09-27-1973 VC REG-M1 1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE ~ VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD ' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,;1973 i I Present: H. Mallory Privett, Jr., Mayor Walter N.~Colbath, Jr.,-Councilman Robert W. Martin, Councilman Robert F. Slater, Councilman Herbert L: Gildan, Village Attorney - Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager -- Dolores R.~ Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Ronald B.~Cadby, Vice Mayor Mayor Privett called the Regular Meeting to: order at 8:10 p.m. Vice Mayor Cadby was absent and Councilman Colbath arrived at 8:13 p.m. Mayor Privett gave the invocation and Councilman Martin led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. - ' i On motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded by Councilman Slater, all present voting aye, the following minutes were approved as written: Minutes of Public Hearing on Bill No. 184 held Thursday, September 13, 1973 Minutes of Public Hearing on Bi11 No. 185 held Thursday, September 13, 1973 ' I Minutes of Regular Meeting held Thursday, September 13, 1973 On motion of Councilman Martin, Slater, all present voting aye, were accepted by the Council: i, seconded by!Councilman the following minutes Minutes of Recreation Advisory Board meeting held September ll, 1973 ' Minutes of Community Appearance Board meeting held September 11, 1973 n Minutes of Special Meeting of the North Palm Beach Country Club Board of Governors held September 19, 1973 On motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded by Councilman Martin - 3 - 0, with Councilman Slater abstaining due to a possible conflict with his occupation ;that Bill No. 184 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM ZONING DISTRICT C-1 TO R-3 ZONING DISTRICT, AN~ DIRECTING THE CLERK TO UPDATE THE OFFICIAL ZONING~MAP i be postponed until October 25, 1973. ! i ROLL CALL INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES BILL 184 POSTPONED Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, September 27, 1973 Page 2 i i, On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman BILL 188 Colbath, all present voting aye, Bill No. 1B8 entitled: PLACED ON ~ 1ST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ' FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 1972- , 1973 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC ODE AS THE ELECTRIC CODE OF THE VILLAGE ~ was placed on first reading and read in full. Councilman Martin moved that Bill No. 189 entitled: MOTION TO PLACE BILL AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 189 ON 1ST FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE VILLAGE OF READING NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, IT BEING THE BUILDING CODE, BY REQUIRING GREASE FILTERS (TYPE AKUS) TO BE USED WITH CERTAIN COOKING EQUIPMENT I be placed on first reading and read in full. The motion was seconded by Councilman Slater and all present voted aye. I Councilman Colbath moved that the previous motion be F.4EVIOUS reconsidered. The motion was seconded by Councilman MOTION RE- Martin and all present voted aye. ~ CONSIDERED Councilman Colbath moved that Bill No. 189 be amended BILL 189 by adding the following words: AMENDED "Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately For all future restaurant building - permits; and shall apply to all existing restaurants as of July 1, 1974." The motion was seconded by Councilman Martin and all present voted aye. i Thereafter Council voted on the main motion; to place Bill No. 189, as amended, on first reading and read it in full, which passed unanimously. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by; Councilman Slater, all present voting aye, Bill No. 19b entitled: i AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 28 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, IT BEING THE PLUMBING; CODE, BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THERETO THE 1973; EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE, INCLUDING APPENDIX A THERETO, AS THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE VILLAGE, AND BY MAKING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, CORRECTIO AND ADDITIONS TO SAID CODE was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded by Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, Bill No. 192 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 37 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE BY AMENDING THE ~tEQUIREMENTS ~. FOR RECIRCULATING