09-06-1973 VC SP-MMINUTES OF SPECIAL OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,',1973 ' Present: H. Mallory Privett, Jr., Mayor Ronald B. Cadby, Vice Mayor Walter N.'Colbath, Jr., Councilman Robert W. Martin, Councilman Robert F.Slater, Counci lman Lawrence J. Robbins, Vil lage Manager Dolores R. Walker, Villa ge Clerk Mayor Privett called the Special Meeting of the Village ROLL CALL Council to order at 8:00 p.m. All members'of the __ _ Council were present. The purpose of this Special Meeting was tol,place on - PURPOSE OF second reading and consider for adoption Bill No. - SPECIAL 187 setting a millage for tax purposes for~this MEETING cormnunity for the coming year. It was necessary to have this Special Meeting to es- REASON FOR tablish the tax millage for the coming year sc as to be HOLDING in conformance with the State Law which allows munici- SPECIAL polities fifteen days from the date of adjournment of MEETING the Board of Tax Adjustment of Palm Beach County to certify their millage. Mr. David L. Reid, ,County ' Assessor, through his letter of August 28,';1973, reminded the Village Council that this infdrmation would have to be submitted no later than September _- 12, 1973, and the next Regular Meeting of the Council would not be held until September 13, 1973. On motion of Vice Mayor C~dby, seconded by ,Councilman BILL 187 ~ Martin, all present voting aye, Bill No. 187 entitled: PLACED ON 2ND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING A TAX ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER- 31, 1973, FIXING THE TOTAL VALUATION TAI-IEREON AND THE __ TAX MILEAGE RATE THEREON FOR SAID YEAR was placed on second reading and read by title only. Vice Cadby, moved that Bill No. 187 be adopted as MOTION TO Ordinance No. 9-73. The motion was seconded by ADOPT BILL 187 Councilman Martin. I AS ORD. 9-73 On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman BILL 187 Martin - 3 to 2, with Councilman Slater and', Councilman AMENDED ' Colbath opposed - that Bill No. 187 be amended by modifying the present millage of 7.7 mills to 7. 5 mills. Thereafter Council voted on the main motion,which passed BILL 187 3 to 2, with Councilman Slater and Councilman Colbath ADOPTED AS opposed. Therefore, Bill No. 187 was adopted as amended AMENDED AS as Ordinance No. 9-73. ', ORD. 9-73 Minutes of Special Meeting Held Thursday, September 6, 1973 Page 2 I There being no further business to come before the Council, ADJOURNMENT on motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded by Councilman ' Martin, all present voting aye, the Special Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p:m. i _ Minutes recorded b ~~~ y: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk 1