open house August 30 1964 library new locationNORTH PALM BEACH NEWS FROM Village Manager Frank R. Spence L E S U ES CIJURCHILL AP- F FOINTFE COUNCIL ' T L 2 Ch Les Chu-rchill, -505 Drift- op d 1 6 Drift - wood Rd., has been ap- pointed - 1 C Councilman io fill v P� aused by the the vacancy c _r 6 Ig tj, ho- resignation of Walter T� r. Churchill is a C.T at Pratt- .Q'- *W LljL7Y qq" OPEN [10,,U.5ZF The North ?a Village Library will 1101(i an open house from 4-6 p.m. on Sunday, August 30. at its new location in the dining room of the Old Country Club building. Long hours of work and dc,nated services are evi- dent in the newly stained panelhed walls, large stained book shelves and leiurescent lights of this facility which is triple the 26,.Size of their former room. %L BOARD, SATURDAY The Coundl will sit as iL the Board of v M. Lo hear any objectio ns io the 1964 property a,,;sessed valua- tions. ) C -Awi .1 , Tuesday, August 25, 1961 The Palm Beach Post Pon" rj SUN, 30 pm THE PFELWIS' INITMD to the open ments.. The program frf-pm I to 6 p6m howo- Sundlay (d the North Palm will mark th @ first a nn i% e rsa 7.1r of d THE PUBLIC N INVITED to the open house tirand y of the North P'alra Beach Lil)rary in its now aluarterq in the dining room or the old country club building. 31rs. Barbara Turnbull, left, is open house: rhairrnan and Mrs. Lewis Klause, is in charge of refresh- nients. The program from 4 to 6 p.m. will mark the f'ir i. anniversary of the Ubraary w1deh has 8I10 members and cireulaated 968 books this sunirnr?r. Alm Helena Schick did the oprrt ho use postr-.rs and Dr. Po"Id Rip JmQ Is pre8i,ient of the library-: AMIL