PIPING AND FITTINGS IN SWIl~M4ING POOLS .BILL 189, AS AMENDED, PLACED ON 1ST READING BILL 190 PLACED ON .1ST READING BILL 192 _I PLACED ON 1ST READING was placed on first reading and read in full. 1 r ~ s } Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, September 27, 1973 Page 3 On motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded b'y Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, that the bids for petroleum products for the Village and the North Palm-Beach Country Club for the coming year be awarded to Gulf Oil Corporation A copy of these bids are attached to the minutes of this meeting. On motion of Councilman Slater, seconded by' Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, that the bid for one Scotsman Ice Machine and one Scotsman Storage Bin be awarded to Mr. Icemachines Company in an amount not to exceed $1,211.50. , On motion of Councilman Slater, seconded by; Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, that the Village Manager be given authority to scrap the following t'wo unusable vehicles: j 1 - 1949 Chevrolet Pickup, Serial No. 1 - 1951 Chevrolet Pickup, Serial No. AJCA1218562 1 1 On motion of Councilman Slater, seconded by; Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, that effectrive November 1 the yearly tennis fee for non-residents be raised to $48.00 per year. i There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded by Councilman Slater, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Clerk BIDS FOR PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AWARDED TO GULF OIL CORP. BID-FOR ICE MACHINE & STORAGE BIN AWARDED TO MR. ICEMACHINES CO. VILLAGE MGR. TO SCRAP 2 UNUSABLE VEHICLES YEARLY TENNIS FEE FOR NON- .- --RESIDENTS RAISED ADJOURNMENT ,~~'_ -_ " ' ~'.• Gaal$ ~d0~ 000 C~©r~~oP~1~3~i©w ~ael$ ~-= I _ GULF OIL CORPORATION, acting through Gulf Oil Company - U.S., a Division of Gulf Oil Corporation, hereinafter called "Seller", quotes as follows, subject to the te;-ms and conditions stated below and on the reverse hereof. To: j City of N. Palm-Beach North Palm Beach, Florida ` (` - ,I s . Y~ hereinafter called Purchaser, for use in Purchaser's plants at: ~'., ~~~ BC/{ . Products Good Gulf Gasoline 93 Octane QUOTATION AND CONTRACT OF SALE MAXIMUM Method Hof Quanti Delivery Price or Price Basis .7,000. TW ~ Seller's schedule consumer j' 'Tw ' Price in effect on date of delivery,-which today is '_'ZO'4pper gallon Less "" Q000 er-gallon plus Applic- able taxes. - NOTE: No equipment will be supplied or maintained~in conjunction-with this contract. Should Government price regulations not allow the above prices, then the product will be billed at-the Maximum Legal Price on date of delivery and when legal to do so, we will escalate up to the Contract. prices. Period:... ~a -.~C.7-.3./~~.~.~'.3a.~:~~... Reasqnable notice of required delivery shall be given Seller at ...~ ~.. {'.~~. (~..... .C «'..... . Terms of Payment:.......... Net 30.DaX5.......... ~ ............................ _...... Acceptance: This offer shall expire at close of business • • • i . 9,~ 3 0.''..7.3 ......... . .. . ..... . unless accepted by Purchaser by that time or extended in writing by Seller. This instrument contains each and every agreement and understanding existing between the parties relating to the subject matter of this contract, and no amendments or alterations thereto shall have any effect unless made in writing and properly signed by authorized representative of Purchaser and Seller. Please initial Condition #8 on reverse THE ABOVE QUOTATION IS ACCEPTED side. ! i ,. AND CONTRACT SHALL BE EFFECTIVE AS OF DATE SHOWN BELOW, ! GULF OIL CORPORATION ..~/ / Y~ ' name MAYOR .................................... title September 27, 1973 date I By:. .... .... : /~ ~: ~..~. Title::. Area. Manager.. '. ~ Gulf Oil Company - U.S., a rvis n of C~ If Oil Corporation P. $. 'lox ?