSHI~' 42 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM EEACH CClUNTY, MORE ,_.-_:%'~?ARTIGULAIZYLY DESCRII3I;L1 AS FOLLaws: ~INI~INf~ A'C THE iNTERSLCTIDN OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF V'-rAY LINE O~,TI~E FE.ORIDA EAST COAST RAILROAD AMID I•HE WESTERLY EXTENSION `~`'`I SDUTHERLY RICrHT OF WAY LINE OF RICE3AR.D ROAD AS SAlT3 ItI~~'`. OT' WAY IS SHOWN ON TICS PLAT QF I{.ELSEY ACRES RECORDED IN I'L~~ ; ~OOS~ 22, PAGE 16, PUELIC RECORDS tlF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLQI ~ THENCE 50CJ7"HERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGi~~' OF WAY ~;~ LESS ADDiTICINA~, RIC~Ii~' €~F WAY ACQUIRFI~ SY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPQRTATION IN THA~~CI1R OF TAI~iC~ RECORDED IN dI;'FiCiAL RECORD ~300iC 3666, PACxI; ] {{~ilr, '< LINE - .~'.~.. F.E.C. RAILROAD A DISTANCE OF 530.00 FEET; THENCE L'ASTE~',~?MA1~ AN ANGLE'WITH THE PRECED~IC CQURSE MEASUREI] FROMN`C~'~I TO EAST L7F BS DEGREES 00 MINUTES 2U SECONDS, A FIISTANC i~.~~271.47 FIlE7, MORE 4R LESS, TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT O7; WAY LINE ~~TATE ROAL} A-]-A, SAID RiGH'I` OK WAY LINE BEING ALSO TIDE ARC 4F ~GURVE CQIwiCAVE TO THE aQi,ITkIWEST AND HALING A RAIaIUS OIi 56~;~;I~,I+EET; TI-iL~ICI~ NC)RTHWE.~ST~.RLY, ALONG THE ARC' OF SAID CURVE AN~:~~=~-IE WESTERLY RIGHT aF ~V'A'Y LINE OF STATE ROAi3 A- ]-A, THROi1GI~ AI`A~NGLE QF 4,DEGREES 14 MINUTES I3 SECONDSS A DIST`A~ICFs OF 430. - .~~IsT Ta THE SAiD WESTERLY EXTENSiC3N OF THE SpUTE~ERLY RiGrI I~cQF'?~J,~Y LINE QI' RICHARD ROAD; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID VJESTE~_~XT'ENSiON A DiSTANCI; OI~' ?3~.~7 FEET TO TI-IE POII*IZ" ak' L~EGiNNdNG t !`:1 L~3CIIII3~T "A" Boak22933/Pageg9l Page 7 o~F ~ BQ©k229331Page992 Page 8 ~~ 8