{~+~Q Jacksonville Florida -32201 t address of Gulf office . - GUS GOOIS ~~ CONDITIONS ! I. TAXES, - I"n addition to quoted prices, PURCHASER shall pay SELLER the amount of .any and all taxes now or hereafter assessed or imposed by any Municipal, State or United States Government on the products or contract covered by or resulting from this quotation, or the manufacture, use or sale of said products, unless PURCHASER shall be entitled by law to an exemption from said tax-and shall- furnish seller with proper exemption certificate when shipping instructions aze given. i 2. SHIPMENTS -Claims regarding shortage in quantity shall bey made at the time of delivery. Any claims regarding variance in quality of products delivered by SELLER shall be made within fifteen (15) days after date of delivery. Should transportation equipment furnished by the SELLER be in bad order or leaking, the PURCHASER shall notify the carrier and secure examination by the authorized agent of the carrier as to the condition of the equipment before same is unloaded. It is understood that in the event of any claims asserted by .the PURCHASER hereunder the SELLER shall be given an opportunity to promptly inspect the products or goods delivered and failure of the PURCHASER to comply with these requirements shall operate as a waiver of any and all claims by the PURCHASER. ~ 3. LIABILITY -When shipment is made by public carrier andsale is_f.o.b. shipping point title and risk of loss shall pass from SELLER to PURCHASER when loading has been completed. When sale is made on a delivered price basis in SELLERS equipment or when freight is prepaid by SELLER, title shall pass to PURCHASER upon arrival of shipment at destination specified in PURCHASER'S order. 4. DELIVERIES DELAYED OR PREVENTED -PURCHASER and SELLER shall be absolved from their respective obligations to deliver or accept delivery of products under this quotation when and to the extent that performance thereof is delayed or prevented by any, cause reasonably beyond the control of PURCHASER or SELLER. Deliveries which have been suspended shall not be required to be made upon the resumption of deliveries, but the total quantity required under this quotation shall be reduced by the amount not delivered during such suspension, computed on the basis of the average monthly quantity. Should PURCHASER fail to pay any amount when and as ;due, or should PURCHASER'S $nancial responsibility become unacceptable to SELLER, this contract may be terminated without notice at the option of SELLER, and no forebearance, course of dealitig or prior payment shall affect this right of SELLER. 6. If shipped in returnable drums, deposit charge shall be made as indicated in this quotation, and credit for deposit shall be allowed if empty drums are returned within a reasonable time in -good condition to the proper Gulf terminal or bulk plant. 7. Unless otherwise specified alI shipments are to be made in approximately equal monthly quantities. I 8. This contract is subject to cancellation upon 30 days written- notification to buyer .by seller and thereby relieving seller of any obligation to make further deliveries under this contract. The maximum volume shown under~Quantity shall. be ' reduced proportionately to the abbreviated period. _ ~, Gulf ~ C~eoO~} o01~0 G~'oPr,.~oac~~8:~w E"aulf .=-- i QUOTATION AND CONTRACT OF SALE I GULF OIL CORPORATION, acting through Gulf Oil Company - U.S., a Division of Gulf Oil Corporation, hereinafter called "Seller", quotes as follows, subject to the terms and conditions stated below and on the reverse hereof. To: Village of N. Palm Beach ' ~ ~ ~' North Palm Beach, Florida i S tM ~~ ~~~i5! ~ ~~ P~~. hereinafter called Purchaser, for use in Purchaser's plants at: N,. Palm Beach MAxzMUM Method of Products Quantity Delivery', Price or Price Basis Gulf No-Nox Gas 110,000 TT 'Seller's schedule consumer TW w.'P'ai'm 'Bcl~rice in effect on 99 Octane idate of delivery, which today is,'239'0 per gallon Less_ ~~-per gallori plus Applic- able taxes. NOTE: No equipment will be supplied or maintained in conjunction with this contract. Should Government price regulations not allow the above prices,=then ,.the product will be billed at the Maximum Legal Pribe on'date of delivery and when legal to do so, we will escalate up to the; Contract prices. _ Period:... 10 ,-_ 1-73, th,;u, 9, ;30-74, . - . , .. - ..., Reasonable notice of required delivery shall be given Seller at ..West.,Palm •Beach, ~' Terms of Payment:.......... Net, 3 Q P P~ 9~L ................................. A?yS ........... -30-73 Acce tance: T is o er s a ex ire at close o usmess P Y Y :.................................. unless acce ted b Purchaser b that time or extended in writing by Seller. _ - This instrument contains each and every agreement and understanding existing between the parties relating to the subject matter of this contract, and no amendments or alterations thereto shall -have any effect unless made in writing and properly signed by authorized representative of Purchaser and Seller. Please initial Condition ~8 on reverse THE ABOVE QUOTATION IS ACCEPTED - .side. . AND CONTRACT SHALL BE EFFECTIVE AS OF DATE SHOWN BELOW. GULF OIL CORPORATION flame MAYOR .................................... title September 27, 1973 - date GUS 40015 !I Title:... Area. Manag~sJ ......... . Gulf Oil Company - U.S., P a DOivisBoX f~G910f Oil Corporation Jacksonvi1144e.,. Florida, . ,32207. address of Gulf office '~ ~i ~...._ _~_ -_...__,_...... ._.....-,...._~..r~r.. .. ^T- . ., ~-. .. ', ~--, . .,, ~ "~~ CONDITIONS I'~ 1. TAXES, - In addition to quoted prices, PURCHASER shall pay_SELLER the amount of'any and all taxes now or hereafter assessed or imposed by any Municipal, State or United States Government on the products or contract covered by or resulting from this quotation, or the manufacture, use or sale of said products, unless PURCHASER shall be entitled by law to an exemption from said tax and shall furnish seller with proper exemption certificate when shipping instructions are given. 2. SHIPMENTS -Claims regarding shortage in quantity shall bel~ made. at the time of delivery. Any claims regarding variance in quality of products delivered by SELLER shall be made within fifteen (15) days after date of delivery. Should transportation equipment furnished by the SELLER be in bad order or leaking, the PURCHASER shall notify the carrier and secure examination by the authorized agent of the carrier as to the condition of the equipment before same is unloaded. ', It is understood that in the event of any claims asserted by'ithe PURCHASER hereunder the.SELLER shall be given an opportunity to promptly inspect the products or goods delivered and failure of the PURCHASER to comply with these requirements shall operate as a waiver of any and all claims by the PURCHASER. i 3. LIABILITY -When shipment is made by public carrier andl'sale is f.o.b. shipping point-title and risk of loss shall pass from SELLER to PURCHASER when loading has been completed. When sale is made on a delivered price basis in SELLERS equipment or when', freight is prepaid by SELLER,--title shall pass to PURCHASER upon arrival of shipment at destination specified in PURCHASER'S order. 4. DELIVERIES DELAYED OR PREVENTED -PURCHASER land SELLER shall be absolved from their respective obligations to deliver or accept delivery of products under this quotation when and to the extent that performance thereof is delayed or prevented by',any cause reasonably beyond the control of PURCHASER or SELLER. Deliveries which have been suspended shall not be. required to be made upon the resumption of deliveries, but the total quantity required under this quotation shall be reduced by the amount not delivered during such suspension, computed on the basts of the average monthly quantity. 5. Should PURCHASER fail to pay any amount when and as, due, or should PURCHASER'S financial responsibility become' unacceptable to SELLER, this contract may be terminated without notice at the option of SELLER, and no forebearance, course of dealing or prior payment shall affect this right of SELLER. 6. If shipped in returnable drums, deposit charge shall be made~,as indicated in this quotation, and credit for deposit shall be allowed if empty drums are returned within a reasonable time in good-.condition to the proper Gulf terminal or bulk plant. 7. Unless .otherwise specified all shipments are ro be made in lapproximately equal monthly quantities. 8. This contract is subject to cancellation .upon 30 days written. ^~notification to buyer by seller and thereby relieving.seller.- '~ of any obligation to make further deliveries under this ' contract. The maximum volume shown under Quantity shall be ~" reduced proportionately to the abbreviated period. i i `~ . ~ ~u1f - C~'3a0~ U~0 ~oPC;~o~ca53u~p Gulf --_ _ _ - QUOTATION AND CONTRACT OF SALE i CULF OIL CORPORATION, acting through Gulf Oil Company - U.S., a Division of Gulf Oil Corporation, hereinafrer called "Seller", quotes as follows, subject to the to ms and conditions stated below and on the reverse hereof. i To: City of N. Palm Beach i I, Co• ~! Mb hereinafter called Purchaser, for use in Purchaser's plants at: ~, ~~~ QCFf , MAXIMUM Method of Products Quantity Delivery Price or Price Basis Seller`s schedule consumer Gulf No Nox Gasoline 7,000 TW TW Price in effect on 99 Octane ' date of delivery, which today i's:239'O.per gallon Less-- , '.00'0'0 per gallon plus Applic- able taxes. NOTE: No equipment will be supplied or maintained in conjunction with this contract. I Should Government price regulations not allow the above prices, then the product will be billed at the Maximum Legal Price on-date of. delivery and when legal to do so, we will escalate up to the Contract prices. ' . - ~ .. J~~,' d.` 1`~ enable notice of required delivery shall be Pcrtod:...~0,-,/.,~3. Tiy?Q(ti,,, „~,,, ~,,,,, Reaso ', given Seller at ~. , .. ~A... !~I ........ ~ kf.......... ................... . ...... ._ . ~ .. _ .. . Terms of Payment:...... Net. 30 .Da s ~~._._....,._,_,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....... Y ............. q 0 =- Acce tancep This ~ ffer shall exy ire at close of business • . • ~' ~' ~ 7~ .. .. • - P P unless acce ted b Purchaser b that time or extended in }vriting by Seller. This instrument contains each and every agreement and understanding existing between -the parties relating to the subject matter of this contract, and no amendments or alterations thereto shall have any effect unless made in writing and properly signed by authorized representative of Purchaser and Seller. Please iniltial Condition #8 on reverse THE ABOVE QUOTATION IS ACCEPTED ...side. ~ AND CONTRACT SHALL BE EFFECTIVE AS OF DATE SHOWN BELOW. GULF OIL CORPORATION dame ............MAYOR.. title SeQtember• 27,.1973......_,..., date B .....~.~:.~ 1. ? ~.. Y I Title:.. Area. Manager ~.. ..... . Gulf Oil Company - U.S., a prvis n of t; If Oil Corporation P. U. 'lox 440 .Jacksonville, .Florida 32201 . ................ address of Gulf office cus eaais .... .~. - ~, .. ~,. __ CONDITIONS 1. TAXES, - In addition to quoted prices, PURCHASER shall 'pay SELLER the amount of any and all taxes now or hereafter assessed or imposed by any Municipal, State or United States Government on the products or contract covered by or resulting from this quotation, or the manufacture, use or sale of said products, unless PURCHASER shall be entitled by law to an exemption from said tax and shall furnish seller with proper exemption certificate-when shipping instructions are given.- 2. SHIPMENTS -Claims regarding shortage in quantity shall be made at the time of delivery. Any claims regarding variance in quality of products delivered by SELLEI~R shall be made within fifteen (15) days after date of delivery. Should transportation equipment furnished by the SELLER bei in bad order or leaking, the PURCHASER shall notify the carrier and secure examination by the authorized agent of the carrier as to the condition of the equipment before same is unloaded. It is understood that in the event of any claims asserted by the-PURCHASER hereunder the SELLER shall 6e given an opportunity to promptly inspect the products or goods delivered and failure of the PURCHASER to comply with these requirements shall operate as a waiver of any and all claims by the PURCHASER. 3. LIABILITY -When shipment is made by public carrier andsale is f.o.b. shipping point title. and risk of loss shall pass from SELLER to PURCHASER- when loading has been completed. When sale is made on a delivered price .basis in SELLERS equipment or when.',freight is prepaid by ,SELLER, title shall pass to PURCHASER upon arrival of_shipment at destination specified in PURCHASER'S order. 4. DELIVERIES DELAYED OR PREVENTED -PURCHASER end SELLER shall be absolved from their respective obligations to deliver or accept delivery of products under this quotation when and to the extent that performance thereof is delayed or. prevented by ',any cause tea onabIy beyond the control of PURCHASER or SELLER. Deliveries..which have been suspended shall not be required to be made upon the resumption of deliveries, but the total quantity required. under this quotation shall be reduced by the amount not delivered during such suspension, computed on the basis of -the average monthly quantity. ~, . , - . 5. Should PURCHASER fail to pay any amount when and as ~ due, or should PURCHASER'S, financial responsibility become unacceptable to SELLER, this contract may be terminated without, notice at the option of SELLER, and no forebearance, course of dealing or prior payment shall affect-this right of SELLER. 6. If shipped in rerurnable drums, deposit charge shall be made', as indicated in this quotation, and credit for deposit shall be allowed if empty drums are returned within a reasonable time in good- condition to the proper Gulf terminal or bulk plant. 7. Unless otherwise specified all shipments are to be made in ,approximately equal monthly quantities. 8. This contract is subject to cancellation upon 30 days written notification to buyer by seller and thereby relieving seller ~~%~~~ of any obligation ta. make further deliveries under this `(''J'~~ contract. The maximum volume shown under Quantity shall be ` reduced proportionately to the abbreviated period.